2005-02-15 CITY OF ENCINITAS PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 5:00 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL The Meeting was called to order at 5:00PM Present: Commissioners Goad, Long, DeGhionno, Fitch, Nanninga, and Shapiro Absent: Commissioner Allyn Also Present: Park and Beach Superintendent Frenken and Management Analyst Stauffer 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 4. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA None 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes for January 18, 2005 Meeting COMMISSIONER GOAD MOTIONED AND COMMISSIONER SHAPIRO SECONDED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 2005. Commissioner DeGhionno discussed the minutes as reported under Agenda Item 10A and clarified that she was expressing disappointment that there was a semi-private dedication ceremony on the SDG&E easement to which commissioners were not notified. MOTION WAS APPROVED 6-0. 6. PRESENTATIONS None 7. OLD BUSINESS None 8. NEW BUSINESS None 9. GENERAL INFORMATION/STAFF STATUS REPORTS A. Sub-Committee Reports (Recreation Trails, Moonlight Beach Master Plan/Cottonwood Creek Park, Hall Property Community Park, Turf, and Encinitas Earth Day Celebration 2005) Recreational Trails - Commissioner Goad commented about encroachments on trail easements. Commissioners discussed recognition of a local developer for their efforts in trail development. Commissioner Goad will provide information to staff prior to the next commission meeting for this agenda item. Commissioner Goad also commented about the necessity of connecting City trails to County trails. New maps of City maintained trails are on the City’s web site. REI clean up of Indian Head Canyon will be the third Saturday of each month. Moonlight Beach Master Plan - Commissioner DeGhionno asked for clarification of the traffic and hydrology studies. Staff clarified that the studies are being refined and will be presented to Council. Hall Property Community Park - Staff distributed an article from a local paper that provides an update on the progress of the EIR. Chair Nanninga asked that he be provided a copy of the comments from the EIR. Turf - Staff provided an article on artificial turf. Commissioner Long commented that La Costa Canyon High School is working on renovating their field with artificial turf. Encinitas Earth Day Celebration 2005 - Chair Nanninga reported that Council directed him to bring back to the Council a proposal for an Earth Day event that does not require any City funding or staffing. Volunteers will produce the event. The subcommittee will meet to discuss a proposal. 10. COMMISSIONER’S CORNER A. Commission Commissioner DeGhionno commented on removal of the block riprap along Highway 101 and suggested that it be tiled and used as benches in City parks. Staff clarified that the Coastal Commission has asked that the blocks be completely removed from the coastal zone. Commissioner DeGhionno also commented that a scoutmaster had expressed his opinion to her that the fees charged non-profits at the Center are excessive. Commissioners asked for an update of the recommendations that they had previously provided to Council. Commissioner Shapiro commented on the City’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program and is glad to see that it has been implemented. Staff clarified that the IPM monitors chemical use and alternatives in park maintenance. Commissioner Goad commented on his involvement in the San Luis Rey River master plan. Development includes trails and space for active use. He also attended the state of the county address, which included discussion on increasing parkland development fees. The City resident golf championship is scheduled for May 13. A celebrity golf fundraiser will be held on April 25 at the Encinitas Ranch golf course. Olivenhain Municipal Water District will be providing rebates for reduced outdoor water usage. Chair Nanninga commented on the erosion at Cottonwood Creek Park and that the City has established a kickball league to replace one of the adult softball leagues. He would also like to discuss the sole use of natives in city parks. Commissioners were asked to think about a name for Lots 12/19 for the next meeting. B. Staff Staff commented that Eagle Scouts will come before the commission to be recognized for their work. 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:20PM.