1984-27 Adopting Budget for the 1984-85 Fiscal Year RESOLfJrIOO NO. R84-27 RESOLurIOO OF 1HE BOI\RD OF DIRECroRS OF SAN DImJIW WATER DISTRIcr AOOPrING BllDGE.T FOR 1HE 1984-85 FISCAL YEAR WHE:RE'AS, it is in the interest of the District to adopt a budget for the 1984-85 fiscal year; Na'I, THilREFORE, IT IS lIEREBY RESOLVED, DEl'ERMINED AND ORDERID by the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District as follows: 1. That the budget set forth on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto, be and it is adopted. as the budget of the San Dieguito Water District for the 1984-85 fiscal year. 2. That the officers of the District be and they are directed to use said budget as a guide to the District I s financial operations for said fiscal year. PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District held on the 23rd day of July, 1984, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Directors Weston, Dashiell, Weidner, TcMnsend and Stone. OOPS: None. ABSENI': None. M2 President ATrEST: no SAN DIEX;tJIro WATER DISTRICT 1984-85 BUIlGEr ADOPTED JULY 23, 1984 Operating Expense Water purchased Water treatment Trans. & Dist. Meter installations Custaner accounts Admin. & General Vehicles & e:;ruj.prent other $845,000 555,000 160,000 50,000 12,000 105,000 60,000 63,000 Sub Total $1,850,000 Employee Benefits PERS Medical Dental State Catp. Ins. Unifonns, safety, etc. Salaries $185,000 50,000 7,000 15,000 12,000 734,000 Sub Total $1,003,000 Rents & leases Mllnt. Gen. Plant Other or:erating expense 1966 Bond expense 1982 Revenue Bond expense $ 1,000 25,000 o 214,000 978,000 Sub Total $1,218,000 $4,071,000 =. EXPENSES REVENUES Availability charges Water sales Non-0perating Assessrents Meter installations Custarer contributions Capacity charges Salaries paid by Canstr. Interest $845,000 2,934,000 40,000 334,000 55,000 25,000 291,000 20,000 150,000 =. REVENUE $4,694,000 Incare in excess of expenses $ 623,000 Debt Service _ Surplus Coverage - Increase - CUstaner Contributions = 1982 Bond PayrrEl1t 326,000 = 33% 978,000 Minimum AllCMed = 30% See attached assumptions. SAN DIEl3UITO WATER DISTRICT 1984-85 BUllGEr ASSUMPTICNS USED 1. Water Purchased will be 7700 Ac. Ft. 2. Water sold will be 7250 Ac. Ft. 3. 60% of the water will be purchased fran the CWA. 40% of the water will be purchased fran San Diego. 4. We will receive an interruptible rebate fran the CWA of $132,000 for storing 3000 acre feet at Hodges. 5. CWA water rates unexpec:tedly increased $50.00 in January, 1984. This was a 32% increase. This results in a major increase in 1983-84 budgeted water cost. 6. Health insurance rates increased 30%. Other health plans are being investigated. The payment of the increase is being negotiated with Employees. 7. Salary changes are being negotiated with anployees. No increase is sl1o;.m in the budget. 8. The payment for the 1982 Bonds by the paying agent rerains at $931,000 for 1984-85, which pays for interest only. HcMever the payment to be made in CCtober 1985 will include interest and principa.l. The nonthly payment to bond paying agent will include the principal payment for the last three rronths of the budget year 84-85 to provide sufficient funds for the O::::tober 1985 payment. This increases the payment by $47,000 for 1984-85. Thereafter it will be at the rate of $1,118,000/year. 9. 'Ihe follCMing na.v meters will be installed: 120-3/4", 10-1", 20-1.l.;z", 15-2", 1-3". The capacity fee will be $291,000. 10. Interest on savings will be 10%. 11. The district will accumulate $623,000 surplus for the year. Ho;..7ever by our pledges to the bond holders, no custarer contributions, such as meter sales and capacity fees can be included for canputing a surplus of inccme for debt coverage. These incane: sources cannot be included because they are beyond our control to generate. Only $326,000 is allowed for debt coverage. 12. A debt coverage of surplus must be at least 30% IlDre than the bond payrrent. The debt coverage with this budget is 33%. 13. S~ will use 46% of the water treated at the plant.