1961-68 Continuing Hearing on Formation of Improvement district in a Portion of 1959 Inclusion Area A18 RESOLUTION R61-68 C-ontinuing Hearing on Formation of Improvement District in a Portion of 1909 Inclusion Area A18. This being the date arid time set for the continuation of a hearing of a petition requesting the formation of an improvement district for the installation of certain water facilities in portions of Section 14, T13S\ R4w, SBBM, said petition having been partially heard at meetings held April 24, 1961 and continued by Resolution R61-26; May 23, 1961 and continued by Resolution R61-43; August 8, 1961 and continued by Resolution R61-48; August 22, 1961 and continued by Resolution R61-51; September 22, 1961 and continued by Resolution R61-57; October 24, 1961 and con- tinued by Resolution R61-63 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the hearing upon the petition be, and the same hereby is, continued until December 22, 1961 at 9:30 A.M. at the office of the District at 5'9 East IIDII Street, Encinitas, California at which time further action will be taken on said petition. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Directors Weston, Petzold, Hales, Cook and Pate ,~ ~ NOES: None ABSENT: None