2005-45 RESOLUTION NO. PC 2005-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ENCINIT AS PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT AND COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NINE (9) DETACHED SINGLE F AMIL Y DWELLINGS, ONE (1) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION TRAILER AND ONE (1) INFORMATION/SALES TRAILER ON NINE LEGAL LOTS WITHIN THE RESIDENTIAL-8 (R-8) ZONING DISTRICT AND THE COASTAL ZONE OF THE CITY OF ENCINITAS, FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1156 KAVA COURT. (CASE NO. 05-061 DR/CDP; APN: 259-280-49) WHEREAS, a request for consideration of a Design Review Permit and Coastal Development Permit was filed by Bluewater Encinitas LLC to allow the construction of nine (9) detached single family dwelling units, one (1) temporary construction trailer and one (1) information/sales trailer on nine legal lots created by Tentative Map 04-040 TM/MUP/EINCDP in accordance with Chapters 23.08 (Design Review) and 30.80 (Coastal Development Permit) of the Encinitas Municipal Code, for the property located in the Residential (R-8) Zoning District and the Coastal Zone, legally described as: (SEE ATTACHMENT "A") WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a noticed public hearing on the application on November 17, 2005, at which time all those desiring to be heard were heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered, without limitation: I. The November 17, 2005 agenda report to the Planning Commission with attachments; 2. The General Plan, Local Coastal Program, Municipal Code, and associated Land Use Maps; 3. Oral and written evidence submitted at the hearing; 4. Colors and Materials Exhibit Boards, consisting of nine (9) boards total, stamped received by the City of Encinitas on April 26, 2005; Colored Elevation Artist Renderings consisting of eighteen (18) sheets stamped received by the City of Encinitas on September 12, 2005; and Temporary Construction and Sales Trailer Exhibits consisting of five (5) sheets total, including a memo description of trailer, site plan, elevation, floor plari and ramp plan, stamped received by the City of Encinitas on May 5,2005; 5. Project drawings consisting of thirty seven (37) sheets, including Floor Plans, Roof Plans and Elevations for Lots 1-6, 8 & 9, all stamped received by the City of Encinitas on September 12, 2005, the revised Master Site Plan and revised Floor PBD/RS/G/Reso:RPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) Plans, Roof Plan and Elevations for the single-story with a loft/storage unit proposed on Lot 7, all stamped received by the City of Encinitas on October 27,2005 and WHEREAS, the Plarming Commission made the following findings pursuant to Chapters 23.08 (Design Review) and 30.80 (Coastal Development Permit) of the Encinitas Municipal Code: (SEE ATTACHMENT "B") NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Encinitas hereby approves application 05-061 DR/CDP subject to the following conditions: (SEE ATTACHMENT "C") BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission, in its independent judgment, finds that the project is covered under the Mitigated Negative Declaration previously adopted by the Planning Commission on August 5, 2004, in conjunction with Case # 04-040 TMIMUP/CDP and no additional environmental review is required. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17'h day of November, 2005, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Avis, Chapo, & McCabe NAYS: None ABSENT: Bagg & Snow ABSTAIN: None Gene Cna , Encinitas Planni ATTEST: -'~-tk.cz4na.-'?L Patric Murphy Secretary NOTE: This action is subject to Chapter 1.04 of the Municipal Code, which specifies time limits for legal challenges. PBDIRSIG/Reso:RPC05-0Gl DRCDP(PC2) 2 ATTACHMENT "A" Resolution No. PC 2005-45 Case No. 05-061 DR/CDP LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL C: ALL OF PARCEL 2 AND THAT PORTION OF PARCELS 3 AND 4 OF CITY OF ENCINITAS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 02-067 BA/CDP, AS SHOWN IN DOC NO. 2002-0615883 RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ON JULY 23, 2002, IN THE CITY OF ENCINITAS, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 AS SHOWN ON SAID LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2, NORTH 89027'52" WEST, 242.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCELS 2, 3, AND 4, NORTH 0050'08" EAST, 303.34 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4,89027'39" EAST 132.00 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 110.00 FEET WESTERLY OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4, SOUTH 0050'08" WEST, 108.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST, HAVING A 23.00 FOOT RADIUS, THRU A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29053'41", FOR A CURVE LENGTH OF 12.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2, SOUTH 89027'52" EAST, 87.05 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH WEST, HAVING A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS, THRU A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89042'00", FOR A CURVE LENGTH OF 31.31 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3, THENCE SOUTH 0050'08" WEST, 203.22 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL C CONTAINS 60,300 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. PBD/RS/G/Reso,RPC05-061DRCDP(PC2) 3 ATTACHMENT "B" Resolution No. PC 2005-45 Case No. 05-061 DR/CDP FINDINGS FOR DESIGN REVIEW STANDARD: Section 23.08.072 of the Encinitas Municipal Code provides that an application for a design review permit must be granted unless, based upon the information presented in the application and during the Public Hearing, the authorized agency makes any of the following regulatory conclusions: a. The project design is inconsistent with the General Plan, a Specific Plan, or the provisions of the Municipal Code. Facts: The project is located within the Residential (R-8) Zoning District of the City of Encinitas. The Encinitas Municipal Code expressly allows for single family detached homes within the R-8 zone. The Design Review Permit is requested for the proposed construction of nine (9) new detached single family dwellings on nine (9) existing legal lots. The project does not lie within the boundaries of a Specific Plan Area. Discussion: With approval of a Design Review Permit, the proposed subdivision complies with all applicable standards of the R-8 Zoning District. The underlying nine-lot site design contains individual existing lots ranging from 3,797 square feet (Lot #9) to 6,336 square feet (Lot #1) with an average lot size of 5,122 square feet. Each of the nine structures are plotted in compliance with the R-8 zone minimum 25-foot front yard setback (with the exception of Lots 4, 5, 8, & 9 which were approved under Tentative Map 04-040 TM/MUP/CDP with reduced front yard' setbacks of 20 feet in accordance with Municipal Code Section 30.16.010C(5), Municipal Code Section 30.16.01OC(5), which states that front yard setbacks for a new tract may be reduced up to 25 percent on a maximum of one-half of the dwelling units within a residential tract; however no street setbacks shall be less than twenty (20) feet to the garage for front-entry garage). Additionally, as proposed the project conforms to the 51l0-foot interior side yard setback, lO-foot street side yard setback, and 25-foot rear yard setback required in the R-8 zone. Each of the nine structures will also be in compliance with the 40% maximum lot coverage limitation with proposed coverage percentages ranging from 27% (Lot #4) to 35% (Lot #2). In addition, the proposed nine structures will also be in compliance with the 60% maximum floor area ratio limitation with proposed ratios ranging from .34 (Lot #7) to .49 (Lots #1 & #2). As per Municipal Code Section 30.16.01OB(7), the standard height limit for residential buildings is 22 feet with an allowance for an additional 4-foot projection for pitched roof elements (26 feet max.), provided the outside edge of the finished roof directly above the finished wall does not exceed the applicable 22 feet. As shown by the height dimension notes on the Elevations of the project drawings, the pitched roof designs as proposed for the 'nine residences are in compliance with the Standard Height requirements with a maximum height of 26 feet as measured from the approved pad elevations per Tentative Map 04-040 TM/MUP/EINCDP. As a condition of approval, prior to issuance of building permits for the construction of the proposed nine single-family dwelling units, the applicant shall revise the project drawings to reflect chimneys in compliance with the maximum width and height requirements pursuant to Section 30.16.010B7 of the Municipal Code. PBD/RS/G/Rcso:RPC05-0Gl DRCDP(PC2) 4 Conclusion: Therefore, the Planning Commission finds that the project design is consistent with the General Plan and the provisions of the Municipal Code. b. The project design is substantially inconsistent with the Design Review Guidelines. Facts: Design Review of the nine (9) proposed residences is included as part of the project. The proposed eight two-story single family structures and one single-story appearing structure, nine total, are proposed with varying green, beige, brown and gray earth tone colors. Asphalt shingle roofing will be utilized in four varying colors, stucco finishes are varied, and three styles of stone accent will be utilized. The exteriors of each residence consist of varied combinations of stucco, wood shingles, and horizontal wood siding. Varying shades of brown, green and beige are proposed for the wood trim, window frames, shutters, and guardrail treatments. Roof material is proposed as asphalt shingles. Discussion: The structural designs for the nine dwellings consist of five different floor plans with each floor plan having differing exterior elevation treatments. Four of the five floor plans consist of a two-story design that incorporates varying one and two story elements. As discussed at the previous Issue Identification Planning Commission Hearing on October 6, 2005, even though several adjacent lots have identical floor plans, each lot will have distinctly different exterior design treatments including colors, materials and architectural features and elements; some with hardi plank shingles and some with horizontal lap siding with varied rock treatments. The project substantially conforms to site, building and privacy design standards by incorporating varying horizontal and vertical articulation elements as well as eaves, trellises, porches, and other architectural projections. The approved landscape plan for Tentative Map 04-040 TM/MUP/CDP will cover the perimeter fencing, retaining walls and landscaping of common areas for the development. The Commission can condition the project as such that front-yard landscaping is to be provided by the future homeowners within 180 days of close of escrow as a condition of the CC & R's. The landscaping is to include at least two "street" trees per each lot, to be a minimum of 15-gallon size. These trees will be provided in the front yard area between the house and the street. Conclusion: Therefore, the Plarming Commission finds that the project design is substantially consistent with the Design Review Guidelines. c. The project would adversely affect the health, safety, or general welfare of the community. FactsIDiscussion: The project is covered under the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted by the Planning Commission on August 5, 2004 for the subdivision of an existing 1.38 gross acre site into nine (9) lots with a private street in conjunction with Case #04-040 TM/MUP/EWCDP. The Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a 21-day public review period from June 24, 2004 through July 15, 2004. The Mitigated Negative Declaration anticipated the construction of nine single family residences therefore no additional environmental review was required with the subject application. No aspect of the use has been identified which would have any significant adverse effect on the health, safety, or general welfare of the community. PBD/RS/G/Reso:RPC05-061DRCDP(PC2) 5 Conclusion: Therefore, the Planning Commission finds that the project will not adversely affect the health safety, or general welfare of the community. d. The project would cause the surrounding neighborhood to depreciate materially in appearance or value. Discussion: The proposed detached single family structures are consistent with the surrounding neighborhood which has a mixture of single and two-story detached single- family dwellings. A Citizen's Participation Program Report was submitted by the applicant for a noticed meeting that was held on the project site on May 5, 2005. Prior to the neighborhood meeting, two phone calls and one email were received by the applicant from homeowners within the immediate neighborhood in support of the application. Seven members of the community attended the meeting and expressed concerns regarding traffic, parking, streetscape on Santa Fe & Evergreen, and underground utilities. The applicant presented the approved plans for Tentative Map 04-040 TM/MUP/CDP addressing the citizens concerns. No other comments or communications have been received by the City in regard to the project. Conclusion: Therefore, the Planning Commission finds that the project will not cause the surrounding neighborhood to depreciate materially in appearance or value. PBDIRS/G/Reso:RPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) 6 FINDINGS FOR A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT STANDARD: Section 30.80.090 of the Municipal Code provides that the authorized agency must make the following findings of fact, based upon the information presented in the application and during the Public Hearing, in order to approve a coastal development permit: 1. The project is consistent with the certified Local Coastal Program of the City of Encinitas; and 2. The proposed development conforms with Public Resources Code Section 21000 and following (CEQA) in that there are no feasible mitigation measures or feasible alternatives available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impact that the activity may have on the environment; and 3. For projects involving development between the sea or other body of water and the nearest public road, approval shall include a specific finding that such development is in conformity with the public access and public recreation policies of Section 30200 et. seq. of the Coastal Act. Facts: The project consists of a Design Review and Coastal Development Permit request for the proposed construction of nine (9) detached single family dwelling units, one (1) temporary construction trailer and one (1) information/sales trailer on nine legal lots created by Tentative Map 04-040 TM/MUP/EWCDP, within the Residential 8 (R8) Zoning District and the Coastal Zone of the City of Encinitas. Discussion: The proposed project site lies within the Coastal Zone of the City of Encinitas and requires the issuance of a regular Coastal Development Permit. However, it has been determined that the site does not lie between the sea and the first improved public through road paralleling the sea, within 300 feet of mean high tide line, within 100 feet of any wetland, estuary or stream, or within 300 feet of the top of the seaward face of any coastal bluff. Adherence to the development standards of all applicable chapters of the City's Municipal Code and the goals and policies of the Encinitas General Plan will implement Coastal Zone standards. The project is consistent with all applicable standards of the Municipal Code. The project conforms or is conditioned to conform with all applicable development standards of the R -8 zone and the Municipal Code. As a condition of approval of this Design Review and Coastal Development Permit, prior to issuance of building permits for the constructions of the proposed nine single-family dwelling units, the applicant shall revise the project drawings to reflect chimneys in compliance with the maximum width and height requirements pursuant to Section 30.16.010B7 of the Municipal Code. The proposed setbacks, structural height, lot coverage ratio, access, landscaping, and all other design criteria satisfy City standards for the R-8 zone contained in Chapter 30.16 of the Encinitas Municipal Code. Pursuant to Section 30.46.110 of the Municipal Code, the temporary use of a trailer coach as a construction office and sales facility is permitted on or adjacent to any site on which a building or construction project is being diligently prosecuted. A Coastal Development Permit is required for the temporary use of a trailer coach pursuant to Section 30.46.100 of the Municipal Code. The trailers are located out of the right-of-way and it does not appear that they will disturb on-site construction activities and/or off-site uses. PBD/RS/G/ResooRPC05-061DRCDP(PC2) 7 The project will not cause significant negative impacts to the surrounding area and will not adversely impact public coastal access. No letters of comment were received in regard to the Coastal Development Permit for this project. The City determined that the project is covered under the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted by the Plarming Commission on August 5, 2005 for the subdivision of an existing 1.38 gross acre site into nine (9) lots with a private street in conjunction with Case #04-040 TM/MUP/EIA/CDP. The Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a 21-day public review period from June 24, 2004 through July 15, 2004. The Mitigated Negative Declaration anticipated the construction of nine single family residences therefore no additional environmental review was required with the subject application. The subject site is located on Santa Fe Drive and Evergreen Drive; therefore finding NO.3 is not applicable since the project is not located between the sea or other body of water and the nearest public road. Conclusion: Therefore, the Planning Commission finds that I) the project is consistent with the certified Local Coastal Program of the City of Encinitas; 2) the mitigation measures to be implemented as required by the previously approved Tentative Map for the subdivision will ensure that the project will have no significant adverse impacts on the environment; and, 3) Finding No.3 is not applicable to the project since it is not located between the sea or other body of water and the nearest public road. PBD/RS/G/ResooRPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) 8 ATTACHMENT "C" Resolution No. PC 2005-45 Case No. 05-061 DR/CDP Applicant: Bluewater Encinitas, LLC. Location: 1156 Kava Ct. (APN: 259-280-49). SCI SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: SC2 At any time after two years from the date of this approval, on November 17,2007 at 5:00 pm, or the expiration date of any extension granted in accordance with the Municipal Code, the City may require a noticed public hearing to be scheduled before the authorized agency to determine if there has been demonstrated a good faith intent to proceed in reliance on this approval. If the authorized agency finds that a good faith intent to proceed has not been demonstrated, the application shall be deemed expired as of the above date (or the expiration date of any extension). The determination of the authorized agency may be appealed to the City Council within 15 days of the date of the determination. SC5 This project is conditionally approved as set forth on the application, the Colors/Materials Exhibit Boards consisting of nine (9) boards total and the Colored Elevations Artist Renderings consisting of eighteen (18) sheets total all stamped received by the City of Encinitas on April 26, 2005; the Temporary Construction and Sales Trailer Exhibit consisting of five (5) sheets total, including a memo description of the trailers, site plan, elevation, floor plan and ramp plan, all stamped received by the City of Encinitas on May 5, 2005; and project drawings consisting of thirty seven (37) sheets, including Floor Plans, Roof Plans and Elevations for Lots 1-6, 8 & 9, all stamped received by the City of Encinitas on September 12, 2005, the revised Master Site Plan and revised Floor Plans, Roof Plan and Elevations for the single-story with a loft/storage unit proposed on Lot 7, all stamped received by the City of Encinitas on October 27, 2005, all designated as approved by the Plarming Commission on November 17,2005, and shall not be altered without express authorization by the Planning and Building Department. SCA Prior to issuance of building permits for the construction of the proposed nine single-family dwelling units, the applicant shall revise the project drawings to reflect chimneys in compliance with the maximum width and height requirements pursuant to Section 30.16.010B7 of the Municipal Code. . SCB The driveway materials shall be specified on the project site plan prior to building permit issuance. Different colors and surface treatments shall be utilized for adjacent residences. SCC Unless previously satisfied, fulfilled, or completed, all conditions of approval of Resolution No. 2004-33, Case No. 04-040 TM/MUP/CDP, August 5, 2004, shall remain in full force and effect except as specifically modified herein. PBD/RS/G/Reso:RPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) 9 SCD The density bonus unit for Lot 9 as required by approval of Case No. 04-040 TM/MUP/CDP shall be one of the first four residences to be granted final occupancy out of the nine proposed residences. SCE In conformance with Section 30.46.110 of the Municipal Code, the construction trailer/sales trailer shall be removed from the site prior to the final occupancy approval for the last residential unit within the project. Any relocation of the trailer from that location depicted on the project plans shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning and Building Department. Any relocation shall be within the project boundaries and shall be maintained outside of the public right-of-way and shall not be permitted on any open space lots. SCF The construction trailer shall be State-approved for the proposed use and occupancy. SCG Complete plans for the construction and information/sales trailers shall be submitted for plan check processing and building permit issuance. The temporary construction and sales trailers shall be accessible to individuals with disabilities and have accessible parking in compliance with ADA requirements. SCH Front-yard landscaping shall be installed by each initial homeowner within 180 days of the close of escrow. Front-yard landscaping shall consist ofplantings to include a minimum of two (2) street trees that are of a minimum 15-gallon size and walkways from the house entrance to the street and/or driveway and other hardscape. This condition shall be reflected in the Covenants, Codes, and Restrictions (CC & Rs) for the development. GI STANDARD CONDITIONS: CONTACT THE PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION(S): . G2 This approval may be appealed to the City Council within 15 calendar days from the date of this approval in accordance with Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code. G4 Prior to building permit issuance, the owner shall cause a covenant regarding real property to be recorded. Said covenant shall set forth the terms and conditions of this grant of approval and shall be of a form and content satisfactory to the Planning and Building Director. The Owner(s) agree, in acceptance of the conditions of this approval, to waive any claims of liability against the City and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City and City's employees relative to the action to approve the project. G5 Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Municipal Code and all other applicable City regulations in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance unless specifically waived herein. G7 Prior to issuing a final inspection on framing, the applicant shall provide a survey from a licensed surveyor or a registered civil engineer verifying that the building height is in compliance with the approved plans. PBD/RS/G/Reso:RPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) 10 G I 0 All retammg and other freestanding walls, fences, and enclosures shall be architecturally designed in a manner similar to, and consistent with, the primary structures (e.g. stucco-coated masonry, split-face block or slump stone). These items shall be approved by the Planning and Building Department prior to the issuance of building and/or grading permits. G 11 All roof-mounted equipment and appurtenances, including air conditioners and their associated vents, conduits and other mechanical and electrical equipment, shall be architecturally integrated, and shall be shielded from view and sound buffered to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Department. Note: All rooftop equipment shall be assumed visible unless demonstrated otherwise to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Department, and adequate structural support shall be incorporated into building design. Rooftop vent pipes shall be combined below the roof, and shall utilize decorative caps where visible from any point. Ground-mounted mechanical and electrical equipment shall also be screened through use of a wall, fence, landscaping, berm, or combination thereof to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Department. All exterior accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary building's exterior to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Department. Gl2 Prior to any use of the project site pursuant to this permit, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed or secured to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building Department. G13 The applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees, School Fees, Traffic Mitigation Fees, Flood Control Mitigation Fees, Park Mitigation Fees, and Fire Mitigation/Cost Recovery Fees. Arrangements to pay these fees shall be made prior to building permit issuance to the satisfaction of the Planning and Building and Engineering Services Departments. The applicant is advised to contact the Plarming and Building Department regarding Park Mitigation Fees, the Engineering Services Department regarding Flood Control and Traffic Fees, applicable School District(s) regarding School Fees, the Fire Department regarding Fire Mitigation/Cost Recovery Fees, and the applicable Utility Departments or Districts regarding Water and/or Sewer Fees. Gl9 Garages enclosing required parking spaces shall be kept available and usable for the parking of owner/tenant vehicles at all times. G21 All utility connections shall be designed to coordinate with the architectural elements of the site so as not to be exposed except where necessary. Locations of pad mounted transformers, meter boxes, and other utility related items shall be included in the site plan submitted with the building permit application with an appropriate screening treatment. Transformers, terminal boxes, meter cabinets, pedestals, ducts and other facilities may be placed above ground provided they are screened with landscaping. Ll The project is subject to Chapter 23.26 of the Municipal Code (Water Efficient Landscape Program), which requires a landscape and irrigation plan to be prepared by a State licensed landscape designer. The requirements for the plans are listed in Chapter 23.26. The landscape and irrigation plans must be submitted as part of the building permit application for the project. P BD/RS/G/Reso: RPC05-06\ DRCDP(PC2) 11 L2 All required plantings and automated irrigation systems shall be in place prior to use or occupancy of new buildings or structures. All required plantings and automated irrigation systems shall be maintained in good condition, and whenever necessary, shall be replaced with new materials to ensure continued compliance with applicable landscaping, buffering, and screening requirements. All landscaping and irrigation systems shall be maintained in a manner that will not depreciate adj acent property values and otherwise adversely affect adjacent properties. All irrigation lines shall be installed and maintained underground (except drip irrigation systems). L5 All masonry freestanding or retaining walls visible from points beyond the project site shall be treated with a protective sealant coating to facilitate graffiti removal. The sealant shall be of a type satisfactory to the Engineering and Planning and Building Departments. The property owner shall be responsible for the removal in a timely manner of any graffiti posted on such walls. DR! Any future modifications to the approved project will be reviewed relative to the findings for substantial conformance with a design review permit contained in Section 23.0S.140 of the Municipal Code. Modifications beyond the scope described therein may require submittal of an amendment to the design review permit and approval by the authorized agency. DR2 Side and rear elevations and window treatments shall be trimmed and architecturally treated so as to substantially match the front elevations. This treatment shall be reflected in building plans and shall be found satisfactory by the Planning and Building Department prior to the issuance of building permits. DR3 All project grading shall conform with the approved plans. If no grading is proposed on the approved plans, or subsequent grading plans are inconsistent with the grading shown on the approved plans, a design review permit for such grading shall be obtained from the authorized agency of the City prior to issuance of grading or building permits. BI BUILDING CONDITION(S): CONTACT THE ENCINITAS BUILDING DIVISION REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION(S): B2R The applicant shall submit a complete set of construction plans to the Building Division for plancheck processing. The submittal shall include a Soils/Geotechnical Report, structural calculations, and State Energy compliance documentation (Title 24). Construction plans shall include a site plan, a foundation plan, floor and roof framing plans, floor plan(s), section details, exterior elevations, and materials specifications. Submitted plans must show compliance with the latest adopted editions of the California Building Code (The Uniform Building Code with California Amendments, the California Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Codes). These comments are preliminary only. A comprehensive plancheck will be completed prior to permit issuance and additional technical code requirements may be identified and changes to the originally submitted plans may be required. PBD/RS/G/Reso:RPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) 12 FI FIRE CONDITIONS: CONTACT THE ENCINITAS FIRE DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION(S): F2 ACCESS ROADWAY DIMENSIONS: Fire apparatus access roadways shall have an unobstructed paved width of not less than 24 feet, curb line to curb line, or edge of pavement to edge of pavement where no curbs are proposed, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus. Minimum design load is 65,000 Ibs. EXCEPTION: Access to one (I) single family residence shall not be less than 16 feet of paved width, curb line to curb line, or edge of pavement to edge of pavement where no curbs are proposed. F3 ACCESS ROAD MINIMUM DIMENSIONS WHEN SERVING FOUR (4) OR LESS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS WITH AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INSTALLED: A fire apparatus roadway providing access to not more than four (4) fire sprinklered single family dwellings shall not be less than 16 feet in paved width, curb line to curb line, or edge of pavement to edge of pavement where no curbs are proposed, with an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. F4 DEAD ENDS: All dead-end fire apparatus access roadways in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with a Fire Department approved turnaround. Access roads serving more than four (4) dwelling units shall be provided with a cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac shall have a minimum paved radius of not lees than 36 feet, curb line to curb line, or edge of pavement to edge of pavement where no curbs are proposed. Alternate types of turnarounds may be considered by the Fire Marshal as needed to accomplish the purpose of the Fire Code. F5 GRADE: The gradient for a fire apparatus roadway shall not exceed 20.0%. Grades exceeding 15.0% (incline or decline) shall not be permitted without mitigation. Minimal mitigation shall be the installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems appropriate to the structures and uses served. The angle of departure and angle of approach of a fire access roadway shall not exceed 7%. F6 GATES: All gates or other structures or devices, which could obstruct fire access roadways or otherwise hinder emergency operations, are prohibited unless they meet standards approved by the Fire Department. All automatic gates across fire access roadways shall be equipped with approved emergency key operated switches overriding all command functions and opening the gate(s). Gates accessing four (4) or more residences or residential lots, or gates accessing hazardous, institutional, educational, or assembly occupancy group structures shall also be equipped with approved emergency traffic control activating strobe light sensor(s) which will activate the gate on the approach of emergency apparatus. All automatic gates must meet Fire Department requirements for rapid, reliable access. F7 RESPONSE MAPS: Any development that by virtue of new structures necessitates fire hydrants, roadways, or similar features, shall be required to provide a map in a format compatible with current Department mapping services, and shall be charged a reasonable fee for updating all Fire Department response maps. PBDIRS/G/Rcso:RPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) 13 F8 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: Prior to the delivery of building construction materials to the project site, all of the following conditions shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Fire Department: I. All wet and dry utilities shall be installed and approved by the appropriate inspecting department or agency. 2. As a minimum, the first lift of asphalt paving shall be in place to provide a permanent all weather surface for emergency vehicles. 3. All fire hydrants shall be installed, in service, and accepted by the Fire Department and applicable water district. F9 POSTING OR STRIPING ROADWAYS "NO PARKING FIRE LANE": Fire Department access roadways, when required, shall be properly identified as per Fire Department standards. FIO OBSTRUCTION OF ROADWAYS DURING CONSTRUCTION: All roadways shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width during construction and shall be maintained clear, including the parking of vehicles, in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and the Encinitas Fire Department. Fl1 FIRE HYDRANTS AND FIRE FLOWS: The applicant shall provide fire hydrants of a type, number, and location satisfactory to the Encinitas Fire Department. A letter from the water agency serving the area shall be provided that states the required fire flow is available. Fire hydrants shall be of a bronze type. Commercial fire hydrants shall have two (2) 4" outlets and one (I) 2 Yz" outlet. Residential fire hydrants shall have one (1) 4" outlet and one (1) 2 Yz" outlet. A two-sided blue reflective road marker shall be installed on the road surface to indicate the location ofthe fire hydrant(s) for approaching fire apparatus. F13 ADDRESS NUMBERS: Address numbers shall be placed in a location that will allow them to be clearly visible from the street fronting the structure. The numbers shall contrast with their background, and shall be no less in height than: Four inches (4") for single family homes and duplexes; Eight inches (8") for commercial and multi-family residential buildings; and Twelve inches (12") for industrial buildings. Fl4 ADDRESS NUMBERS FOR STRUCTURES LOCATED OFF ROADWAY: Where structures are located off a roadway on long easements/driveways, a monument marker shall be placed at the entrance where the easement/driveway intersects the main roadway. Permanent address numbers with height conforming to Fire Department standards shall be affixed to this marker. Fl5A AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES: Structures shall be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system designed and installed to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. Plans for the automatic fire sprinkler system shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to issuance of building permit(s). Fl8 CLASS "A" ROOF: All structures shall be provided with a Class "A" roof assembly to the satisfaction of the Encinitas Fire Department. PBD/RS/G/Reso:RPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) 14 EI ENGINEERING CONDITIONS: CONTACT THE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDlTION(S): REGARDING E2 All City Codes, regulations, and policies in effect at the time of building! grading permit issuance shall apply. ESWI Storm Water Pollution Control Conditions ESW3 Best Management Practice shall be utilized for storm water pollution control to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The surface run off shall be directed over grass and landscaped areas prior to collection and discharge onto the street and/or into the public storm drain system. If pipes are used for area drainage, inlets shall be located to allow maximum flow distance over grass and non-erodable landscape areas. A grass lined ditch, reinforced with erosion control blanket, or a rip-rap lined drainage ditch shall be used instead of a concrete ditch where feasible. Hardscaped areas and driveways shall be sloped toward grassy and landscaped areas. Driveways with a grass- or gravel-lined swale in the middle can be used if the site topography does not allow for the discharge of driveway runoff over landscaped areas. The Grading Plan/Permit Site Plan shall identify all landscape areas designed for storm water pollution control (SWPC). A note shall be placed on the plans indicating that the modification or removal of the SWPC facilities without a permit from the City is prohibited. PBD/RS/G/Reso:RPC05-061 DRCDP(PC2) 15