1986-17 Approving Change Orders for Construction of Water Revenue Bond Projects 11A and 12 RESOLUTION NO. R86-17 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT APPROVING CHANGE ORDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER REVENUE BOND PROJECTS llA and 12 WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution Nos. R85-26 and R85-31, the District entered into contracts with Hubbard Construction Co. for the construction of Water Revenue Bond Projects llA and 12; and WHEREAS, by reason of changes requested by the District and unforeseen matters in conjunction with the construction of the projects, certain additional work was necessary for completion, the reasonable value of which was $14,410; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED by the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District as follows: 1. That the two contracts with Hubbard Construction Company be and they are amended by adding to Project 11A the sum of $2,000 and to Project 12 the sum of $12,410 for the work described on the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. That payment of said sums, in accordance with the contracts, be and they are authorized. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District held on the 21st day of March, 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Directors Weston, Dashiell and Fahlberg NOES: None ABSENT: Directors weidn~on~ (j Presldent ATTE~-7 ~ /1{!aJ &&1 G ecretary - 5 - A ~ ~ ~~/ ~. SAN nlEGlJlTO WATER IlISTRICT I){j r,f\.SI '!)' qnrn HJCIf.JIIf'C;. (:1\1 II Dmll^ Q;fl?,1 11;1'11 ,-r;l 111', March 17, 1986 'Ib: Board of Directors/JaITEs S. 'lblley Fran: Stan Urb3n Re: Extra ~rk by district staff - request for approval of payrrent Project UlA Existing systan required 8-inch line valve for better isolation in Cardiff Cove for future shut.dcMns and errergencies. 199 units involved. - $ 2,000.00 Project U2 Highway 101 and Athena existing valve was to ramin. During shutdown operation, it was found to be broken. Replaced. - $ 2,000.00 Highway 101 and Europa existing valve not working properly. Replaced while 12-inch main was shut down. - $ 2,000.00 Rrnoved abandoned tee and valve 30 feet north 12-inch tie-in Vulcan and Ashbury. - $ 210.00 Plans called for tie-in to existing valve and tee. Mlen expJsed, interior was very badly corroded. Replaced tee and valve. - $ 2,800.00 Because of previous leaks on Treasure view, the district rrade tarp:>rary repairs. Requested contractor to IMke needed repairs and overlay. - $ 2,000.00 Hillcrest plans called for replacetTelt of 36 l-ioch services. Total arrotUlt cares to 44 l-inch and 2 1,-inch. - $ 3,400.00 Total - $14,410.00 A~t~ Stan Urban, Construction Coordinator SU!kep EXHIBIT A