1990-02-05 CITY OB BNCI2TITA8 ' TRAF'FZC CODMIS$ION AQENDA City Council Chambers Conferenae Room 535 &nainitaa Boulevara Lnciaitas, Cmliforaia 92024 ~ M88tiuq Dnte: Febluary 5, 1990; 7:00 p.m. I~ If you wish to speak tn an item on the agenda, please fill aut the ~ apprapxiate speaker's slip and hand it to the clerk. ~ 1. CALL '1'O. ORDSR/ROt,L CALL 2. PLBD(3E OF ALLRDIANCB i 3. NE11 BT7SZNESB A. Selection of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. ! B. Traffic Commissionsr orientation. ~ 4. ANNOUNCgMENTB ~ S. OIil4L COMNLTNICATIOIiB ~ I Oral comments (maximum of three minutes) will be heard from ! people who submit a white speaker's slip to the clerk. Na actian may legally be taken on such non-agenda items, they will be referred to the Board Manager. I~ 6. CIABINa AND ADOPTIO14 OF CONSENT CALSNDAR ~ A. Approval of r.►inutes - January 15, 1990. , ; 7. ONFINISHED BU8INE88 None. 8. COMI+IIISSIONER COM"NT8 9. AAJaORNAiENR' ~ CITY dF BNCINSTA$ ~ TRAFFIC COb!ffiISSI021 M2N0TES Mseting Dates Janunrp 15, 1990t 7=00 p.m. 1. CALL 't'Q QRAEYi/R0__LL C~A-LL Chairperson William Ullman called the itteeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: ::hairperson Ullman, I-lo;niaissioners Nancy Austin, Tho?yas Griffin, Bob Kellaqg and wal*_°_r Sraff°='- i ,Absent: None. Also Present: M9rton August, Director of Public Warks and Vreni. Burns, Administrative Secretary. 2. PLBA(iE OF ALL84IliCB 3. A14N00NCBMEWS Secretary August informed the Commissicn that Traffic Engineer Villegas underwen} emergency open chest surgery last week and is doinq well. He stated that due to his absence the work load would be affectsd. Secretary August also stated that the City Council has scheduled interviews of Traffic Cammission applicants on January 17th and will possibly appoint new Comznissioners on Jar_uary 24th to replace Commissianers Austin and U11man. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5 C SI 8 AIM ADOPTSON OF CONSENT CALRtdDA, A. Approval of mi.nutes - Dscember 4, 1989. ~ CQMIBBIONER RELIAdG MOVED, At3'STIN 82CONL1ED TO ADOPT TRE CONBLN'1" CALLNbAR. MOTION CARRILD. 5-0. 6A. Subaomnaittea ReDort on Safe Route to Sahool Pr+aQriun Secretary August gave an overview of the Subcommittee's rjL-port and recommendatians. Chai.rperson Ullman opened the meet;ng to public input. ~ ~ Leonard Pecchia, 426 Chesterfield Drive, Cardiff, stated that ~ he owns proT.:erty at 1967 Montgomery Avenus is opposed to the ! canstructi.a-a of sidewa].ks in this location because it raoul.d t.ake away fram his groperty and there is also a 4 to 5£oot =z embanlment thera. He stated that if B3rmingham ig widened per ; the General P].an that this will also take away from his ! property. He stated that the corner of Montgomexy and ~ Birmingham is very dangeraus beaause cars speed down the hi11 : and try to vurn the cornEr and have in the past knoaked down ' t his mailbox and taken out 10 to 15 feet of his fenae. He asked how many school children would be usinq the sidewalk and how many homes would be assessed. ~ t , Byron King, 1515 Gascony Road, stated that this was the first time he was notified of this project and he is against it. He askLd if the curbs and sidewalks wauld be asphalt or cancrete. Secretary August stated that they would be constructed of asphalt. Don Summers, 1587 Gascony Road, stated that this was the first time he was notified of this project. He asked if the sidewalk would be above the street, and if so, haw woul.d they get into their driveway if their property is at grade level. He asked how many children would use the pathways and how muck: would it cost iche property owners. He asked wtao would be responsible to maintain it. He asked if the street would need ~ to be wiclened to accommodate the pathway. Chairperson Ullman closed the meeting to public input. i ( Secretary Auqust _ ;wered questions raised durzng public testimony. ~ l` Fallowing Cammission discuss~on: I COMMISSIONER •;RIgFIN MOVED# AIISTZN SECONAED THAm OPON COMPLBTION OF TH3i SARE ROIITE TO SCHOOL RECOMMENDATI4N THAT TAE CHAYRP81280N HAV'E THE AiITHORITX TO SIGN THE RESOLUTIOId 'X'4 FORWARD TO CIfiY CQIINCILa MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. COMMI88ZONER AIISTIN MODED, SHUBER 8EC0NDED TO RSCOMMEND TO CIT Y COIINCIL THE APPROVAL OF TABZE 1 dF THE t3AFL ROIITE TO SCHdOL PRO(3RAM. MflTION CAItRILD. 5-0. COMMIS$IONER ]1IIBTIDT MOVED, SHAFFSR SECONDED TO RECOMbIEbiD TQ CITY COIINCIL THE APP120VAL OF TAaI,E 2 AMENDIN(3 3A AS SNDICATED HX DR. FAZIO'$ LSTTER DAT$D JAbN14RY 12, 1990 AMD DELETINt3 78 AND 7C AS RECOMMENDED BY DR. LINbSTROM (7B) AND $T3.FF (7C). MQTION CARRIED. 5-0. CODiMISSIONER AIISTIN bIOVED, t3RIFFTN BECONDEB TO COORDINK'I'8 THS ~ SABE ROUTB TO SCHOOL PRO(3RAM WITH TBS WEBT CARDIFF °►'Rla►FFIC 8TODY. MOT24N CARRIED. 5-0. ~ COIdKIBBTONBbt 11II8TIZT X0YED,, IILLMAbi 8ECANDBD TO l1DD fi88 3M988'1'ItiATIOM OF ASTOF SltfN A'1' THE x]!ITSA$8C'I'IOM OF jdAN'PdOH$AY 76tiD At08SIN2 TO 'i'$E 8TOP SSG1Q STODY LIST. bIOTI0N CARRZIID. 5`° t! . ' C03MBSI4NBR S8APF8R g'IC'iTSDe AOBTZN SBCONDSD TO RBCOMMM '1'0 CITY CDU1~CZL T~1T THE BOLLOWINa FIINDYNQ ~IEC~x8D~8 BS 0 CClNSZDSM FnR THE BA88 ROUTF TO BCHOOL PbtAdMt 1) TBAT THE CI2Y PDND THE SSOR,T TERE nPAO'VM8N'1'8 IB BIINDS ARB 11Z1AILA8LB s 01 2) TSAT T88 CIT!€ FInQD THE DLBIGN dF THE SHOIt'P '1'Mtl[ IIiPROVBld8N'PS AIiiD FINANCF '3`HII HALANCS TYiROIIt38 A COYBTNJiTION aF ]t88LSSXM bISTRICT WZT8IM BACH $CHOOL 88RVIC8 SRBA AtQD CZxY d:0N2RIBUfiYON OB ANY AYRI.LABLL FUNDB. NOTION CARRIBD. 5-0. CONtIB$IQNSR tTLLMAN MOV8]?• dRSBFIN SECt}NDED °1'O RECOMiBNB TO CTTY COUNCZL THAT ]lBTLR T88 SSORT TBRM 11:tfA04EMEN'PS IMVB BBBDT COMPLST$U TBAT AS FUMS BECOblE AOAZLA23LE THE L9Nt3 TERM II+tYRpVEMEIITB BE MADE AS NELDBD. MOTZON CA22RIEla. 5-0• u 5ecretary Auqust stated that the Safe Raute to School PrUgram will ga before the City Council on February 21 or February 28, 1990. 7 o N81t BQSIZi888 , None. 8. ~t.,KIs8I0xER C0mmm"S Commissioner Griffin as 1 why there are 4 water meters lACated in the middle of °:ie street at 7th and "E" Streats in Olivenhain. Secretary august stated he would have staff invest;gate. 9. MOURN-MM i The meeting was adjourrsed at 8:50 p.m. ! ~ The next regular meeting will be February 5, 1990; 7;00 p.m. i ~ ~ ~ i ~ CITY OF SPTCINITAS TRl.FFIC COMMI88IOIQ At3BND71 Citp Coaaail Chambers conference Roam 538 EnGi37►itas BoulevarQ, Suits ida Enafnftas, calitornia 92024 heet3.nq Date: March S, X`V~~.1 If you wish to apeak to an item on the ager.da, please fill aut the appropriate spaaker's slip and hand it to ths clerk. 1. CALL TO ORDSR/ROLL CAT~_L 2. FI,E-M_Q8 ALLBaIAlNCB 3. AM C1NCEIiSNT8 4. QML CbMl:OaiTC;RTI0N8 Oral corimsnts (maxiaeum of three minutes) will be heard froin peopZe who subwit a white speaker's slip to the c1Erk. Ivo action may lsgally be ta.ken on such non-agenda items, they will be referred to the Boarci Manager. 5. CI.0$IN(# l.M AUuBTION OF CONB$NT CALBNUAA A. Apgrovai of minutes - February 5, 1990. 6. Ul'IFINIBgxL BUSNBSB Notte. 7. NEF BUSINBSB A. Considerati,.)n of an All-Way Stap at Pacific Coast Highway and Phoebe Street. B. Consideration of an All-Way Stop at Melba Road and Gardena Road. 8. COMMIS$I(?NER C4MMENTB A. City Council agenda report of February 21, 1990, regarding the Safe Route ta School Program and the Council's direction. 9. ADTOURZiMENT ~ ~ CITY OF $NCZNITAB TRAFFIC COXHISSION MINUTBS Meeting Dnte: Febzuarq 5r 1990; 7:00 P.M. a. CALL ORD$RlROLL ClkLb i Vice-Chairperson Rellogg called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.D. Present: Vice-Chairperson Bob Rellogg, Commissioners Paula Goldbeck. Thomas Griffin, Walter Sliaffer and Tim Todaro. Absent: None. Also Present: Morton August, Director oA" Public Warks and Vreni Burns, Administrative Secretary. 2. PLSDOB OF PiI,LBCiIANC$ 3A. Selection oi Chairaerson and vics-Chairperson. CONNISSIObTER GRirriN MOYED, SHAFFER SECOND$D TO NOMTHATE CpMMIBgIpNBR RELLOG6 AS CHAZRPERSON. MOTION CARRIED ~ IINANIMOUSI,Y. 5-0. ~ ~ CHAIRPERSON KELLOQCi MOYED e aOLDBSC$ SECOI -DLD TO NOMINATE GODIMISBIONER GRIPk'IN AS VICE-CBAIRFSRSON. MOTION CARRIED UNA3JIMGIISLY. 5 - 0 . ` ~ 3B. Traliic Camniasion. orientation. I Director August gave the Commissian an orientatian af o11 aspecLs of the Traffic Commission. 4. ANPI0DNQ_3M82dT8 Director Augujt informed the Commissian that the Safe Route to School Program will go before the City Council at their meetinq of February 21, 1990 and that a volunteer from the Commission is nesded to attend. Commissioner Shaffer volunteered to atten.d. 5. ORliL CAMMUNICl,TZANS None. J I ~ a~ 1 ~ • i ~ ~ s~mT02t QF COl~eSN!~ C!l~BNDliR I 6. CLJ IIT4 A~ 1~?^ A. Approval of mir•utes - Jartuary 15, 1990. ~ CQMII88ION8R BSAFFBR XOV'BD, ; RR~ DIN $g ~ NDED CaI91~dI~SIANE~ GON88]~1T CAL$ItD~AR.. KOTIdN C ; QOLI988CZC AND °PODARO AB8'PAYNFD. ~ 1 7 . O~N ~~TB~D BIIS1NE88 None. 8. CONKI02tE$ GgMMBNTB Comroni&Aaner Griffin asked u~einothernvrth$rly di ~ativr~ ~ ina~.lled along San Elijo Aven because if a driver misses the driveway ta a newly constructed hame located there they would end up in the lagoon. Commissi.oner Griffin notified staff of bus benches ir. the publ ic right -af--way ln tencias Fl wer st nd El Cam3.no Rea~. at 4livenhain R+~ad by Hor 9. ADJQORZIMS14T , The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p,m. ~ The next regular meeting will be March 5, 1990; 7:00 p.m. : ~ ~ 'i MMM CITY OF BNCINITAS , ~ TRAPFIC COMMISSION MELTING DATE: February 5, 1990 TO: Morton F. August, Director of Public Works M~ FROM: Gearge Vi1legas, Traffi.c Engineer AATE: January 30. 1990 SUBJECT: Ail-way Stop Investigation for Pacific CoastlHighway and PhoPbe Street I TRnDUCTION• A request for an aZ1-way stnp at the intersection of Pacific Goast Highway and phoebe Street was received fram James Hardison of 1144 North. Highway 101. This intersection is ranked numlaer four on the priority list nf intersectians far stop siqn investa.gaticans. In order ta deterxnine whetner this intersection satisfies the minimum stap siyn warrants bas~d on the City policy approved by the Traffic Cammission and reviewe3 by the City Counci.l, a traffic engineering stuci.y has been undertaken, and the results are presented i.n this ~ report. DISCUSSION• Pacific Coast Highway is a foux Zane highway, with approximately eighty feet of roadway within a 90 feet right-of-way. It has a median island and left turn bay, and is classified as a major azteri.al under the 'Iraffic Ci-rculation Element. The posted speed limit on Pacific Coast Highway is 40 miles per houx. Phoebe street is a local, two lane, thirty foot roadway within a 40 foot right-- of-way, that terminates at Pacific Coast Highway. The "T" intersection is presantly controlled by a stop sigr, at the west appraa01 af Phoebe Street. A commercial district is located narth and sauth of Phoebe Street, on the west side of Pacific Coast Hfghway. On the east si.de of Pacific Coast Highway , la.es tlie riqht-of-way belonging to the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad. The posted spzed limit an Phoebe Stree*_ is 25 milss per hour. Accident Histox)t~L. Duriny a three year period trom January, 1987 through January, 1989, a*_otal of 5 accident.s occurred in this intersection. There were a variety of collision typas. There was a pedestrian/vehi.cle, ~ a fixed object/ve.hicle; one rea: end, and *wo broadside accidents. Only one brnadsir-le accident wauld have been prevented by the ~ ~1- ~ , ta the aacident waxrant. • ~ af {g_and Pedegtr.i,~n Volume: The da3.ly trai'ric volune on Paciffc Coast Highway is alnout 14000 vehfcles per alay (vpd). Duriaig the highest faur hour period, a ~ aombineci tatal of 4,546 vehicles entered the intersection on the ! north and sauth approaches. The daS.ly tra€fic volume on Phaebe Street is 459 vpd. During the highest peak four hour period, the ~ valumQ is 167 vehicles. Based on the traffic volumes, the total ~ paints assigned to this intersection are zera for the peak four ~ hour period anc. zero for volume difference fox a total of zero ~ paints. Previous genera.l ohservations suggest that padestrian volume crossing at this intersection is probably between 1 to 50 ~ pedestxians. ThP number of points assigned is 1. t Unusual Conditions: ~ Presently the Pncific Coast Highway is lined with large eucalyptus trees. These trees are located right behind the existing curb. ' Sight distance is limited with an approach speed or approximately ~ 45 miles per hour. Basad on a revier► of conditions at this interseation, a total of faur points have been assigned to this warrant. CONCLUSION• I ~ j A total of 10 points have been assigned to this intersection, based ! on the results of ',he traffic enaineering study. The minimum to satisfy a stop sign iaariant fs 25 points. I REGOMMENDATIONS : It is recommended that the Traffic Commission deny the request for ~ an all-way stop at this intersection. , ~ -7 M CITY OP ENCINZTAS DEPARTHM-NT Or PUIILIC WORRS ALL-WAY STOP WARRANT FORM INTERSECTION: 5TREET A~r0/) STREET BXt J.r"" I , ASSIGNED MAXIMtP.r ~ W A R R A N T POINTS POSSTBi IPOINTS ~ ~ ACGIDENTS: 3-YEAR PERIOD FRCM 19 67 ^0 'jJem _ 1969 For each reported accident within a'_2 month period of a typs susceptible to correction by an all-way stop, ' 5 points assigned up to maximum of 15 points. ~ 1. 5 ~ ~ accidents per 12 month periou x 5= V4LLTME : , I a) Pgak 4-Hcaur Total R ?4ajor approach vehicles/peak 4-houxs Q 5 ~t i•finor approach vehicles/peak 4-hours ~ 10 ~ I • . b) Volume diffex-ence durin eak 4-hcurs Major approach T less minor approach 167 ; Volume difference 10 •-c)-Pedestrian voiume 'Foints are assigned far the number of pedestrians crossing the Najor street during the highest 4-hours ' Pedestrian voiume ,/-SQ 5 I. UNUSUAL CONDZTIONS: !t Where unusual or speci.al conditions e:xist such as a i~ school., fire station, playground, visibility restric- tions or other factors which may crealCe a potential i~ safety hazaxd, points assigned up to a maximum of I10 points based on engineering judgerent 10 TOTAL 55 ,i An all-way stop may be warranted when justified by 25 or morE points. ~i The 25 point" requirement may be waived when a) five cr more accidents susceptible to correcta.on by an al].-way stop have occurred during the preceding 12-month per•iod and'attempts using less restrictive cu*,trols II have not corrected the problem, and b) a combination of unusual condi- tions exist that, based on engineering judgemerit, cannot be mitigated or i~ c) if traffic signals aze warranted and are scheduled for xnstallation i, wi.tiiin lg months - Remarks : :I - j! ~ I Investigator Date ~ C1TY OF EP1CiNCTAS TRAFFiC ENGINEERING ~ Date: -7--7-~~ , ~ . 1 ele 7". ~ l.ocatiom ~ - ~ .i ~ ~ . I • . f . / . / Description:,s~ Qescriptiorr ~ . t1~a~ilrrlC? 3 0 0 ~ Description: Descrip-k,ion: ~ C1Tlf OF ENClN1TAS . TRaFFIc ENGiNEERiNG SECrtoN SUMMARY OF T'RAFFfC GOLLlSIOM HlSYORY. (Avaiiable Records) Date: /l/l A90 Location: l eele° a) Date Day Time Lighting Type Other ~ U ~.3 8 ~ .•'L40p ac~q.ri .'y~~ , I I 1 I I f I ~ ~ - (Susceptable To Corroction', . cITY OF ENCiNITAs . Y DEPmR'TMENT O~ PUBL.iC WORtCS TRAFFic CauNV suMnn~RY HIGsFiEST FOt7R HOURS (ENTERING VOLtJMES ONLY) LOCATION: ~ DATI:: MAJOR .STREE'T:. COUNT DATE: , D 1R. D IR. aj ''O1'AL aP ~r~~ --/7S .~sD ~P ~ ~ r-a -s"~'l e ''TOTAL . 72, '0 ~9~ MiNOR STREET: ~ - Cp(1NT DATE: DIR: G DIR. _ TiME TOTAL 3P,~t1 r"a - -~'s---- ~~~,J-a TOTA1.. /G -7 ~ . TXAF'FIC CUU,M.' SUmMARY - flOURLY TOTALS CITY : ENCINTTAS DATb': 28 SEP 19$9 NORTH - SODTB BTREBTs PAC. COAST HWY (1DA Y: THURSDAY ' ,BAST - WSST STREET: PHOEBE TYPEs ENTERXNG VDLUME3 T11►t8 NORTfii SOOTa' SAST WEST 7'OT'AL ~ OF BUOND 804ND BOUND BODl4TD VOLIJME TOTAL 17: DO AM 38 42 ~ 2 0 82 1$ 1:OD > 30 22 c 0 52 0 0 2: a0 - > 15 12 0 0 27 U% 3 : 00 > 9 6 2 0 17 0~ 4:00 - > 8 14 2 0 24 0~ 5: Q 0 > 20 22 T 0 49 0$ 6: 00 ~ > 81 147 22 0 250 2 0 7: ao > 241 451 25 0 . 717 5 0 8tD0 ~ 285 543 27 0 655 6 0 9:D0 - 287 462 20 0 769 5 0 1 D: QO - 335 484 18 0 837 6% II:D0 ~ > 378 531 20 0 - 929 6% 12:06 PM > 427 545 21 0 993 7 0 x: nn - - > 427 587 21 0 1035 7 0 2: 00 - > 550 21 0 1046 7~ 3: 00 , > 520 522 42 0 1084 7~ 4: DO - 629 589 34 0 1252 9% 5: 00 ' > 667 594 45 0 1306 9% 6: UQ - > 466 512 4E 0 1024 7% r . 7:d0 306 355. . 34 0 695 5% OA . > 253 263 20 0 536 4% . 9: 00 ~ > 211 194 14 0 419 3% 10: 00 - - - - } 132 172 11 0 315 2% • 11: UO ~ > 106 97 5 0 208 1% 6,346 7,716 959 0 14,521 -7 PREPARED FOR: CITX. OF ENCINITAS I~ ~ 3 0' RED C R I~ PHOEBE 301 <c 3 ~ ~ U H ~ U i ~ ~ EXISTING CONDrTIDNS ~ ~ TREE 3 0' , ( I 9/6/87 9:49 pm (darlc) i 12/23/87 (Wed) ~ P H 0 E BE 2=00 am (da,,~ a 12/09/88 <r ri 7+45 aM (day) _ ~ ~ H _.1._ 7/13/87 CMon) ~ ll:ls aM cday) I U H Li C~ Q ACCIDE=NT DIAGRAM ~ ~ ~1 ~~'I Q ~ . > ~ c ^ V) Lr) cu N v ~ I i PHOF IIE < 459 VPD ,...M,.,..~. 3 (167 4-HR) _ H I z H F~--1 U '✓CJLUME CaUNTS P~ ~ ~ \D~ M Q~ 'D N N v ` ` I 1 -7V1ID GITY OF ENCINITAS ~ TitAFFIC COMMZSSION MEETING T?ATE: February 5, 1990 ~ ~ TO; Morton F. August, Director of Public Wor,:s FROM: GPorge Villegas, Traffic Engineer DATE: January 30, 1990 SUBJEGT: All-Way Stop Investigation for Melba Road and Gardena Road 7N i RODUCT?ON : A request for an a'1-way stop at the interaection of Melba Road and Gar3ens Road was received from H. George Snyder of 591 Melba Road. This i.ntersection was ranked number 5 an the priority list of inter:2c:tiuns for stop sign investigations. In or1, to determine whether this intersection satisfies the ninimun► stop sign warrants based on City poli.cy apgroved by the ~ Traffic Commission and reviewed by the City Council, a traffic ~ engineering study has been undertake.. and ihe results are presented _ in this report. pISCUSaION• Melba Road runs east/west, and has a 32 foot roadway with~n a 50 fo-4- right-of-way with a classification as a local street in the Ciry's Circulation Element. The speed limit on Melba Road is 25 ~ miles per hour. Gardena Road, to the ncrth of Melba Road, is a fuliy deve) oped road witln curb, gutter, and sidew3lk, with a 45 feet of raadway within a 60 foot right-of-way. This part of Cartiena Roa3 dead-enc.s into the subdx.vision apgroximately 250 feet north of the intersection. Gardena Road, to the scuth of Melba ,2oad, is a two lane road with 32 feet of roadway within a 40 foot r;ght-nf-way and Fith a classification of a local street in the City's Circulatior. Eiement. The speed limit on Gardena Road is 25 miLes per hour. I~ccid~nt Historv: During a t:-aree year pericd, from December., 1986 through December, 1989, a total of faur accidents were reported. One of the accidents was a bic:ycle/vehicle, while the ather thres were cl3ssifi°d as broadside. Two of the three broadside accidents can cl- •-red be considered correctable by a stop szgn, rnwever, they oc more thar. 1-2 mont2:s apart. 5 Points were assiqned to the acc Zent ~ l warrant. -1~•t ~ Traffic and Pede~t~ian Volume: r The aaily traffic volu.,Q an Melba Roau is about 1800 veh clea per day (vpd). During tn,: hflhest fou* hour periocl, a co-e-bined total -f 623 vehiclez3 entsxn:: the int6irsectian from the east/west approaches. The aaily traffic volume on Gardena Road is about 800 vpd. During the k:~'qhest four hour pesiod, a combined total of. 284 vehiales were record.ed. Based on the volumes, the totial points assigned to this intersection is 0 for the peak four haur period and 8 points tor volume difference, which equals a total of 8 paints. Previous general observations suggest that the ps-destrian vol.wne crnssing st this intersectian is between the 1 ta 50 range. The number of points assignAd is 1 point. ~i~:k...=~~~.""j•:.~_LOL.s If -,:raveling northbound on Gardena the sight distance ~ in -t `Xaution is limited to approximately 175 feet due to r.i: . ~proYimity of property lines and the edge of the pavemant. Based on a review of ccnditions at this intersection, a total of ~ 2 points have been assigred to rhis warrant. rONCLUSION• A tnr_al of 16 points have been assigned to this intersection base-d an tne results of t:ie traffic engineering study. The minimum rnsmber cf points to sat2.sfy tne warrant is 25. , RECOMmEHDIITIONS : Zt is recommenc:ed that the Traffic Commission deny the reqaest far an all-way stop at ti;zs intersection. ~ ~t~'~ CITX OP ENCIilITAS AEPARTMEh"T OT' PUDLIC WORRS ALL-WAY STOP WARR,ANT FORM ~ INTERSECTZON : STREICT A STREET B L ASSIGNED MAXIMLP..: I W,A. R R A N T FOZNTS POSSIBi.=~ ~ POINTS ~ ACCIDENTS : 3-XEAF! PERIOD FROM 19 82 T0 19(" . For each reported accident witr.in a_2 month period of ; a type susceptible to correction by an all-way stop, 5 po4Lnts assigned up to maximum cf 15 points. 15 accidents per 3.2 month gerioa x 5= S__ ~ VOLUME: i a) Peak 4-Hour Total 14ajor approach Z vehicles/peak 4-hours ~ 5 i1•fi.nor approach vehicles/Leak 9-hours 10 ~ ~ b) Vo ume difference durinq peak 4-h.;.:rs Major approach 6 Z~ lzss minor approach ? ; ~ L'olume difference = ?3 10 ' -c) Pedestrian -voiume 1 'Po:nts are assigned far the -:umber of pedestrians ~ crossing the maj or street during the highest ~4-hours Pedestrian volume 1-5-0 5 I~ iUNUSUAL CONDITIONS: Where anusual or special coriditions exist such zs a schocl, fire station, playground., visibility restric- ,j tions or other factors which may crez~e a potential , safet.y hazard, points assigned up to a*naximum of 10 p o i n-, s b a s e d o n e n g i n e e r i n g -~udg e r e r. t z lo ! TOTAL 55 ~ An all-way stog may be warranted when justified by 25 cr more poi.its. The 25 point requirement may be waivEd when a) five or more accidents i susceptible to correction by an all-way stop have occurred during the ~i preceding 12-month period and'attempts using less restxictive controls have not corrected the problem, and b) a combination of unusLal condi- tions exist that, based on engineering judgeme^- cannot be mitigated or i; c) if traffic signals are warranted and are schedu.Led for a.ns--allation ~ wittiin 18 montns i~ Remarks: - ' I, r. Invest'ig; tor /z/ ~ Date ~ ~ • C1TY QF EldC1NCTAS ~a~c Er~GI~~G Date: ' Loca~rr. p - , ~ _ ~ IN;~- M~ y . • ~ j~, ~ ► - ~Description: Descriptiom ~ ~ `_L~ ~ I 3 O ~ ~ Desrriptian: Desr-iPtion: ~ _ - ~ CtTY OF ENCiNITAS ~ ~ °TRAFFIC ENUBNEEROIVG SECTION SUMMARY AF TRAFFgC COLLISIOtV HfSTORY, (Availabis Records) Date: 111 ~ L,c'c,~tjcrt: - Date i DaY Time Lightinq ~ TYPg Qther { ~ , r r^ 9 s~'A a I,~r I ~ i I l I ! ► ~ ~ ~ ~ - , (Susceptable To Correction) • CI i lf 'C1F ENCiNt1'AS . ~ AEPA9?TMEN'i° OF PtiBLfC WORK3 . ~ TRaF'FiG •~ClUNT SUMMARY WICHEST FOUR NOURS (EN'TER!(dG VOl.UMES QNLY) LQCATION: DATE: MAJOR STREET; Ct}iJNT DATEo T1NtE DiR. D!R• Tt3TQL -ToTAL ~so & Z-,f _ MlN(aR STREET: ~~~~i~ ~c.✓ COUNT DATE: D1R. T1ME TOTAL -27 a'"P Td f%n 6Pin Ta 7P1v 7`~ zc~° ~ T07AL 1 1 TRAFFIC UNT SUMRY - HOUKLY TOTAL3 CITy : Er;CTNITAS DATE: 28 SEP 19$9 • ' NORTII - SOfITH STREET: GARDENA RD DAY : THURSDAY EAST - WEST STRCET: MELBA RD TYPE: ENTERING VOLiIMES ~ TdME NORTH SODTB EAST WEST 7'OTAL t OF ~ BOUND RDiIND BODND BOUND VOLOPiF TOTAL 1 Z : D 0 AM > 5 0 6 `.'i 16 1 ~t 1.00 - > 2 0 2 1 5 0$ z: ao - - > 1 1 1 3 6 0 0 3: 00 - - 0 0 3 1 4 0~ 4: 00 - > 0 3 2 2 7 0% s: oa - - - - - 5 0 3 4 12 0$ b: 00 - > 14 0 6 13 33 1% 7: 00 " - - > 40 12 45 59 156 6 0 8:00 - - > 26 17 33 55 131 5% 9: OU - - 35 11 33 49 128 5% 10: 00 > 18 3 30 41 92 4% 1I:00 - 41 7 38 48 134 5 0 ~ 12: OG PM > 43 L~j 80 79 211 8% -m--3 1 1:00 > 29 9 50 45 143 6$ 2:00 > 36 7 52 73 168 7 0 3: 00 - > 37 10 49 68 164 6% 4: 00 77 4 49 95 225 9 0 5: 00 - > 68 11 61 110 250 10 0 6: 00 > 62 10 60 89 221 9% 7: 00 - > 45 6 48 75 174 7% 8: DD , 29 1 28 44 102 4~ 9: 00 - > 18 2 31 34 85 3% 10: 00 - - " 13 0 15 34 62 11: 00 e 9 1 6 15 31 1$ . ~ 653 124 ;41 1,"12 2,560 :.r PREPARED FOR: CITY OE ENCINITAS i EXiSTING CONDITIONS 451 ~ O 0 MELBA, - 3 G ; 34' Q z LJ F--~ ~ Q ~ AGCIDENT DIAGRAM ~ ~ Q 7/13/ 9 (THUR) 0 8 (DAY) (TUE) a~ ~V~ ~ L B~~ 1 43 CDAY3 - 0=■■~i 1/11/88 M DAYON> 1100 lOr 11169 CWED> 1815 (BIKE) 0 ~ 7 C3 g , q ~i TRAFFIC VOLUME A L a s > ' ..4. v -d' N M v ~ ~ M E L B A -dd 1042 VPD (373 4-hr) 741 VPD (250 4-hr) G ~ ~ Q~ ~ aO~ ~ M `r Lr) o ~D Ln N ~ z w Q-/ Q ~ -►p CITY OF ENCINITAS ~ AGLNDA REPORT ~ Mesting Date: Fsbruaxy 21r 1990 TO:Warren H. S2aafer, Ci~y Manager FRO • Morton F. August, Director of Public WorKs` ~ , DATE: February 15, 1990 SUBJECT: Traffic Commission Recommendations for the Implementation of a Safe Route to School Program (PW042;. BACRGI:OUND : ~ In conjunction w?th Work Project PW042, Willdan Associates completed a study entitled "Safe Route to Schocl Program in March, 1989 (Attachment n). The report focuses on the means by which children gain access to and from the City's nine elementary schools and provides reccmmendations for the i-mplementation of traffic safety measures to enhance pedestr.:an and bicycle safety. Copies of t5e repert were placed in the local libraries and forwarded to the school districts for their review. Due to the transition from a Traffic Advisory Committee to a Traffic tc o mmissior.and the level of detrsiled information contained within the report, he Traffic Commission discussions on the issue began in September, 1989 and ontinue3 into January, 1990. During this time, the Traffic Commission considered numezzas staff reports (Attachment B) and substantial public input. Minutes cf their meetings are attached as Attachment C. The Traffic Commission recommendations are contained in Resolutian TC 90-01. DZSCDSSIOh': Unllike the typical traffic engineering approach to recommending traffic: safety ir..provemen;.s onlj in response to a demonstrat-ed and 4 3zntifiable traf_`ic safety deficiency, a Safe Route to School Program trpically focuses on what measures would be prudent to ~mrZement in an attempt to avoid -accidenr_s invclving cl-.ildren who are on their way to or frorn elementary school. This apg-roach recoanizes that elementary school age crildrEn's peripheral vision is not as well developed as in tEenaoers or adull'-s and oftentimAs have difficulty in understanding tr.e proper use of crosswalks, signs and "rules of the road". Mast, if not ail. the nor.-capital recommendations in the Willdan report such as repainting crosswalks and relocation of signs have already been accomplished by s*_aff. ;he Traffic Commission had only minimal discussien on the items in '!'able II related mainly tc additional signage dnd pari•:ing restrictiQns. '^.ost of the public testimony and Traffic Commissi-n focus was on the capital improvement portian rf their reGOr,unendations. ''ihis element contained in Table I recommer.3s construction of all-weather surfacing of edestrian-ways serving fou: schoois. It is intended th3t these walkways be ~esigned and constructed so to mitigatr. as mu.ch as practical any impact on ~~-~l local community character and are envisioned te be construsted wit~he sxisting public rights-of-way. In areas where cancrste curb exists, Tragtic Commission is suqqestinq the remova1 of an,y eneroachments and the 1 construct!on of concrete sidewalks. In arems w±=hcut curbs the Traffic Commission is suggesting that a raised asphalt berm and sidewalk be placed along the existing edae of pavement. The raissd berm was felt to bs an importnnt safQ*_y feature that would minimize motorists driving in ,.)r parY.ing on the area intended for pedestrians. The Traffic Commission's desirs is to see the thres phases of the shLrt .range walkway imprnve:nents to be acr_omplished within th,ree years. While ,'esire would be for City Council to fully fund tne $525,000 program, the Traffic Commission understoud that such funding may not be readiiy availahle to devote to this program. Therefore, they cencluded that rhe most appropriate alternative to accomplish the proqram within the desired time frar.ke would be to for,u a City initiated benefit assessment district wxth • zones of benefits that coincide with the service areas of each of the four schools. Furthermore, the Traf_fic Commission recommended that the $100,000 in Work Project PW075, for implementation of the Safe Route to School Proqram, be utilized to prepaze glans and specificaticns for the ~.,sired improvements, as well as, the assessment district engineer..,g. Specifics regarding how such an assessm=nt district co•,ald be fcrmed and a range of costs that could be f:xpected based on very preliminary cost estim3tes are contained in the staff report dated November 1, 1990. A member of the Traffic Commission wi'_1 bE in attendance at the City Council meeting on February 21, 1990 to respond to any o-uestions the City Council may have legarding these recommendations. taff has reviewed tr.e Traffic :'otnmi-_sion's recommenda;ions and have no additie.7a1 conunents. At this time, however, staff desires to solicit City Couacil direction as what they wish staff to pursue. Alter.natives available to City Council are: 1. Accept the recommendations of the Traffic Commission, find that Work Project PW042 is complete and direct staff ta returr, with a sctiedule for implementation as part of PW075. 2. Modify the recommendations of the Traffic Co:nm=ssion, find that Work Project PW042 is complete and 3irect staff to return with a scheaule for imglementation as part of PW075. 3. Re~uest the Traffic Ccmmission to reconsider their recor-nendations or develop other recommendations andl provide specific direction. 4. Receive and file the Traffic Commission reco.amerdations. R.ECQMMENDATZON: I: is recommended that City Council consider the recorr.mendations of the Traffic Comzr,ission and provide direction. l ~ ~f j RESOLUTION TG 90-1 ~ A RESOLUTTON OF THE TRAFFIC COMriISSION OF THE CTTY GF ENCINITAS RECOMMENOING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL PROGRAM WHEREAS, pursuant to Work Project Pw042 a report entitled "City af Encii:itas - Safe Route to Schaol Pragram" dated MrLrch 9, 1989 preparsd by wildan Associates recommended certain 'traftic safety measures be taken to promote elementary school age chilclren pedestrian and bicycls safety; and WHEREAS, copies of this report were provided to the Cardiff School District and Encinitas Union School Di-strict :for their review and comment; WHEREAS, *_he Traffic Comnission initial:y reviewed this report at their September 18, 1989 meeting and received substarit-Lal. public input as to -dy. for traffic safety improvements at t'neir October 16, Novemb. .snd Decem.ner 4, 1989 and January 15, 1990 meetings; and , WHEREAS, the Traffic Commission reviewec: Public Works Department staff repc,--'~ dated September l, October li, November 1, November 28, 1989 3nd ..7anuary 3, 1930; now THEREFOFcE BE 1T RESOL`JED that to enhance pedestrian and ~icyc'a safety for the elementary school age children of the City SA ~~j ~ ~ of Encinitas, the Trattic Commission hereby makes the foliowing recommendations to City Council for their ccnsid- +on and bction: 1. A p:ogram be undertaken t4 provide sidewaiks/walkways as shown ir Table I (attache-'.)• A. All tiiree short range phases be underr_aken jointiy an3 ' implemented yn the near future. ~ B. Funding for the proqram should be prflvided by 1) General Fund, Gas Tax funds or yrant funds if availabie; or 2) A~ In the event the resources of the City are insu¢ficiant ta fund this progra:a in the near tprn, then individual zon2s of benefit within a single benefit assessment district should be established. Alsc the City sh~~uld i make contributions to the assessment district as funding restraints allow. Each zone of bznefit should coincide with the service azea boundaries of each schoo),. C. The existing $1C0,000 funding provided i:+ wozk Project pW075 be utilized L-o develop construc*_ian plans and spe.cifications and assessment district engxneerinq for the short *erm phases. ~ D. The long range phasas be implemented in conjunction with future develppment, qrants or other unidentifieci fund source:. 2, 0irect staff to pursue the necessary actions to implem:-It the A-ecommendations shown in Table II. 3. Coordinate the effort tQ implemPnt the Safe Route to School Program with other City work projects especially the West ; Cardiff Traffic StudY. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January 1990 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Austin, Griffin, Kellogg, Shaffer, Ullman ~ NAYS: None ~ r ABSENT: None \ I ' ~ Robert Kelloqg, Vhaixpersor. ~ Trafric CommissV.-q 1 ~ , . . ,Y TA BLE ~ p ~ i . r {y' ~ ~ 6r~ 8Bx ~ I 1~ F~S G.1 1 I G 4 i. ~ C i i ~ t:u •n.i.- ~ i 6 r.~~br. 11t~ @ r e O~v~^G ■ ~ I h• j j nt^v~Yi•.p i i r•..,Nyl..r~~7 ~ M N C ~ ; i v c - r', r'•...[ I ~ 4 @ 1 a Y.p7 ~ i i i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ t, r~... a ~ t I I ~ ~ ~ M Y J ~ ~ a~• n~o~ mm i w r. 9 G u7 T ~a GL 9 i ~ J 3 s e I rf r•~ i i ^ r- v i! P.~ M I ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ t R G. Y N~ ~ ; (v0 i I Op Ep~ ~ ~ ~p'3 ~ ~ 0 i i QG~OQ 0 ~ ~ C1 p W4~ 1~ ~ I Y1 Y7 I I f7 ~ ~ 1 1 I 1 Yl 9 YI O 9 (~1 Y7 tt 1. / l 1 I 1 I 11 G~ 1. jp :D / 7 fl~ A CI 1. Gi f 1 N t. N~ 1 ~ ~ tl M, -0 I 1 1 I ti t7 - C~ G ~ 0~ D~ P~ S n ~ 1 I 1 1 I 1 M ~ 1 I 6 I I 9O ~ ~ ~ I@ 00 O~ ~ 0 6 p I QO ~Qp i I~30 J p ~ b5fl O~ ~~~m0 A Y FJ Yiry i i d0 G I i~~A v i i G3i. i~ I~i p N~~~ i i(~IS 0 n. r'- n i 7~ ~ cz~ P i i~~Nf'r i i-c n~ a a• i nnnan ~ i OSGd09 ~ i oomrno nannnn~e~nan .I no 0 e 1 3 O j(y M M N fi i i fV N Ci [V fi ['I ; i fV N fi ii fl ; ;[V If N (4 t4 N fi i f,1 N f! [J N ' U N .J I I 1 I - I 1 I ~ Y ~ ~ r I m O Q Q O B i i O i i p O 1 i~ O O 79 O 9 3 O G G O O G R ~ Ci'.d9 i ~ GAGO~OG ~ t I fa7001490 1 iObOGO6O~RGOG0 1 t9frfOr.':uOO ri n i 0 0 Ot. G i'• r! a 0~ , ~ 1!ri n Y, n~+ I i 9 9 Y~ ~0 n Y'l P 1 i m fr b7 n 111 J O ~C t9 ~ t v i i n i i ~ f w e ~ r ~ r ~ WJ p ~ ~ 1 I 1 t Jf LO o~ J!~ ~ I 0 i I N ~ I I ~ i 1 i W w i i 3 ~ i e ¢ O p(~;Q I I ~ I I N/ / y /s (7 N 1, i e M N i ~ N i 1 p ~ I NNNNN I I!lfNU1Nf1ffA I 1 fANNOfNN I i NNNIANWtAfdfA(f1N I Mm aa i% a i..... i i i...... i i........... ~e ,s U1~ IW3Ww3 ~ ~tA~WWZ3 1 I 33W3ZW ~I 322WwNZfJ13.:N +A fl N.aN6.01 p ih ! 1 ~ I O 1 1 •r ~ i i i n s~ I I W I I ~ t o O ~ ; 1 1 Q C C 1 I ~ A W t I r W N ~1 I U G ;Jm h t I OI.w'.C' I 1 Na I 1 OF-C..J~r I I - 1~1 ■i i/ W~ C J Q 2~ : J 1 I}'. 0~~ O ~ 1~J~q ~1..•rlU 1 1[q ~ f~ C9o ~ ~¢aoa a a r~ Z L . I a i ~cnacn i i ou i woa u,c`u ~ i~ ~W¢a sm C1 t 1 N°~ ~ I 1 Jr' ~ ' I OtT 2:Uz ~ 1 I~-•+Q '^'t~t,r.~ J~::t n ~ u. a L! ~ 1 OCNN4f I aL'.aQ~." 1 i i z U>•••p ! 1E: -A'rC U I Y I ZU!UINRI w~00J I I iL:1 ...Q.'. QiL - 1 I~• S Z'.:r~` L L L~ ~ J ~ M {y ~ ~ 1" 1!1 fL (L C 1 1~ N G!L KS 1 1 41 - W~ ~ I Z~ W W W W"w~ z ~ I\• UUU I I S~lLiL C~~ i.elQ W 4.i: J~~ G C..J e~ ~ ~ ~ ~,a : 0 ~ i I~WTi j N N i i.:. G ; z"_ J U',~it J1 Z M ~ ~ :1 1 I ~,J D... 1 I d3ii. CZ LZ .'°L. ~ . GD~_ 1 ~ J i tI3 J i i:uSi 2'~ ty,~J'~. C~I+W p~ ~ 1 Z3:..-~. ~ UU~~I di~.: N~7+ i.4w0~ - S/a.N'JIiL ( I I I ~ ~ i ~ O / 1 1 I ~ 1 ~ ~ i 2J~~ t I ~ 1 1 O~ I I ~ I I 1,~, 'J 1 I C G lU J! 1 1 p` ! L W~ fL i i ww a su i I U. r~ r► 1 7> I i~ W I i y, ~C A¢ 1y,' W ~ I 4Q I I Q U O Z I C L W p 0 lU ~ OQ 4^ftCC4U 7 1 r- rY W } ~ 1 6 f~ GC a IL/G~2tL I I~it .a ~ 1 UllAL' ~!L I ~ a a N QC~ ~ i ~ o } [L J a i i...~q*w i i noa0o caaac~ ~I . N Y N j N dQ I iC T O Y" ~ I~• Z 4 f i :L l L i t 2 f C G' i C e iIx0co 'SL 1 I Y JG I 1:5~~.:+~..~ I 1 C Q Q ~ Y p (/1 I 1 ~.r.~~0~~ 1 1 2f7:t~`U' 1 ~~QQ MO'~JQi~~~G I i 5 .~.+JGJiO ar/ r o r ~ I OG:r~G I ~ 1L2U i.l(L~ D Ji ~l J M~ ~ t U ZZUU.T. I LCN~i. I 1 NN7,~tL" i I JJJ.,= '~JJJ GW VCipwwG~U a~ wNW uliL:JiJI~ dGEc'....: ix~.~J4~.: ~ i i M 1 w I I I 1 1 : ~ . E 1 ww «.w.~ t I •a.. 1 I Kw I J I R i + M 1 , ~ ~ ~ N II II k ir~[f, T !1! Lt I ;L 1 ~ ~ r ^~Y ~ G i ~ ~ II 1 I Q i ~lx I Z ~ r~ s c uI i ~ui ~a i v iXv i w. ) ~ TRAFFIG cOMKzssxox RECarMExmATiaris ~ FOR NON-CAFITAL TMPROVEMEIdTB 1. ~da Ha►rr~.s Place th8r~~y nteli~~i~g onfor cansid rati n fthe inst lla ion of an al].~ sign pr~o . way stop. . 2, Ca r' ilone. , . 3. Card f ~ A. install "Nb ParkS.ng 8 a"m Mozart Avenue to 0o feet n rth ofsschoal of I~onrgamery Avenu.. fram parkinq lat driveway. ; B. Install "No Parking 8 a.m. - 4 p.N. Loading Zone" ori the north side ~ of Mozart Avenue from San Elijo Avenue to 400 feet easterly. f AMhA. Flora Vista None. 5, Ocean Knoll ~ A. Install "No Stapging 8 a.m. to 4 p.m." signs on sauth side of Melba Raad trom Bonita Drive to Approximately 200 ft easterly. I B. Install "No Farking 8 a.m. ta 4 p.m. - Loading Zone" on north side i of M(-lba Road from easterly school driveway to Bonita Dri.ve. ~ 6. Pacific View ! ~ A. Pain.t 12" yellow crosswalks at nnrth ana east legs of E Street and t Third Street. . priari y~.i ting Por consideration ofat~ a11-~ray sto~,e stAn B. S~gne a 7. Paui Eake Central Paint crosswalks at Union Strea- and Hermes Street as shown in Figure 6 of March 9, 1989 Willdan report including pedestrian crosswalk warning sign. y~ sg_(p ~ I E -i I J a . 8. kg~,4 DUe A. Paint 12" yellow crosswalks at: 1. South leg of Glan Arbor Drive at Park Dale Lane. ; 2. Sauth, east and west legs at Glen Arbor "Drivb an8 Cauntry Haven. road. 3. North, sauth and caest legs at willowsprings Drive antl Country Haven Road. 4. 5auth and west legs at Willawsprings Drive and Parkdale Lane. B. Paint rQd curb on narthside of Park Da1e Lane from Glen Arbar to school dri.veway. C. pnst '9No Stopping 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.t° signs on east side og Glen i Arbor Drive opposite school frontage. ~ ~ 9. St John's ' None. ~ ~ ; ~ : STUDY SESSTQN 2J21/90 DRAFT B. meetina edclinq ~~n~~tio~ of Da~e ~r^~o ed Join~ M~e~ina of Boa?'ds t~Review wark Pro-lects. Cantaa'. ' person= publia works Director Auaust. It was Council consensus to 3ccept Staff's recammendatian that the April 1£3, 1990, Study Session be a joint meeting with all Districts and be limited to the extent passible to a review and di.scussion of potential City and Distrxct FY 1990-91 Work Projects. ~ 2. nS• ergrion of Suquested ummer Schedule for nnn il istr].ctMeetings to PemitF?rtpndp!A Vac-aic3.ori ,Period. Contnot Persan: Citv Manaeq rShafer._ I It was Council consensus ta accept Option 2and schedule Counail Meetings for July 11, and 18, and District Meetings July 10, and July 17. August Council Meetings were schaduled for August 22, and August 29, ar►fl District Nipetin9s on August 21, and 28. 3. _CQnfirma*ion of Date for Special Citv Council Meetinct on X1l aal Campinc(. Loztera.nq and Othe;. Issues Re].ated to Mictrants Coatsat Person: City Manager Shafer. Council directed Staff to investigate the feasibility of Marah 22, ~ 1990, as a possible date for the Special Meeting and to report baak on February 28, 1990, for confirmation. Cs TFXIS IT~'M WRS REMO'VED FROM THE AGENDA PRIOR TO DISTFtIBUTZON. D. cc,Z,nsideration,,,~f Zmprovements to Citv Propertv ~ocated at 915 Urani.a. Conta~t Pezson: Public Works Airectar Auausto Cauncil cansensus was to move forraard to rehabilitate the property at a cost of $25,000 or less and have the City initiate appl.ication fox a Iow incnme rental voucher. E. Review of Tra~f'.c Commissian's Recommendativns on Safe Routes to School Procrram Contaci: Person: Public Works _Di=eetor Anqust. Before the staff report was yiven, Council Member Omsted stated that she owns property within 300 feet of Rainbow Ridge Lane atld any improvements would affect her pr.opex-ty. TherePore, she disqualified herself from discussing that port3.on of the proposed praj ect . V) 02/21/90 Page 2 MTG#90-_ , PK#4, PAGE ` DRAFT STLiDX SESSION 2J21/94 ~ council Meinber Hano statad she lives within 300 feet of Requeza Street and asked to be disqualified from disaussing that pQrtion of the pxoject. Public Works Directar August said Wil.ldan AssociatGs had completed a study entitled "Safe Route to School Program" in March nf 1989. Ths report focused on the means by which chi.ldren gain access to and from the City's nine e7.ementary schoals and pravided recommendatinns for the implementation of traffic safaty measurQs tn enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety. A copy of the report had been given to sach Council Membea-. Mr, August said that mosti, if not all, the non-capital recommenaatians in the Willdan report such as repainting crosswalks and relocation of signs, rxad already bean accomplished by staff. ' Bob Sargeant of Willdan Associates said their gaaZ in the "Safe Route to Schaol Program10 study was to identify deficiencies araund each school as far as safety was concerned and to deve:lop a plan far all students to axrive at schoal safely. 14r. August said the feeling af the Traffic Commission, as to the co»cern about changing community characters was concerned, was discussed at lenqth. 'rhey had determi.ned that any Ghanges made ~ shau1.d blend in with the community. An asphalt wal]ccaay with an _ asphalt berm was recamme ~h~'~hiThe ZdrenPanda keeps cars fram pa~king separates the cars fra~n in those ar8as• He said t"r.e walkway plan was concaptual and by no ; means a design plan. He said the Traffio Commission's dasire was to see the prograar. implemented within a 3 year time peri.od. Board Member Gaines statecl she did not favor asphalt sidewalks and preferred an asphalt berm with a DG pathwal far the areas that do rnt want concrete sidewalks. Mr. August sa~d the CT~BS would racommend what a.mprovements k*ere needed"and suggest the types of materials to be used. Mr. August told the Gounc.il that Stafi was seeking direction, e. , did the Counca.l want ta take the recommendations of the Traffic Cammi.ssion and turn tham into a work project, modxfy those recanumendations, send them back to the Txafgic Cnmmi,sian, nr appaint a sub-committee of the City Counail to make recommendations? 02/21/90 Page 3 MTG#90- , BK#4, PAGE SA-9 DRAFT ST(JDY SESSIBN 2j21/90 . ~ Walter Schaffer, member of the Traftic Gomtniss3.an, said the Commission was laokinq at determininq where the main col?.ectar routes were and recoac►mendiiiq placing sidewalks an those streets, on the sids where children were most like.ly to walk. Council. Member Omstsd asked Mr. Schaffer if he knew how many children use the different rautes that the Comxnission was working on. Mx. Schaffex said data was receivad an the number of children using bicyclesr riding the bus, baing driven by c.ar, and walking, but not received on the number af chfldren using individual streets. Iie sai.d their main funation had been to take intA consi.dexativn the future homes to be built ar.d where the most good wauld be done for the most number of people. Marsha HetricDc presentecl a petition to the Board signed by residents of Melba Road between Crest and Balour regarding the p;.acements of sidewalks on tr.eir streets. She requested 30 days for the resfdents of her area to review the plans ai.d prvvids, input to the irafPic Comrnission regarding the -)roposed sidewalic 1.'raject as ta haw it would affect Nlelbas She said if a pathway is put in it shauld only be on the north side of the street. said if a sidewalk is put in it should nnly be on Bernard Minster the north side of Melba and requested time fox the neighborhood tn J.ook at the proposed pZ,ans. Bil7. Berrier representir.g the San Dieguito Union High Schonl District, spoke in suppoxt of the sidewalk pxogram as recomznended par'ticularly around Ocean Knol]. SchoAl. Mai-y Lou Schultz, Yresident of the Board of Trustees of tha San Aieguito High School District, spoka in favor af the program stating the Acean Knoll area is of the greatest concern at time. Anne Omsted expressed her cancern about the predicted cost to pave itainbaw Ridgee She said the drainage problems on ltainbow Ridge are extremely seriolas and she believed the cost would be murh greater than prajected. Mary Jo Nortman representina theEncinitas Elementary 5choal Saard, Spoke in favor of the "Safe Route to School" Program. Ted Myers spoke against a sidewalk on Burgundy Road. He s3id Burgundy Road goes from Capri north a dead end. He had taken a sur`rey of his neiqhbors which showed 30 of 31 did riot want the wa].kway and 1 did want it. He said there are other neearby areas ~ 02/21/90 Page 4 NTG#90-_, BIC#4, PAGE ~~-l0 ~ S+'UpY S?SSIOid 2/21/90 DRAFT that s2xould have priosity over Burgundy. Gail. Qlney spoke in favor Qf the plan and said she walks ts accomQany q children to schnol every morning for their safety. Dfane Iiubbard spoke against the walkways saying it wauld detract from the character of the neighborhood but was in favor of paving Rai.nbow Ridgs Road. Liz Beiner thanked the Gity for initiatinq ths °Safa Raute to SahaAl'P grQgram and spoke in favor of sidewalks, especiall.y for ~ Ocean Knoll. Jan vaccara spoke in favor of sidewalks and said shQ drives her san to schoa7 because of the unsafe dirt roads. Lindsay Ahigren representirig the Oaean Knoll PTA, spoke in favor af the sidewalks and also mentioned szdewalks would be safer for serior citizens. Sandy Freeman, Principal of Cardiff Schaol, spoke in suppnrt of t3xe "5ara Route to Schaols." She said none of the str.eets in Cu.cdiff are safE and the City should consider doing something , regarding Birminghame She said her sc:hooa rias stopped takinq claildxen across Birmingham because it is so perilous, ~ Cauncil Member Gaines spoke on behalf of Ptancy Orr, who was unable to attend the meeti.ng but whd wished to be on record is in favor af the sidewalks. Ray O°Toole, Principal of Ocean Knoll, sroke in favor of the safe sidewalks especially as it would affect Ocean Knnll. He was there are currently 650 children attending ocean KncZl aizd it is a year round school. Ginger Charters spoke in favor of the "Safe Route to Sahools", Niaureen Gaare, representing Capri EleMentary, spoke ir+ favor of the sidewalks and said she wants mare sidewalks than the City is propasing. She also spoke in favor of paving Rainbow Ridge RQad. 5uzanne Wozniak li.ves on the East side of El Camino Real and spoke in favor of sidewalks. Karen Kaden sgake in support of sidewalks mainly for Ocean Knol2 but spoke against an asphalt covering for Capri and suggested a four faot pedestrian clearing. 02/21/90 Page 5 MTG#%.,-_Y, BK#4, PAGE ~A'~k DRAFT STUDY SESSION 21/21j90 ~ David Monney lives on Burgundy Road and spake against a sidewalk an Burqundy. H[e s•sgneste3 using the money earmarked for BuxgundY for a sidewalk somewbeYe else. Robin Sal.ss lives or, Melba Road and said she did ncst favor sidewalks on Me].ba. She suggested the following alternativssa monitor the speeding cars, post a speed limit sign, make Melba Road ~ one way, put in speed bumps, and divert the C'Lty bus off Me1ba. Anne Pattnn suggested construc:ti.ng a raised median a1oTg Santa Fe Drive between Nardo and Windsor to keep the students uff the middle of the road. gtar.- Fenney, representing oak Crest Jr. High, spoke in favor of sidewalks along Balour, Melba, and in the Ocean Knol1 area. David AhIgren spoke in favor of the "Safe Route to Schools" plan. He suggested cutting down bushes along the rights of way to make it safe. There was Counc2l cansensus to commii:. to the full concept of the "safe Route to Schools°1 plan and Council asked Staff to come back with funding sources t}-at are avai.lable. There was full ar*?-eement to utxl.f.ze the CAl3s to review the design of the indivi3ual ~ communities. Council Afembers Gaines and Slat.:er said they were h-th irr favor cf prioritizinr Ocean :'noll because of the High School and the tremendous :raf€ic cangescion. Council Member Shea said the plan had to go back tc the CABs for more input. It was Council consensus to advise thQ CABS to laok at duxability and low mai.ntena.nr,e when discussing the type of covering to be used. Council recommended the follocainr: Capri School - E].iminate sidewalk on Buxgundy and add Urania to Leucadia Blvd. Oaean Kr.oll - Elimiriate south side of Melba bet*aeen Crest and Balour. Add Nazdo between Santa Fe and Melba. Ada Harris/Gardif.f - Wait for Cardiff Study and Roa3 Standards 5tud,y and put on work projects program for April. g, RFVI~W OF ITEMS PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED 02/21/90 Page 6 MTG#90- , BK#4► PAGE__ 6A4Z ~ ~ (UV v COPYHIOHT.O 1889 BY AmaBw AliW Z dYW 335 {J. ' - I u nway~• rt . U. OL' ~ t rt--"---'_... ~ • ~ --'P~ni w~~~ G.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...►.Y..~J ~ ~M ] ~~_/""^'~~L7 0~ b~ L«y 1 w ~ ~ d~ts M `1 ° ~i 4 ~ ~O I u~wa w ~ 1 ~ . ~s _ _SAN ~ j~~ `r~_'Ys~,,,~► - + ~ I ~ ~Y ` or 3 ~ ~~°b4 I 3 ~ ~ ~ aa~ ~ 0 ~ ~a~^ ~Rp ~ r J ' ~ ~ ~ .i3 ' < . . . . . . , • wn.r L ~ ' : • ZL WY ~ I N► ~ ~ ~ I I I U. ♦ I w i -----------f------___-~---------+-------- ~ a ~ . . . ~ . ~ ~ - ~ . _4- C"4 cv c~ v u'~ ~O . _ , ~ ~ _ ~ ~ i • : ; •r ' , , - ~ . , . . • ~ • • ~ , f • . ,y.; ~ :t. . . { N~ • • . . 'i . . , ~ ' • , ~1.~~~YH~~,r:'~;Trv. 4 • , ~ . , . . ' ~ • •..,r t) tti.~~ k' r'~ ~ ~ ' . 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'r j'~ , i , . .t~, • , j;at.Yt~ g.~•~~~►: ~•1 ~ • ` r•, ,i' ..•w ' .r'J . . ~ v- .t. , , , , S' ~ i~~':` , . . . . ~ y of CZt Erccinitas March 1, 1990 NOTICE TO R SE IpENTS fihe City Traffic Commissa.or_ wi.ll meet on Monday, MarGh 5, 1990 at ~ 7;00 n.m. in the City Council Chambers Conferenae Room lcacated at 535 Encini.tus Boulevard, Suite 100, Encinitas. The Cammission will be discussing the findings of a traffic enqineering report deal.ing wa.th a request to estabiish an all-way stap at tne intersection of Melba Rond and Gardena Road. Ths repQrt px'epared by staff t indi.ca 'n~ersection do no tes that tLe Prevalent conditions at this ~ meet the minimum warrants estalalished by City Council as the threshald to install an ail-way strap. Therefore, staff is ~ recommending the Traffic Commissian deny the request. - Xou are welcome to attend thiG mePting and present testimony for conaideration by the Comiaissi.on. Copies of the xeport are ; available for review at the Carda.ff Libraxy and in Ithe lobby of City Hal].. A limited number of copies of the regnrt will be avaa.lable at the begi.nning of the meeting. Questiorts reqarding the II report may be directed to me at (619) 944-5080. 1 ~ I:orton F. August ~ 1 Director of Public Wor3cs 'E ~ ; ~ ; i ~ s 1 ; REO,UEST TO SPEAK DURING ~ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Please complets and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak during the ORAL COMMUNICATIONS portion of the agenda. ThQ City Clerk wiil call you to the podium at the agpropriate time. ThreA minutes is the time normally allotted ta each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with , permission of Gauncil. Please state your name and address for the record grior to beginning your presentat?on. PLEASE PFtINT NAME : (First) (Last) , .ADDRESS: iC (Number) (Street) I - ~ ~ ; r-~ a s ~ (city) (zip coae) 1 TELEPHONE: (9 2S~`- 4!( _ SUBJECT; REPRESENTIIJG : M~ ccfor.mtool/speak ~