1989-01-16 1939 TIZAFFTC COMMISSrON AGENDA I JANLIARY 16, 1989 ! i i ` t C7TY GF ErICINITAS TRAF'FIC ADVISORY COMNLITTEE AGLktBA ~ IIOND.AY, JANU,ARY 16, 1981 ; 7: 0 C P. M. Council Chambers Conference Room 535 EnGinitas Bou:l.evard • Encinitas, Caiifarnia 92024 If you wish ta speak to an item on the agenda, rlease fill out the apprapriate speaker's slip and h.and it to the clerk. 1. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL _ 2. PLEDGE QF ALLE;GIANCE 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIGNS , Oral cemraents (maximum of three minutes) will be heard from people who submit a white speaker's slip ta the clerDc. No action may legally be taken on such r.on-agerida items, they will be ref.erred to the Board Manager. 5. CLOSTNG ANn AD4PTIOI3 OF CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes of December 5, 1988. 6. NEW BUSINESS , ; A. A11-Way Stop Investigation for Orpheus Avenue/Hyaei.a ; Avenue. I B. All-Way stop investigation for Vialage Center Drive and Willowspring Drive/Glen Arbor Drive.' C. Village Park Way No Stopping Zone and Striping. I 7. TRAFFIC ADVIS012Y COMMITTEE COMMENTS A. Discussion of January 11, 1989, City Council Agenda t Report Regarding the xntroduction of Ordinance No. 89-02 Adding Chapter 2.40 Establishinq the City of Encinitas TraffS.o CommissiAn. 8. ADJOURNME;IVT CITY OF EPTCTNITAS 'rRAFFXC AAVTSOYtY COIMTTEE 1KINUTES ~ Meetinq Date: Beaember 5, 1988; 7: 00 p.m., 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROT.,L CALL Present: Chazrpersan Goldstein, Committee lMembers Austin, Kellogg, Radick, Wilkinsan and Walker. Gomnittee Member Trujillo arri.ved at 7:08 p.m. Absent: Committee MembeL Davis and Ullman. Also ~ Present: Morton August, Secretary; George Villegas, Traffa,c Engir.eer; Raymond Guarnes, Traffic Technician, Vreni Burns, Administrative Secretiary, Sherifaf DepuLy McNary. ~ ~ 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAtJCE 3. ANNOTIkCEMENTS _ None. .l 4. ORA.L COLMNtIINYCATIONS None. 5. CLOSING AND AI}OPTION OF THE CONSl?NT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes of NloveirEber 7, 1.388. COMMITTEE MEMBER RELLOGG MOVED, TifALRER SECQNDEb `i'O RPPROVE THE MINiJTLS OF NUVEMBEkt 7, 1988. THE MO'PION WAS UNANIMi1IISLY APPROVEDo 7-0< 6A. ChesterPield Drive Corridor Txafff ic ImprovementReport Traffia Engineer Villegas gave a hsief overv;ew nf staff's report and recommendations. Commi.tteE Member Wilkinson questtoned the installation of a yfeid sign at the north west corner oP Chesterf.i.eld 13rive and San Elijo Avenue. 5he statsa sh.e thaught it would cor,Puse drivers. Traffic Engineer Vi1legas responded that drivers would be mare cautious entering the intersection yielding to traffic coming trom the south and east. Kathleen Brooks, 2211 Oxford Avenue, Cardift,_sL•ated she has resided at this ad3ress for 15 years and agrc-as with staff's report except for the installatian af an a1lwwa,y stop at the intersection of Chesterfield Drive and Oxford Avenue. She statEd that an all-way stog at this 00) intersection would create acci3ents due to the steep grade of Chesterfield Drive. She suggested that all-way stops bs instalZed at the intersections of Chesterfiel3 Drfve and Edinburg and Chesterfield and Ma;lch2ster Avenue. She stated that vehicles often speed on Chesferfield and she has neyer seen a Sheriff patrolling the 5treet. Don Rich, 444 Chesterfie2d Qrivs, Cardiff, stated that he hds been involved with this issue for anvmber of yeaYs. He stated ha started the peti.tion to ir_stall the sLop signs. He informed the Committee that he went around the neighbQrh4od and qathered 35 signatures of people in favor of the a11-way stcag at the eorner of Chesterfie13 Drive ! and Oxford Avenue. He stated he is in favor of tlae 6 ; motith review periad for the installatiare of the all-way stop at this locatxon. Leonard Peccriia, 426 Chesterfield Drive, Cardiff, stated that he is in favor of tne all°w-iy stQp a+: tha intexsection of Chesterfield Urive and Oxford Avenue because it urould eliminate the reckless driving amd ~ speeding on Chesterfiel.d Drive. ! Ben Sportsman, 2205 Oxford Avenue, Cardf.ff, stated he is in €avor af the a13-way stap at Chesterfield Drive andl ! Axford Avenue and iigrees with the 6 month review period. ) He also is in favnr of yield sign at the intersectian of Chesterfield Drive and San E3ija Avenue. ChairpErSOn 6oldstein closed the meeting to public input. Following Cammittee discussion: ~ COMMITTT'E KEMBER WALKER HUVED, RADICK SECONTJED TO ~ RECOMMM Td CiTY COUNGIL THE .APPRn'vAL OF ALS, 7 STAFF REC(JA'MENDATtONS. Committee Member Kellogg stated he did not like ths recommendation uf an a11-way stnp at the intersectiora ot Ghesterfield nrive and (7xford Avenub. Iiis concern was because oE the grade on Chesterfie3d Drive. He suggested the in3tallation of an a13.-way stop at the intersection of Chesterfield Drive and Cambridge beaause oE the new devel.apment in the area. Committee Msmber Walker stated that he had some reservativns about the all-way stop at tha intexgeation aP Chesterfie7d Drive and 4xfQrd Avenue but was in favor oE the reviera period. Committee Member Trujillo stated he is in favor of the , all-wa., stop at the intersection of Cb"terfield Drivr~, and Oxfard Avenue and feels it will coxrec* ths rollercoaster effect the residents in the area aze concerned about. ~ N6TI0N CA2ZRIED. ?-Z. RELIOGG OPPOSSi)o 7. TRAFFIC AtiVT.SQRY COMMITTEE COM4EPiTS A. S3cretary August i.r_formed the CammitteE tnat the City Counail at their next meeting wi11 be reorganizing the election of CAB and Planning Cominissfon metnbers and formalizing the Traffic Advisory Commit:tee into a Commission. The members wi-11 have terms appointed and any current membexs intpx.•ested wiZ:l r.eed tn reapply in January, B. Committee Member Austin stater' that she liked the ; report An Chesterfield Drive because it included all j the iiitersaatians and suggested that this be done in the future for other areas that wiZl be studied. 8. AtA7OURNMENT ; The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. I ~ The next regular meetfilg will be January 16, 1988; 7z00 ~ p.m. ~ r Chairp rson Goldstein ~ o t n F. A gdfwf i Traffic Advisory Committee Secr tary I ~ ~ ! I , TRAFFIc .AnvzsoRY cvMITTEE AGENDA RI:PORT I 4 Meetin3 Date: Januarg :16, 1988 0A) TO: Morton F. August, Director of Public Works ~ FROAi: George Villagas, Traffic Engineer fl DATE: January I1, 1989 SUBJECT: Al1-Way Stop Investigation for orpheus Avenue/H-geia ~ j Avenue. ~ ~ I ' BACRGROWD ~ A reque.st for an alt-way stop at the int.arsection of Orpheus Avenue/Hygeia Avenue was rece~ved fi-am Ms. Jurie Graf of 737 Hymettus Avenue. This intersection is ranked number 4 on the Stop sign Priority List of Inter.section Ti~vestigations dated November, 1988. i , In order to deterr,iine whetr ar this intersect ior satisf ie , the ; miriimum stop sign warrants approved by the Traffic Advisory ~ Committee, a traffic engineering study has been ut:de.rtal-en and ~ the results are prese;at'-ed in this report. {i DISCQSBION ~ , i Orpheus Avenus is a twc lane, 38 foot wide local st.reet with parking permitted on both sides. Orpheus Avenue is s~:ripeci w4 ch a double yellow center line and, except alor..g the west side south of Fiygeia Avenue, it lacks curb, qutter and ; s? dewal.ks . ~ Hygeia Avenue is a two lane, 32 foot wide local street with ~ parkitig per.m.itted on both si3es a-,L terzninates at Orpheus Avenue. T'ygeia Avenue is striped with a single yellow center line and is cantrolled by a stcp sign at its west appxaach with Orpheus Avenue. Hymettus Averiue intersects fiygeia. Avenue 60 feet caest of Orpheus Avenue. , Accident Historv ~ During a 3 year period from December, 1955 through December, 1988, one accident was reported. Review af ths Traffic c:ol].ision Report indicated that the accident was a xear-end type which is not considered as susaeptible to correction by stop signs. No points were assigned to the acci.dent warrant. / ~ Traffia and Pedestrian Volu'retes l3ai].y traffic on Orpheus Avenue entering the intersection is 1,651 vehicles per day (vpd). During the highest 4- haur period, 534 veh:.cles entered the ir,tersection. Daily traffi-c on Hyc;eia Avenue entering the intersection t from the west is 697 v d p. During the highect 4-haur period, 104 vehicles intered the intersection. Based on traffic volumes, the total numbei of points assigned is 0 for the peak 4 hours and 8 for the vclume difference. one point was assigned ta the pedestrian ~ warrant. ~ Unusua.l Condit_ons I ~ ~ A partial olastructicn af s3ght distance at the nart.hwest curner was observed and is Gaused by utility poles and shrubs. Close proximity of Hyrnettus AvFnue creates less than ideal traffic flow pattPrns. A total of 6 gaints are assigned to this warrant. ; CONCLIISION i ~ A total of 15 points have been acsfgned to this intersection ~ which iG less than the minimum 25 point requi.rement and ~ therefcre an e'l-way stop is not warra,ited. In order to ' improve sigZzt aistance at the northwest cnrner, the propert}► ocTner should be informed ta remove the existinq shrubs. rn ~ additian, the yellow center lines on both Orpheus Avenue and ! Hygeia Avenue si.ould be extended as shown in Exhibit 4. This measure shou].d assist drivers on making proper turniny maneuvers and thus improve ovprall intersection traffic f].nw patterns. RECOMMMATION It a.s recvmmended that the request for an all-way stop .be denied but that improvemen+:.s be made as shnwn in Exhibit 4. E)(HBri' ViCiNlTY MAP ~ • ; _ , ~ r IT 12 S ~ : ~ a ► , =\3* • . ir b 3S ; I iaF h ~,xtMvoc'u~ r ' ,s • I p -`~yat ' tR 31,501, EUPOP~' $ a $'Pl1DY SiTE i ~ ~Qw~~ q ~ rL~ ; ~1~, l ~ z ~...-t, 1 ~n O ~ ~~µESA _ 5 ~ ~~I *oSE~P R L..i _~•~jt; I R 3:' ~ ~ ~ •'S sura"~X 5T I ~ ~cgi cavrri~ ~ ~ ra ~ • ~ 1 4 A^WW' ~ $ ~,s~• i ~ ~~w ra ~(3J~ a ►i ~ , . I . ~ . ~ EXIf13ff #2 ctTY OF ENcIn,ITAs TRAFFIC EMGINEERING Date• = /-5/ - l.ocation~ ~ I ~ ~ - i ~ ,a:-~.. , . • , ' : - ; .~'??`;;r'"~;~ • . Description. Wye Descriptaan: 6~ ; , i: , a ~ , "HW*3 J_l • ~ - - - - - - ~ _ ~r._- - - j--- x ------~r~-- .,lf r~ i + - ~ I ~ ~~'k ff ~•~t,.. ,1 I ~ ---Tfl1.. ' I + 1} ,f=; ~ r .5 _r------------ ~ ~ ti r vy LLJ I--- c~ / L.i...J ~ . i ~-y' i'~ LiJ w ~ CITY OF ENCINITAS DEPA.RTMEN,T OF PUIILIC WORKS ALL-WAY STOP WA,RRAN'T FORM INTERSECTION: STRLET A D/'p~j~►US i STREET 8 ~ ASSIGNED MAY,IMLrI.? W A k R A N T POINTS POSSIB~ POINTS ACCIDENTS: ~I 3-XEAR PERIOD FROM 17ecCm,~ey- 19 TO Z~weo~ 19,0 I; ! or eac regorted accident within a?2 month period of il a type susceptible to correction by an all-way stop, 5 points assigned up to maximum of 15 pcints. ~ . accidents per 12 month perioa x 5 15 = D VOLUME: ~ a) Peak 4-Hour Totul ~i i Major approach S3¢ vehicles/peak 4-hours D 5 j: i•:inor approach _1,04 - vehicles/peaic 4--hours 10 b) volume difference auzincr peaY 4-hcurs t•iajor approach S34 less minor approach _1,04- Vclume difference 10 ;I ~i c} ?ede.:;trian vo.Lume Points are assignPa for the number of pedestrians crossing the major street durinq ine highest a-hours , Pedestrian volume 5 ;i UNUSJAL CONDITIONS: j Where unusual or special canditions exist such as a - ~ school, fire station, p].ayground, visibility restric- tions or other factors which may create a potential safety hazard, points assigned up to a maximum Qf 10 paints base3 on enaineering judgerent 10 - - - ~ TOTAL 55 I i An ali--way stup may be warranted when justified by 25 or morE po'_nts. ( Tr.:•. 25 point requirement may be waived when a) five or more accicients susceptible to corzection by an all-way stop have occurred duxing the j precQding 12-month period and 'attempts using less restricttive controls f have not corrected the problem, and b) a combination of unusual condi.- ~ tions exist that, based on engineering judgement, car.not be mitigated or ' c) it traffic signals are warranted and are schedtiled for installation within 18 months I I CiTY OF ENC9N!?'AS TRAFFIC ENGItdEERING 5ECTitDN ! Sl!lVIi4AARY OF i TRAFFIC COLLISIQN HISTORY. (Available Records) Date: Location: A~ Date pay Tirne Lighting Type O#her ~ ~ ~ G~~ 2 P ~ ~ar ~~a~ I ~ I I CITY ~OF IENCINITAS ~ . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIG WORKS 7'~~FFdC CO1lNT SUMMARY , ' ` HlGHF-ST FCfUR HOURS S : 'S.. . . . . . . . ~ . ' (ENT`RPNM VMLUMYV 0NLY) / _ LOCATION: DATE: NiA.➢dR .S7REET: COt9NT DATE: ~ ~ gg 71AiiE D 0 R. I.R. TOTAL -2 7W . raTa.L . . . !lAINOR ST#3EET: tC4UN7' DkTE: , _ 9 { R . D ! R. ~ TIAlkE TOTAL j ~...7~...~~ . ;w ` . JOTAE. . le) 9/ ~ ~ TltAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY - NOURLY TUTALS CI2'Y . ~NC' I:3ITr.S DATE: i~= STRkET NAMIE: GI:I`..~.:~ DAY LOCATION ?'YPE: DIFEC7'IOiti'AL $E 71u&,,~N ~ G: or,o~~u.r TIME NORTN .SO(ITH TOTAL o OF BOUND L3C3UND COUIJT TOTAI, 12: OD AM - , 6 00. 1: 00 ) 9 J 12 1. o 2: 00 26 < 4 3:00 - 37 1 38 2 % 4:40 34 1 35 5: 00 - - 40 0 40 ?Q b: OP - - 29 ~ 37 7: DO - - _ JJ ~~l 136 Qo y ~ v o V 8.00 % C i =o G 1.03 C, c. c'; 00 - . ; A I 108 10: DtJ _ - ~ - _ ~ . 136 ~4. 11: 0 0 " . - : ^ 106 c,a ` 12: 00 PM . , - - , _J ~ 1J 0 1: oo „ % 4.11 51 9Y C. v z: oa - - - 79 132 8 1% 3: DD > 57 JEl 113 7 0 4: on > ~ 58 53 111 7 4 5:00 i 35 47 85 5 ~ 6:00 ~ _ - 28 36 64 4 e 7: OD 16 2G 42 3 ~ 8: 00 ~ 15 18 33 9: 00 - - _ - = > 12 16 28 10: 00 ~c---- > 6 15 21 1 ~ TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY - HOURLY 7`OTALS , CITY .'li;,.ti DATF: S7'Rr.ET NAME: c.;::. DAY . 1, _ - i LOCATION D.InEC"I`IC'!':AL TI't1E IJORTH SoUTr1 TOTAL ° pr' ` BOUA'D BOUND CQL'!rT TOTAL 12: 00 AM - , ~ 6 1. 0 0 - - - - - . . - - 12 1 v 2: 00 2 O 3.00 i > ~ ? 1 38 i 9 : 00 ~ _ ~ ~ ; 5: 00 34 ~i 3 5 - ~ o I ~ - - - - ) F n ~ 0 40 J : OO r..-----~ ~ 7: 0 0 -29 37 _ : r _ - - - - 8y J Ic _ 36 8: 00 ~ 1 . ♦ i . ; y 1 G 3 i .9 C0 ` ~ I Dr tip _108 _ ~ ' 11 tiO 136 _..._.__v4 • - - - . , , . . . ing -o ' 12: 'V'0 FM - - - . _ r ^ 130 - 1: DO . , _ ~ _ . , - . ; . , "4 7. • 00 9 . . I 3. 00~ 79------ l32`-- ~o S7 56 113 ~ o 4 : 00 ~ ~ - ~ > - 53 llJ. 704 5:00 47 r~ J 4 6:00 28 36 ._.64 . 4% 7: .no - - . _ " ...r-_..._..._. 1: ~ 6) • 42 ° . ~ 3:00 . i5 Io 33 9. 00 - . _ _ . . . ~ ~ , 28 „ ; 10: 00 [ C POINT ASSIGNMENT FOR ALL-WAY STOP WARR.AN*fg ~ 1. Accident Experience Warrant For 2ach reporced accident of a type susceptible to correction by an way stop occurinq within any cor.secutive 12 nontn period during previous 3 years, 5 points are assigr_ed. 2. Traffic Volume Warrant - Peak 4-hour Total Points shall be assigned in accordance with the fallohing table: ~ Tota1 of `Potal of ' Major Minor 4-hour Volume Points 4-hour Volume Poir•ts 0- 1000 0 q_ 400 0 1001 - 1300 1 401 - 600 Z ! 1301 - 1600 2 601 -800 2 ~ 1601 - 1900 3 8G: - 1000 3 I ~ 1901 -2240 4 104-, - 1200 4 I 72Q1 - 2600 5 1201 - 1400 5 26,01 - 2900 4 1401 - 1600 6 2901 - 3200 3 1601 - 1800 . 7 3201 - 3500 2 1801 - 2000 8 3501 - 3800 1 2001 - 2200 g 3801 - aver 0 22u1 - ovsr LO , All-Way stops operate best w:iere the tatal minor str.eet appioac-. volume ~ -)and the total major street approacn volume are nearly equal. Pc:nts shai? ° be assigried in accordance with the following table: Major Approach Volume less Minor Approach Volume Volume Dif f erence Po i_nts 0 - 150 Zp 151 - 300 g 301 - 450 g ~ ~'_51 - 600 7 601 - 750 g ! 751 - 900 5 I 901. - 1050 4 1051 1200 3 _ 120:1 - 1350 2 1351 1500 1 1501 - ovPr p 5. Pedestr5.an Volumes Warrant Pedestrian Crassing Maj or St_-eet in 4 i.ghe,st HUUrs Po . ts o _ o i - 50 51 - 3.00 2, I.Oi i5p 3 ~ 151 - 200 : - 4 'i 201 ° over ~ EXHIBlT +4. , - , L.~ J 4_ 1 i: . r\ r ~ ~ ~ - - • ' ~ .'°t.r"-- _ •71'--• ~ _s: <~-a=•_.~zr_sar._c- _=-+-r ~ . r~ti - _ - ~ • ~ ; f i r. S i ~ ~ ! ~ r 1 ; ~ ~ I~ _.ti-: W ~ ~~''ti~,,~ _ F- .d r,. . ~ r ~~-1-- ~ I J I-. r^ ~ j ~ ~ I i ► ! t ~ ~ r ~ ~~.1 ~►-r !r~ ! ~:~a i_.1 ~l W ZD LLJ }f F-- w I_J-J r~ W ` ~ ~ • , ~--i `3 ~ i ~ f r✓ C ~ r~ TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: , Zggg i T0: Morton F. August, nirector of Public Works ~ FROM: George Villegas, Traffic Engineer DATE: Januazy 11. 1989 SU&TECT: Village Park Way No Stapping Zone and ;;tripi.ng BACKGROUND At the request of Mr. 5tan Ross, Director of Transportation for tbe San nieguito Union High School Districtr an investigation wa5 made regarding the existing on-str-eet parking and roadway striping conditions along Village Park Way east of Willowspring Drive in the vicinity of the Diegueno Jr. High School. The results of the investiaation and the recommended measures are discussed in this report. DISCUSSION Village Park Way east of Willowspring Drive functians as a 2-- lane, 32 foot wide local street which terminates just east of p•~ the Diagueno Jr. High Schaol parking lat as shown in Fxhibit 1. In additian to providinq accsss to the school, Village Park Way also serves the Cooingreen Way neigYibor.hood. The exi.sting paa.nted center line on Village Park Way at its easterly appraach was modified by the County several ysars ago to aliqn with the center line west of Willowsprinq Drive. As a resu].'t of this modificatian, ttxe westbound lane of Village Park Way at its intersection with Wi.llawspring Drive is anly abaut 10 f.eet wide. School District buses and student bicylists both • use this narrow lane fo].1.owing the end ox the afternoon school session, As shown in Exhibit 1, the siaewalk on the north side of Village Park Way along the scliool property frontage terminates about 150 feet east of Willowspring Drive. This lack of a r.onta.nuous 5idewalk cxeates « condita.on whereby same students walk along the txavel lane. Currently parking is p2rmitted aan both sides rsf. ViYlage Park Way. In ordQr to enhance bath vehYCUlar and pedestrian safety, it will be necessary to el iminate curb parking on both sides of Village Park Way hetwPen Will.owspring Drive and the wxit ' dr3.veway of the Dieguer►o Jr. High 5choai arrd to relocate the ' roactway center line as shown in Exh ~ d.irection. This lana width is adequate €ar use by both buses and hicyclists. The relocation of the center line wi.ll require paintinq a 4" dashed yellow line through the intersection to advise drivers .A of the transition as permitted under Sectaon 6-02.5 of the Caltrans Traffic tdanua]. (see below). . 6-•02.5 PavPffient Marking Extens3ans Throuqh Intersections. A dotted line ar a gattern of non-rQflective narkers may be usQd to extend laneXine or centerline madrYi*+gs thrQUgh an intersection where affset, skew, complex multilegged :intersections, reduced visibalityP or muitzplz turn lanes require positive guidance. The extended marking s2ta11 he the same color as tlae li.ne it extends. A solid line may be used far_ a greater deqres of i restrict?on. The elimination of on-street parking as shnwn ir. Exhibit 2 will not affect any residences since all dwelling units have access anly on Softwind Lane. A]so, according to Mr. Rnss, the School has no objection to the elimination of parking a].ong this section af Village Park Way. East af the School exit i driveway, parking wa.ll be permitted under current practices. 4ther moxe permanent improvemants should be consi,dered by the Sch.aol District, including the constructian oi thc sidewalk ~ along the north side of Village Park Way and along the east side af Willowspring Drive to achievt a cor►tinuous sidewalk area and the construction of a bicycla path connecting the school grounds and Summerhill Drive. RECOMMENDATI0N It is recommsnded that a n4 stogping zone be established on bath sides at Village Park Way between Wzllowspring Arive and the Dieguena Jr. Fiigh School exit clrivEway and to relocate the center line as shown in Exhiba.t 2. TRAFFTC ADVISORY COIYIMIT!ZEE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 16, 1988 TO: Morton F. August, Director of Public Works t FROM: C,eorge Villegas, Traffic Engineer j~ ~T DATE: January 11, 1989 SUBJECT: All-ksay Stop Investigation For Village Center Drive anc3 Willowspring Brive/Glen Arbor Drive BACICGBOIIND A request for an all-way stop at the intersection of Village Center Dr.i.ve/Glen Arbor Drive was received from Ms. Jane Robertson, 756 Glen Arbar Drive. This intersection is ranked number 5 on the Stop Sign Prioriicy List of Intersection Investigations dated November, 1988. In order to determine whether this intersection satisfies the min9.milm stap sign warrants appraved by the Tzaffic Advisory CommYttee, a traffic engineering study Y:as been und.erta'ken and the results are presented in this report. ~ DISCUSSIQN ~ For purposes of the investigatia,n, the two intersections of Vil.lage Center Dr.ive/Willowsprings Drive and Village CEnter Drive/Glen Arbor Drive weze combined as a single intersection. Stap signs ar.e currently iocated at all north and south approaches as shown in ExlZibit + . Willowspring Drive functions as a ane-way westbound local street and is striped with a szngle 12 foot travel lane, a8 foot lane used as a biY.e ronte an the south side and a 12 foot parking lane on the north sa.de. Willowspring Drive a.s fully improved with curb, gutter and sidewalYs. Street lights are located near the northwest and nnrtheast cornexs. v'en Arbor Drive functions as a one-way eastbound 1oca1 street ~ «nd is striped with a single 12 Eoat travel lane, an 8 foot lane used as a bike route on the narth side and a 12 foot parking lane on the south side. Street lights are loGa.ted near the sauthwest and southeast corners. Accl~,lent Histoa ' During a 3 year period from December, 1985 through ~ not susceptib2e to corxection by stop signs. No points werp assigned to the accident warrant. Traffic and PedEStrian Volumes Daily traEfic on Wi'Llowsprir_gs Drive entering the intersection is 1,186 vehicles per day (vpd). Durxng the highest 4-hour period, 340 vehicles entered the intersectian. Daily traffic on Glen Arbor Drive entering the intersection fram the west is 940 vpd. During the highest 4-hour period, 363 ve.llicles entered the intersectian. Daily traffic on Village Center Drive entering the intersection is 63.6 vpd. During the highest 4-hour period, 180 vehicles entered the intersection. Based on traffic vnlumQS, the _.,tal number af points assigned is 0 for the peak 4 rinurs and 7 for the volume di€ference. One point was assigr:ed ta the pedestrian warrant. unusual Conditians Intsrsection visibility is good in ail directions. The Vi1J.age Creek Recreation Center in located east of the intersection between Willowspring Drive and Glpn Arbor Drive. The bike lane stripe on Glen Arbor Drive was not repainted after xesurfacing af the roadway several years ago. There are no unusual conditions which justify additianal traffic controls. Three points were assigned to this warrant. CONCLIISION The total points assigned to this intersection are 12 which is less than the minimum 25 points required and therefdr$ an a11- Way stog is not warrantad. There are no csthEr apparent €e4turer_-s that justify additional traffia controls. RI3COM~TIOAT It is recommendpd the xequest for an A11-Way Stop 3ae denied but that the travel a.ane and Y,ike lanes be repainted on Glsn Arbur Drive. i 1 EXFBIT * 1 i ~ VICINiTY NlAP r " l ~ ~ ~.-~------'t- - 5 ~M~- \ awwx ~ 1 ~iu+irnw'•o, ~ ~ =x• ~ fI - l--- i - - ---t I fit ~J rKIM d ~r ( . _ - ~ - - ~ ~ 1 STUDY SiTE . ~ 4s I a f i \ 1 ~ ~ ~Sll lllty'~ ~ y 1S - ~ ~ ~ ~pwyq ` ' • h JI ' ' ~ ~ , ~n< < - ~ ~ t ~ I " J~~ ' "T- H A a ~ ~ ' i---• raa,...---~ ~i` • •i"" ; t~'• ~ ~ ~ , " r 1 ' p n 4r~' wu. ~ ~ ~ J 1il laIEGO ~ , ~ , ~ I ~ ~ f l,, ~ 7 EXHOBIT #2 ~ CIT°Y OF ENCIN1TAS ~ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Date• ~ Location: 1 2 Description: 114a Descript' , 7_77 ~ - T~ =%a.•' ~ O I ! j;' . '-`j• I EXMIiBIT #3 CiTY OF ENCINITAS . TRAFFIC EAIGINEERING ~ Date: Location/__1~~ /V i/Z.,/' j.., e.' . ~ . ~ yr?~ . . • . . ' ;`,i ~ • M{r. I { 1 • 1 ~ t ~ ~ ' l~ PilrPv ~ Descrip or,k: ~ Q &,17 A& DesC~i ion: ~ . . ) ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 lr~ ~ EXHIsiT *4 ~ rr ? 1 ~ ti r~~~ ~ j ;r t '~►'1 ~ r~•~ J ~ I.... ~ ~ I ~ ti a I- ~ r /i y r~ c!~ r ~ Gr, W 1 ~ I W ~ ~7 r rti cc ! F- I X' LLi w ~ C-1-7 l„_.) o ~ . ~ ~ LLJ L. J z W ~ PLI LtJ 4 ~ • lL. ~r L1.! J r"" W ~ "r CITY OF ENCINITAS ~ DEPARTME17T OI' PUBLIC WORRS ALa;,-WA'( STOP WATtRAyT v~ORM INTERSECT_TON : STREET A WlL.LOJysPRJN6 44f.frN rQRBWSTRrET B V1,44460 G 7 V ?AQ ~ - - ~ W A R R A N T ASSIGidED j;1' ( POINiS POSS=~- IP01 N:~ ~ ArCIDFNTS: i-- I I 3--YEAR PERIOD FROM ~Cf"Yidf2 19,09 ^ i ~ o DE'GErl,9ER 19M I For each reported accident within a 12 zrionth ~ perzod of ~ ~ a type susceptib%e to corxection by an all-way stop, 5 points assigned up to maximum of 15 points. a accidents per 12 month period x 5= O I VOLUMr: ~ I~ a) Peak 4-Hour r2Utdl I 24ajor approach 703 vehicles/peak 4-hours O ~ - Minoz approach vehicles/peak 4-huurs b) Volume differ-ce du-rine-r eak 4-1- ours ; I Major approach 70 3 less minor approach /4#4 ~ Volume difference = • ~ I 10 ~ cj Eedestrian volume - ~ k~int-are assigned for the number of pedes*:ciar;; •i crossing the major streel- du.ring the highest ~ 4-hoars Psdcstrian voiume / -M. A?ilNb.d' ~ TJNTUSUAT_, C4NDITIONS : ! Where uiiusual or special.conditions exist such as a sQhoo1, fire s-tation, playground, visibility re-tric- i tions or other factors which may create a potentia' I safety hazard, points assigned up to a maximum Uf - 3.0 pnints based on enqi.neerin ~ g judgement i I 10 ( _ - . ~ TOTAL ~~L I 55 - i An a1.1-way _top may be warrar.ted when ju-~:.ified by 25 or more points. ~ The 2:, po.nt reqtixrement :r.ay be waived w: _n a) five or more accidents susceptJ - ble to correction by an a11-way st-.p have occurrerl during the pxecediiig 12-mcn-th period and attempts using less rpstrictive controls have not corYected the problem, and b) a comhination af unusual condi- tians exist tinat, based on engi.neering judc7emerit, cannot be mi::igated o: c) i.P traf_:P_c siyna'.s are warranted and are scheduled tox insta;.lation within 18 :nariths Remarks : Ar ~ . ~ ~ITY OF ENCINIT°AS ~ : i , TRAFFIC ENGIMEERIWG gECTit3N ~ i i ~ SUMMARY OF ( Tt3AFF1C COLLISIOi►! HESTORY : (Availabie Records) Date: Location• P , ~ e", Dgte pay Time 6ighting Type 4fiher ~ / S ~ s-- ~ , ~9r~ ~av~ l~~~ 4/ ~91~cfi~ 106 Lo!hSic ~ N*T SU C~P-r/ V 'Tb Gm R6 GT/ o N V4vEu G D~z ~au~~ ~,u y,/I ~ RE >'p /1 E1~ L o Paff 'd f-?" ~lC 42$4 ~ ~ Ac9&ss #ir ,J66aE-xz. ~ ~ ; - I 1' FFIC COLLISION REPORT- °toperty Damage Only ' - - Orfeir-r eo ottre.l: cop,rao ro (,N,okvav4►tr ~~te~w~ o~w~tt~ows w ~Y w elw ~~w~ el~twq7 MYK~~A ~ O_.► ~~7/~~ aovl~'A ■It►ow~1w~ DIaTnler . •s.T . ■e►o1111M OP~IC~ ~_l v ✓ ~ e„~ ~ ~ ~ ~l'l / co►61s60w OCCVwwiO 0w1 ro. awr rlww 71r■ 1- stC+C~~~ WII ■R I.G. ~ . . VI//A?dge~,o 98 ~ 1.3 74a - AT (M711M[M& - IT OA7 OV w~tl{ TO`I AMA• ! 1~1i w~'/ ~Ql. ~ ~ ONi /tfT YIu[• qY ~1 ❑ ~t• ~ w0 Uft{ r~0 ~ 'A„TM ~w~R r~R~T. YIOOLi. ~A~T ~r wY+~~tA •w<TCM ^ ~ ~Ir{sN ~►oows~s ~ CIT7O . . ~ . 21. eoa. ~ J`'G ~Q •SC. 0~11Yf~ { LIClIi1/{ wVtl~lR rTATt •.w}a~p~Tf •~ll ~ • • _~O~ a 3 70a~ Pwo~v8M vs. Y. yiwKr e~s~ LICiI~0m ~IVY~"11k - KATR viM_ nsw ~ ~ ~ •~e~c. oto 4mwarne.. o► ow ou frw■ ow ..w+ co uwIr 7 ~ G rwwvu - _ OTMtR VlMICLi L PAwTY ••ar ~IP~". MtOD~.R. I.AlT /MP1Yi MVN.1[. . ~ ~ • ~ _ _ , - . q 3--- - _ . - - awwa. ~oo~r~• c~TV zv cooc NAAhAnYi(YI~CSLLANiOVf C3 iFd • - • . ; . _ . •iq. ORmtR N I.II'!M!t MVY06f STITt fI*4M0AT! {t][ ti _ . , IKO VRN UtN YR -</MOO{L 61CfiM/i MYYfeR tTATE V~tM. T'►t_ 0 ~ •IG1'C. COI.OA CIw{CTOM 0w OM(ACR099 ~57ftr6T 6n "IYMIAV - ❑ MAVRL frtty 4$yI - T . QTMtR YfM1Lt.s DRYAO■ I~tYMItO TO ❑ ' . . . " _ . . . _ _ . ' ' " - _ _ ~ ~ An i ltJ[ MAYt ADD'1ff• , Api1t MYYAiR ►q1Y' M C7 o O . ; wee scx ~wrs ~aowcos ~.,~ws Kva~wt~ iawrs- ~ s 0 ~ _j - - - rwo►. M•tMa - - - - - -wcown■ - - . awu.a~b ►worwwrr ' - swMfft , rRIMARY CULLISIOM FACTOW TRAf/1 _ 4OHTItOL OLVICLa y-rr O/ YtMttl.R i t b MOVII'IAfMY rRtCRDIK.? . ~ (usT Muubaw (w)oF ►wwrr wr ►wuLsI I A eewneo4s •uweTjowowa Co4li~Ox ~ ►A►JtwOy;w ~AR (4~tCWOit : 4, A •tRIQN VIOLATiOt O COwTfQLs MY ►'JVCTfOM11~6~ tThTIOM YRtOM) A 110YnfO C COMTRO{.\ OASCV*i0~ 16 r.{j[Mi1:A C4R M/T1~AIL9R ~ ~t .IIOCR<p.MR R^0L16MT d OT11S111Ml1f0Rt11 DRIVIMs• p CO1t7AOLi NOY rq~1~MT/rFGTO• 'C ~atoaC':c4~J~CaLT4J~ C RaM OOI ROhD . G OTMI[II YNAN owIvUn• TY1K CM C04LIf10N D ~KMU► ew Ownt4 TOueK 9 y~Kiwp w~~.sT rcyww - Q YMtMOPM ♦ NQAD~AM ^ ~ICMV~ 04 ~AMtLTRVCK d.KIMO {,!O'Y7UMM ; W[ATN[R ~Nw~K f tn r ttR►~s 2 awsNSlsr aw . t r.K.w u ruww . . A ebsww C waww M.a t rw~ew om nwex vwwarvw a•wew3wa i Cweuer b•wo.O0eOC YwWeK ow sRUeK 7wweTOw 'M frOai..G-fvor~roif C wMlNiws Y wIT eN.rcv a x/*A•ILSw(*` . . 1.ws~~tia r,YM!'- vrRfcuw D aMOIrYM• ! bvsRSVwMlo N . A6wopa. JYt 7 CNAYy)MO LAMRJ ~ - L r0~ +4 Y01XICLR/KDiG711IRM ~ OTM~w bY• . K I.AIkM/RO 4A4NVV•,q P erwaw•: M OTM¢If~t. . ' 7 tYt119fw~ VtMIC L 6prfww1i Yw/t►►IC a'rl~4 MIOw1Y►Y Q9Ms ~VOTIOM - W OTMiK VM4AyJ TVNMIMO L•GK'TIMG t4AYO11 VtN{C41c INVOLVtB WlTN K~touvriN4 _ Cw621116 Iw'►O 11.sw7lNIk 6^I1• A 0,1rk ~µRT ~ w0•NQt4L1~lON e •~ere~s O PAwe4a0 . j ~ I/YiM~~YARF s/6D(.TSIAN ■ ~MIC44 P Kt11~IM~ 1 C OAPI~--/~'I~fR41J11N41{ C OTMiR r0'M. VrwlCl.i •kpy~~IwM ' 'Q TRAYtLIMi rweaS MA~rr-( - ~ LAI~K~MO /T~ftT ~~~aYM O YOT01~ v~[MICL~ ON OtNYM ~6wiD~vr • p~ + ~ D `M 09'fitM~• 11Yf{/T 41iMTo M67 S-/1MRb y070w VRN-66f t onxv-•~~Mer.e.~«a . = ~ avr~~w ws~oc~w7itw.ratTOR TAAIK JMAMK I r6 1I7tYS•I ROItQWYSV4VA~C ~a r~e-e'w 1 • ycrac.fon.w.aLwa+ow; A Owr M rw~rw~: . i ] f0sl11iTY«+ppUA-►NYfIC. • ~ ~K7 ^~~r ~ 1 ♦.fICD UtlJ~CT: / VC/l'EYION VIpflATiONi 1M4PIY i ~O l /TCYo) ' ri dNpVfM^qQN } NAO NOf nflq &N.wMIMi tV40Py. OItV. [TC. V ~ i~/YIaAM pYlnCi1 via,awoavCUwiirsMTs: - i NtiOrYw06h 7MS IMOLYYMOC RdAGivH►' GOlIGJYIi?riB - C w00-..e'r vasKr 1w►twtwaa ~.~wwN 1 YU i SYrW) • - . sR Y IN4T1SM1~OM r O KrM`)N►tlMMIWf VMMMO~v'!~' AMO{.n{.O{I►WVTs + eQ3a5Y1~~,/~N~kAS'.T/~N I Q/70, h10'iMb►►{C s'.lMOMft 011V* IX►{,Ysp48• O 40r04 YA1[M,A,L pM sOAClMn ~ A =~-~OlFR~1"<~AM ~wvO~V•~~ M,~M'1t111MOj4YAVIMQ 6AY0 7 ~u~~~wwaa~-•s»reiawt• .°c OM~TMWQYiO. hn oa•e..r• gwonsino ~n CF* /f~l~{ M ~•Of-bVS QOaL10141M LS IM/w14w1904Y MOT NIYoWw ' ~ A• M90NiRGT,iN ~ D QO~i~~~VS'!/ONIMC~Llb IOwY ~ . J VVlAN~r~wE! .ItL 110A• NOT A~►{.IC~r<• . r. ArOYY\~ MO~/~WS~ rfDth E~O~~IMO Ih C~MY~~~.A~MO+ % Oy'•tC)1V4 vNr~64i c9V-Y/N'/t 1~►wR~VII~T~6VOO r 1 i ~A~i OA COLVI~ION TIY\ ~~~~•1 NCIC ~SVri~~i1 (0~~~~'~M ~.0. NYM~tR - . . ~ •l10[ • MO. / DAY ♦11. VV I _ I {Y~V V~ • • Z D~~ ! 2 i ^ . . . . . _ - - - - ~ ~ ~ . -J-=---- _ - . ~ ~ , s ~ s. Tf/~,E ~r.~9~S .t~D ~f'.~ T•~~1--~~~aa -~_~~G~~'~c~•~.. ~ ...1~: _ 7. • 8. --r ~ . -J`«-~-~- ~r~- ~`Z"/~ic,~ f~~ c~~9a~ ` 9. _ t a. - 2. ~ . - - ? ~ ^ GZ~''1~ r•57~.~77f~L.-! f~ r~~~ 12.44 - - - - - - _ ~ ~,3:~-~~"~_.~~'~l''_~~ ss-I"'~7,-if,~~rr; ~ 14, . . ~ - - ~ " ' ' _ _15. - iav~c.~ "-7- , . rt'a.~~~l1.4~' ~/l' _~~r~4aE .~~3'"r L~d ~r✓ ~~CS (/c~.f~iGLc . _ . . - JS/S f.69~~ .SY",4"'!Di✓ ~~C+21'' ~ zo. ; 21. `0!~' ~ , j~ . . . . . . ~ ~ . d ~ ~ zs. jZ,r' - Aj " ' 26. t ' 27. . . r 5AN DIEGO iiEG{OPSAL „153"QNLI • • , OFFiCESi'S REPtyRT STATEMEN7 ~ ' • (caHreNUItu) QNL' noHrIMUeo, MAwR.Nuv corc, Misc. cITS. NlARRATEVE ~ f F/~OM ~CRfMt O OTMK1t ~ CASt HVlai R 3 S 1 N A!7 NI► SON IONS K INCIDENT CNiErVI pipNTM IDAY YImt 61e11%s 1o&> I S'' 1qQ1 eh --*4A 1 ~F A R ST CiTy- IEAT IS i N LVIEDI. I If NAM ~ ~ R D A NQ. 3 ' `•~L'~ ~ ~~~'i, ~ / .~.~'tr y /m m otJ ~ ? . .........~.~a~5 ....:~~...........~'.°..''.r.~~...~........... - . ~rni~....~~...C~ .....e....~......hb~~ , Z~.r,~iof . ....~2.~........Cr~-..~e:'....~r~~r n ~ 1~i!%~a~ ~t-r.: ....1~I~CCb ....rnE... ...,~J.,~.OLV/) G e YJQ < f;~..........~~1 Ul r : . r b~ r..... l/C w...~Ci; e. ...........G ~r o !n r..~.....~!: o ~ ~I~. e[ ~iC h.) . rG.v fi~1.~° ~'✓~IID~~v . ~or .4~v..... 'L. .~....~C.. r ~.....v~..~ tvn IFr.... I. . .........................................................................................................e..................._....................._ ~jj..- . ..~G.'~."~~.. ~~'.Kt ~ . ~...r .........1................................,....................................................,..................................................................- .................................................................................................................,..............,..............................e............................... ..........I a................ :............e...........,.................................... ...f............,....... . ..........s......................................... I ...................................................,...o.......,.....................e...............:................. : CITY OF ENCINITAS DEPARTME11lT OF RUBLiC WQRKS T'RAFFlC COUNT Sl1MMARY , iift3HE5T FOUR k!laURS (ENTER6PlG VdLUlVIES QNL,Y) ~ LOCATiON• Vi 4 ~.~J 1~/" DIi' r DI0.TE, /lo~~c9 ~ .6t/e!loer~~ ro ~r ~/es~ r s- - . ~ i ~ flV6AJQR STREET: COllNT DAYE: TlMfE D I R. Wa7'~B~t.W,O D I R.~A59°,itDl~iV4 YQTAL 7-- 8 ~-ir .Z/ti 73~ , i'07'AL 340 74o3 ; , - ~ - - MINOR sY~~ET: CoUNT oATE: 1) iR.tAjDIR. Seur~le~~' TlME TOTAL 7- 8 A /,r ss* _2-3 PI 12 zz A-f- Ly- / L9 _ 26 S9 x-eo p TOTAL e~ ~ _ Af'a TRAFFIC CDUNT SOMMARv - HOARLY TOTALS CTTY : E:VCYNITIS UATL': Ou DCC 19E8 tjTORTCT - SOUTfI STREET: "ILL.ICE CENTEF DRDAY : TUESDAY E115T - fYEST STREET: [VILI.O[V SPRING DR TYPE: ENTEPING VaLUMES TZME NOItTy SOGTH EAST WEST TpTAL 06 CI' BOIJND I30L'ND $OC1VD BOL'.'VP. '.rOLUME TOn-IL 12: 00 AM -i 1 0 0 4 5 1: 00 - - , 1 0 0 0 1 0~ 3: 00 - - % 0 ~ 0 3 C % 3: 00 • ` 2 0 5 9 0 4: no - - - % 1 1 0 42 44 2 o S: 00 - > 1 7 0 76 84 4 6: oa - ~ . 3 19 Q 67 . 89 J J 7:OD - - - ` 12 , 40 ; 45 98 8 0 00 > 14 32 0 59 165 5 ~ 9: 00 - - - i 1 3 29 0 45 87 J J 10:O 0 > 16 21 0 35 72 % 11: 00 > 16 29 0 73 124 c ! 12:00 PM - 25 20 0 101 146 s ~ Z . OQ ` > 20 30 0 86 136 7 % - > 20 22 0 L93 ~ 135 7 % 3: 011 - - - > 21 25 0 30 126 7% 4: 00 - - ; 32 20 ~ 0 123 180 9 y 5:00 . 35 27 0 73 135 7 t b':00 - - > 19 33 0 52 104 5% 7:00 ~ > 29 28 0 38 95 5 0 8.00 - ~-----W-> 21 13 0 37 71 4 % 9:00 _ . . 1c S Q ?6 46 ? % 10: 00 _ _ 0 10 13 '6 a O./ . . . ' . . . _ ~ A' Y4 2 O ~ $ ~ TRACrIC CDUNT SUMMAA?Y - IiOURLY TOTALS CITY . T'~-CI."<?'?'.`,S ^ t'. ~ C~CC NOR?'!I - SOn1^fl STRECT : : T. L.l'`; c " i? F n~:} . ; ~ n\ y. T - Y~l.iJl r~+c I/~ I V~1 L`•:~Sl STRr.E m• _ F"' 7'\• l/'1~~.)1 L`7 1•1LL. i1ti1~L1',111rJ ~ t~ 1 JuV.~ .>L\V .'l\ v•i~~Lv~'_~,~) Y'ZME cnG TH ;i 1 ST .I . ~ EOU:•.'•^ 3.~'iL'A'D LC'.'.:'J iOCA"• •:C:~~ r• w <.j.,,. 12: o o Arr - _ - - - - - - ~ - ; - - - - ^ 1:00 y - _ . „ ! -1 O 2: 0Q - - _ _ - - - - ^ 1 1 1 0 3 3:00 ; p 2 3 _ _v _ 4: t?0 0 2 3 0 3 ^ ~ 5: 00 ? 0 1? 6 C 18 1". 6: DO - ~ - ~ - ' 3 30 Z.. ~ 7: 00 B . 0 0 ~ ~ _ _ ' _ _ _ " _ • , 10 12 G^ 6' 9; 00 16 Q _f-J - 0 - - - ti y - c . 10: 00 - - - - - J ~ E i $ ~1 n 1 7h I. X :DO 9 - ' ` 9 J' 12: 00 PM ~ - - - - - » - - ~ - - . > 1.7 15 49 0 81 6' 1:00 . 6 11 42 ----o 59 2: oo - _ - - - 1~ ~ '-5 88 0 _ 125 9 3 : 00 16 16 70 0 102 7°. 4: 00 19 20 90 0 129 9 5: OQ - 25 10 0 115; E S: DD - ~ i 13 14 30 0 66 ~ 7:00 - ~ > 17 9 4 3 Q 69 ~5 a: ao > 8 8 24 0 40 3? 9:00 > 10 3 25 0 38 3 10: ao , i i n 0 n o POINT ASSIGNMEDiT EOK ALL-WAY STOP WARRANTS ~ 1. AcGident Experience Warrant For each reported accident of a type suscep}ible to coxrection bt: an way stop occuring within any consecutive 12 mont^ pQriod durinc previous ~ years, 5 points are assigned. " 2. Traffic :'olume Warrant - Peak 4-hour Total Points shall be 4ssigned in accurdance with the folloring table: Total of Total of Maj or Mir.c~r 4-hour Volume Points 4-hour Volume Poir_ts 0- 1000 0 6- 400 0 1001 - 1300 1 401 - 600 1 1301 - 1600 2 - 800 2 1601 - 1900 3 801 - 1000 3 . 1901 - 2200 4 1001 - 1200 4 2201 - 2600 5 1201 - 1400 5 2601 - 2900 4 1401 - 1600 6 2901 - 3204 3 1601 - 1800 7 3201 - 3500 2 1801 - 2000 8 3501 - 3800 1 2001 - 2200 9 3801 - over 0 2201 - over 3.0 A].1-Way stops operate laest ahere the total minor street approacr, volume and the total ma7or street approach volume are nearly equ31. Pc_nts shall ~ be assa.gned in accordance with the foliowz.ng table: Major Approach Voluiae less Minor Anproach Volume Volume . Difference Points 0 - 150 la . 15:i - 300 9 30: - 450 g k ~ 451 - 600 7 601 - 750 6 751 - 900 5 . 901 - 1050 4 105y - 1200 3 . 1201 - 350 2 i • 1351 - 1500 1 ' 1501 - ovar p ~ 5. Pedestrian Volumes Warrant Pedestrian Crossing Maj ar Stree•t in 4 Hiahest Hours Points 0 Q Z - 50 . 1 51 - iao 2 ioi - 150 3 151 - 200 4 201 - over 5 ~TRAFFIC ADVISURY CJMMITTEE AGENDA REPL)RT Meeting Date: , 1988 TO: Morton F. August, Director of Public Works ~ FROM: George Villegas,_Traffic Engineer i DATE: January 1.1. 1989 ► ' SUBJECT: Village Park Way No Stopping Zone and Striping i BACRGROiIND At the request of Mr. Stan RoSS, D?_rector of Transportation for the San Dieguito Union High School District, an investigation was made regarding the existi.ng on-street parking and roadway striping conditions alAnq Village Park Way east of Willowspring Drive in the vicinity of the Diegueno Jr. High Schoo.l. The results of the investigation and the recommended measures are discussed in this report. DISCUSSION Village Park Way east of Wallowspring Drive functions as a 2- lane, 32 foot wide local street which terminates just east of the Aiegueno Jr. High School parking lot as shown iri Exhibit 1. In acldition to providinq access to the school, Village Park Way ~ also serves the Cooingreeat Way neighborhood. The existing painted center line on Village park Way at its eastexly approach was modified by the County severai years ago to aliqn with the center line west of Willowspring Drive. As a resulfi of this modification, the westbound lane of Village Park ~ Way at its intersection with Willowspring Drive is _only about 10 feet wide. School DI-st.rict buses and student bicylists both i use zhis narrau lane follawing the end of the afternoon school session. I I As shown in Exhibit 1, the sidewalk on the north side of i Village Park Way along the school praperty frontage terminates ! about 150 feet east of W].liowspr'ing Drzve. This Zack of a ` continuous sidewalk r,reates a condition whereby sanie students ' walk along the travel lane. Cur-rentl.y parking is permitted on ~ bdth sides af Village Park Way. ~ In order to enhance both vehi.cular and pedestrian saPety, it ~ will be necessary to eliminate curb parking on both si~Ies of Village Park Way between Willowspring Drive and the exit drIveway of the Diagueno Jr. Ha.gh Schaol and to relocate the roadway center line as shown in Exhibi.t 2, These 'cwo measures will result in pcaviding 16 faot travel lanes in each TFn-FFIC AQVISORY COMMZTTEE AGENDA ITEM NO. 7A 04 Discussion cf the January 11, 1989, Council Agenda Report r~-gardinq the Introdaction of Ordinance No. 89-02 Adding Chepter 2.40 Establishing the City of Encinitas Zraffic Commission ~t~ . _ . . ~ . . P. ~ . . . . . . ` ~ . . ' . . . . - ~ ' . . . . . - . . . , _ ' . ' _ ~ - . • - . ' ' . . ~ . ' I ~ ~ • . , . '~`1.. ~ ~ ' . • . . . . , . ~ X. . . • ~ ~ ~ • . , ~ . 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I ~ ~ _ l~ ~ . , ~ ~ , ~ • rf . ~ ~ • ~ • . ~ 75 - ` N' o. ~ ' ~ . ~ 1~ ' ' ~ ) ~ • I r ~ ..F~i.9.r',~ Q :1 ~'•f : -k • . ~ 'Y i . { - t ~ 1 ~ ~ N' •.1'.. ~ ~ .I ~ . ' . ~ A ~ o~ ' ~ . i ~ r[•~ ' . . ~ / r E I ' ` •~'''i~ • r.~ , ~ ~I ~,;i: / . ~ . . . r' . . ' . ^c;. 'y • .•~`y •A ~ , . . . . . ~r ~ • ' ~ • ~a. ' ~ ~ ~ EX ~ HIBiT +2 , ~ ~ - ~ - - I ~l I, i i,J ~ ~r- Il I t i i. _ . . I i'J L : l- l,l ~I --1_. • ' C a , _r. '1 ''i l~--~ l,_ F_ I I ;_-j • . _ •..i~ -t L ~ 1~: F---1 Li• - ' I , ~ . -l---- _ _ r ~ r L_ ~ i , _ t--- ti~ - _ . " _I .1-= - - - ~ _ ~ - - ~ ' ~ •l': I /r' ~ / J . 1~I I . _ ~ TF'A-FFYC ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGEIJDA ITEM NO. 7A ~ Discussion cf the January 11, 1989, Council Agenda Report r~-gardinq the Introdaction of Ordinance No. 89-02 Adding Chepter 2.40 Establishing the City of Encinitas Traff?c Commission ~t~ ~ I li CITY OF ENyINZTAS AGENBA REPOf2T. ~~j..ng..Q4je: ua y ].1 1989 ~ TO01~~ Warren H. Shafer, city Manage*,: FF!OM: George Villegas, Traffic Eng.,r. VsA: :,ortan F. August, Pabiic Works pirector UATE: Jar.uary 4, 1989 SU&7ECT: Intraduction of ordinance No. 89-02 Adring Chapter 2.40 Establishing the City of Lncinit-as Traffic Cor.mmission F3ACRGkbUND : Cn Decer,lbEr 15 1986 the City Ccuncil adented Ordinance 85-21 regarding traffic rer,ulations a::d incohporated by referencz ncr`ions of the San J,.egc County Traffic Cone. on April 27, 15F7, the C~.ty Counci.~ adop~ed Resol-.:`ioi: 87-•34 (P.ttachnen-, i) establishir.g the City of Enc_r.itas ":raff;c Advisor; Co^mitte2 ( Co^.^„ittee) . Ordir.a^,ce No. 85-02 mod-.f ies the stiuctu-e o_` the C:ommittEe by estabiishing the iraffic Commission (Comniission) . DISCLTSSTCH: purpose c'F urdinance ?lo. 89-02 is to brzng the Traf`ic Adviscry C-i_^,ur,~.ttee inta ;:or.fo:mance wita sinilar bodies createc. '-y thf~ City Counc:ii (i.,e. , Planr;ng Commission, PaAl.s and - Recre_~ion Cor.~a~issi~.,:) . P.s cuy~e.r,t?.y es'~ablished, t-`: - Com..i =teE _s a nir.e-member bcdy. do nct serve spec:Lfiec ternts. Ne^irership is c.omprised of t'.Ie following: A. Two membe_s re;~_esen`inr, th2 Grammar Schooi Bistricts anc the PTA Safe*1 !'c:a.,,=t'cees PZ'A. - B. r, mem:,e.r z'eprese:'i* inc the 6usiness conmunity. C. A .-esident fr_om each of the `ive Car,tmun.ity Advisory E?nard ci istric ts . D, Arc:nber represen`...ing Senior Citizen Grcups fram the City at large. ~ri 4rdinancc No. 89-02 establishes the Traftic Commission and specifies ttae membership, reguZations a.•.3 duties of thg Comiaission. The CamACission meaibership stiall rezaain comprised og the same categories af representation as that of the Committee. All members shall be numinated and affir.med by the ~ City Cauncil. Membets shall sexve two year staggered terms. RF.C'OMMENDAi'ION : That the City Counca.l review, d.iscuss and introduce Ordinance 2do. 89-02. 7 t . ATTACHI4ENT "i" RESOT.,UTION N0. 57-34 A RESOI.dTTION OF THE CITY COCTNCZir OF THE CITY QF ENCZNSTAS ~ ESTAALZSHZNG A TRAFFZC ADVISORY COMMZT`:EE ; 1 WHEREAS, orc December 15, 1986, the City Council adapled ~ Ordinance 36-21 rerarding Traffic Reguiations; and WI-iEREAS, there i.s a need for impartial review oi wrafibc Safpty items and for consIdered reccnmendatiors to iaoa=fY instzll t-raffic Signals, Controls, Signs or Markings, and WHEREAS,°:here is a need for a r.on-biased fozum `cr hearing and responding to citizens' requests, and 4r°HEREAS, there i.s a need to provide adecuate time• for a thorough engineering inves` vga tiQn and report, and Yiri~~F.aS , there ;.s a need for consistent treatment and tlrle'-y response ta s.`L:n.ii ar proble ms , and T--_~--_~t..r.AS, thu_e is a nerac to assure 2 reti'-ew pased upoz P. Nri.. z-easonable and le5a_ foundat:.on, and ; Y; :-=REAS, there is a need to pian in aclvar.ce fo_- forseeabi.e { ar1.SG5. ~ I I h*OW, mHrRE'rORE, ?E ZT R::.SOI.,V;;D by thP_ C:.tY GOL1I1C11: Uf tY2@ City afr Enuinitas: ~ 1. T}:at an Encinitas TraffiG Advisory Committee be ~ establishsd, ~ 2. Tha` the Commi.ttee shaJ.l bP cimposed af zespxesentativeg ~ of the toilowing areas, age.nci.-s or gtoi-ps. a. Two regresenta:.i.ves of the Grammaz School Dis:.ricts , •e• ; b. A representative from the ausiness Ccmmunity ~ c. A representative tram each of the five Community ~ Advisory floasd districts tl. A representative Erom Ser.ior Citi2pn Groups fr.om the ~ City at large ~ 3. It shall be the duty cf the Traf«c Adva.sory Committee ta. sti.mulate and assist an the preparation and publication of traffic analyses and reports, to receive complaints having to dQ with traffic matters, and to recommend tn the Citl Council ways and m8ans foz- improvi-ng t: affic flow, traffic conditiAns and tralE`ic -safe:.Y,• and pr0a10`e consister.t and raasonuble enforcement af all traffa.c regulati.or.s. 4. Tf tne recommenaGtior.s o~ -~he Traffi= Adv;.sory Comr.tit:.Es ~ . ~ are to mod~.°y e}:istir.G '~raff:~c ccntro~.s, devices, I ~ iaz.rkings or measures, or instaJ.l new co;,',:rcls, ::evices, :harke7rs, ar mea5Lre5 the..^. 4}iC~3V reCol~e.^.Gati~r.s 5:.~~'_ b~ included with a zeport- by the Ca.ty Engineer in $n agenGa item 40 the City CouZCil for a regu1aL or saec:al meeting. • 5. If the zecam-mendations Q_ the Trafyic Safety Committee are to nat moda,fy existing trafdic conwrols, devices, markings or measures nor to install new tdaffic con wr41s, devices, mark:.ngs cx measures, then `he r¢cammendatior.s ~~--5;, i ~ . y. shall be inciuded in a report by tha City Enqi.neer to the • ~ Council fps ir.forrnation only. Council nembers may place such items an a Council agenda by writing to the Ci'_y Manacter. 6. All major roadway projects shall be referred ta the Traffic Advisory Committee for review and recommendatinr.s to the Director of Public Works. ADOP'I'ED, this 27ch day of Anril 1587, by i:he following -vote, to wit: AYE5: MaYQr Marjorie Gaines, Councxl Members Greg Luke, Anne Omsted, Rick Shea, Gerald SteEl NAFS : None ABSENm; None 0 GAIN..S, Mayor of the C~ty y Encinitas, Calif orr:ia ATTEST: 6~7k E. J pAOL, City Clerk ~ ~ ~ J QRDl'PiANCE Na, 89-02 AN ORIiTNANCE OP T'HE C LTX OF EriCINYT1►S, CAI,IFORNIA ADI3ING CHAPx'ER 2.40 ESTP►BLTSHING I THE CITY OF ENCZNI2'1►S TRAFFIC CQMMISSION The City Council of the City of Encfnitas, Californa.a does ordain as fol3.ows: SECTTOH ONE: That Titlz 2 of the Encinitas Municipal Coc:e is amended to add Chapter 2.40 tn read as foilows: See Attachment ^A" SEC.TION TWQ: Thas Ordin.ance was ir.troduced on January 11, 1989. SECTION THREE: The City Clerk is directed to publ-ish a summary of this Ordinance together with the names of the persons voting £or and against i.t, and to post the full text of this Ordinance in City Hall at least five days before this Ordinance is considered far ad.option, and againF witha.n fifteen days of its aaoption. ~ PIzSSED AND ADGPTED th1.S ddy Of ~ 1989, py the following vvte, to wit: j AYES; NAXES: ABSENT: Anne Omsted, Mayar of the City of Encinitas, California ATT£5T: E. Jane Paol, Ci.ty Cle•r.k cERTIFx CAxE: I h.ereby certify that }his is a tr.ue and correct cnpy of bzdinance No. 89-02, whi.ch has been published pursuant tn .law. E. Jane Fool, City Clerk, af the City of Encinitas, Calitornia ATTACIUCRU "A" Q3p,pTSR ~ . 4 0 ~ TRAFFtC 4'OHI~~SIdN 2.40.010 Traffig Commission Established. There is hereby estalblishQd ths Traffic Commission af the City of Encinitas. 2.40.020 Memhership. A. fihe Traffic Commission shall consist of nine metGbers who are registered voters of the City of Encinitas. B. The categories of representatian of the Traffic: Commission membership shall be as follows: Two members representir.g the Grammar School Districts and the PTA Safety Committees PTA. 2. A members representing the Business Community. . 3. A resident fxom each of the five Cammunity Advisory Board districts. 4. A mPmber representing fram Senior Citizen Gxoups from the City at large. \ ~ C. Members sha11 sernie staggered, twe year terms. 2.40.030 MeEtinas; A. Fi.ve members of the Traffic Commission shall constitute a quorum. B. xhe Traffic Commission shall hold rPgulax meetings on i:he first and third Mondays of each moath. C. The Tr,.:fic Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson from amang its members for one-yeaz terms. 2,.40.04 Cutiies of the Traffic Cnmmission. xhe Traffic Commission sha].1 study and report to the City CAUncil upon any matter referred to it by the City Council. _J , REQiJEST T6 SPEAK DURIPTG OP,AL COMJMUNTCATIGNS Plaase cotr.plete and cubmit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to speak during the ORAL COMMUIdICA''IGNS portion of the agenda. The City Clerk wi11 call lau to the padium at Lhe appropriats time. Three minutes is the time n,,rmally allotted to each speaker. Tzme may be transferr•ed from cne person to another caith permissican of Counci).. )ase stat-e your name and address for the record prior to beginnina your presentatian. PLEASE '?RJTNT rrAME : . Qu Go-i t - _ (First) (Last) ADDRESS C c~a~ A ~tP~u~t 0 R. (Number) (Street) Crut,1N.t~nt ~4t "L(City) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE : b I y, ~~5 9- l5 4~ SUBJFCT: _ pi~ lu•1'1 yTUQ.~htUESTICtAt~a~. REPFiESENTING: SNE ►aE'~ t~Pr~+~ txwtl ~ ~ ccfoxmtoo /speak%' , REQUEST TO SPEAK DURIIvG URAL COMM[JNICnTIONS Flease cemplete and submit this form to the City Clerk if yvu wish to speak during the ORAL COMMUNIeATIONS portion of the agenda. The City Clerk will call you to tre podium at the appronriate time. ThreA minutes is the time rormally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred fram ons person to another with permiGsion of Council. 1lase state your name and address for the reaord priar to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NP'NIE : (First) ( Last ) AnDRESS : ~~reet ( Numbe: ) ) (•CZY) (Zip Code) TEI.,EPHONE: . t SL'BJFCT: ~ . ^ rpRESENTZtJG : - ticformtoel/speak ~ , REQUEST TO SPEI.K DURING QRAL COMMUNI(.''ATIONS, Please complete and siabmit fozm to the City Clerk if you wish to speak durir►g the ORAL COMMUNICArrTONS portion of the agenda. The City Clerk will call you to t-he podium at the appropriate time. Three minut-.; is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one per_son to another with permissi.on of Counca.l. )ase state your name and address for the recorcl prior to begi*tning your presentation. PLEASE PRINT NAME: (First) (Last) ADDRESS: ' (Number) (Streei) (City) (Zip Code) TELEPHONE: SU&7ECT: • RrPRESENTING: ~ ccformtool/speak '