1992-01-20 Agenda PacketPRJLhhda Packet -1992 4820/57051 1 of 14 T Commission TRAFFIC COMMISSION AGLNDA PACKET 1/20/92 CITY OF ENCINITAS ..� TRAFFIC COMMISSION AGENDA FIRE TRAINING ROOM 531 Encinitas Blvd., Suits 100B Encinitas, CA 92064 Nesting D at®: January 20, 1992= 7 :00 p.m. If you wish to speak to an item on the agenda, please fill out the appropriate speaker's slip and hand it to the clerk. 1. CALL TO ORD RI ROL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. WOUNC 4. ML COMMUNICATIONS Oral comments (maximum of three minutes) will be heard from people who submit a white speaker's slip to the clerk. No action may legally be taken on such non - agenda items. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes of December 2, 1991. 6. UNFINIS BUSI NESS A. None. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Report on Review of Traffic Commission Accomplishments Year 1991. 8. COMMISSION COMMENTS 9. ADJOURNMEt . 4 1 CITY OF ENCINITAB TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES Fire Training ROOM 531 Encinitas Boulevard Encinitas, California 92034 Meeting Dates December 2, 1993; 7:00 p.m. Chairperson Goldbeck called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Paula Goldbeck, Dan Shelley, Rorert Perry, Charles Ades, Arnold Lewin Also Present: George Villegas, City Traffic Engineer, Sgt. Doug DeJardine and Deputy Steadman, ^:leriff's Department, and Judy McMahon, Office Specialist City Traffic Engineer Villeaas advised that the next Traffic Commission meeting will be January 20, 1992. He further noted the City Council at their December 11, 1991 meeting, will consider the Commission's recommendations with respect to the stop sign studies discussed during the last meeting. A. Approval. of minutes - No-ember 18, 1991. COMMISSIONER ADES MOOED, LEWIN SECONDED TO CLOB:I AND ADOPT THE CONSENT CALENDAR, WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES - //PAGE 5, PARAGRAPH 3 APPROVAL OF MOTION SHOULD READ 5-•0, NOT 3- 0 - 2 11 . MOTION CARRIED. 5"0. W4 A. City Traffic Code. City Traffic Engineer Villegas gave a brief overview on the last several Traffic Commission meetings where the City Traffic Code was r- aviewed and discussed. Chairperson Goldbeck opened the meeting to public input. K. R. (Kris) Schulz, 1271 Encinitas Blvd. - concerned with City Traffic Code - Pages 23-26, dealing with truck routes, interstate trucks, :ana terminals, and the affect this will have on his restaurant business. Commissioner Shelley questioned if the Code would be more workable by removing the phrase, "or where full loaded consignments may be loaded and off - loaded ". Mr. Schulz responded that the elimination of 'this phrase would assist all businesses in the Encinitas a- in ....&plying with the Traffic Code. He further questioned the definition of restrictions or limitations for terminals and requested clarification. City Traffic Engineer Villegas clarified the restrictions and limitations for terminals, noting that oversized trucks can apply for no -fee perraits to use restricted City streets. Chairperson Goldbeck closed the meeting to public input. Deputy Steadman clarified what constitutes an interstate truck (a vehicle with a total length of 65 ft. or more, withir one mile of an Interstate) and the restrictions that apply to this type of vehicle. He further noted that ocher regulations regarding terminals, etc. would not apply unless the true; was over 65 ft. in length. Commissioner Shelley suggested, in order to clarify this section of the Traffic Code, to add the paragraph - "the purpos. of this chapter is to establish procedures for termir .1 designation and truck route designation to terminals for interstate trucks as defined herein ". Commissicr_er Lewin recommended defining the term "medical technicians ", adding paramedics and EMT's to Paragraph 14.12.030, Page 9. He further recommended that in Paragraph 14.35.030, 10,000 pounds be chznged to 14,000 pounds to maintain consistency within the Code. Deputy Steadman clarified manufacturer's gross weight rating stipulates weight of load truck is allowed to carry, including of load, gas, etc., and is easier to enforce. In using gross weight rating every truck would have to be weighed to determine whether or not truck was in violation of the ordinance. City Traffic Engineer Villegas requested that Deputy Steadman clarify Section 14.12.040, rage 9, regarding civilians directing traffic during an emergency. Deputy Steadman responded that the City automatically assumes liability for a private citizen dir traffic during an emergency. Commissioner Lewin questioned the use of "certain vehicles prohibited in business district" of Section 14.32.070, Page 21, as being redundant, and recommended that this section be deleted. Commissioner Perry questioned the wording on Page 21, Paragraph 14.32 "the use of streets and roadways for sports activities Deputy Steadman clarified the paragraph with regard to spurts activities, including joggers and also responded to the legality of the volleyball court on Crest Drive, which was approved by the runty. Commissioner Ades referred to Page 24, Section 14.33.040, regarding truck routes, and the use by non - English reading drivers. He suggested using international signage to ease this situation. City Traffic Ergineer Villegas stated that international signs to restrict trucks are now being used but that the standard TRUCK ROUTE signs are installed along nori- restricted streets. Deputy Steadman, who is responsible fo commercial enforcement, clarified the various issues invciv'ed with using streets that are not designated as truck routes. Chairperson Goldbeck noted Section 14.32.040, regarding new pavement, and people riding or driving over it and asked whether it would be appropriate to add "hands and feet" to this section. City Traffic Engineer Villegas noted that it would be appropriate to add "hands and feet" in the Traffic Code. Chairperson Goldbeck recommended that hands, feet, etc. be added to this section. Commissioner Ades asked for clarification on recommendations being included in the Draft Traffic bode. City Traffic Engineer V111 yas noted that this meeting tonight was to clarify various issues and respond to questions from the Commissioners and that all comments would be included in 041� a report to Council. COMMISSIONER LENIN MOVED, PERRY sE:�ONDED TO APPROVE THE DRAFT CITY VEHICLE CODE. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. NCTD representative Randy Copher concurred with the Commission on their recommendations and approval of the Draft City Vehicle Code. V-t - I_ a!--_ A. None. 4 3 5 1- IT - 1 0,11 1 K 57 1� Commissioner Shelley had a question regarding the riding of :gorses on Encinitas Boulevard from Olivenhain to the downtown Encinitas :.rea. Sheriff's Deputy Steadman, in response to Commissioner Shelley's question, noted the Vehicle Code advised caution when riding horses, but he did not locate any regulation prohibiting riding on City streets. Commissioner Ades questioned what route trucks should take when they become aware they cannot cross Leucadia Boulevard at t the railroad tracks. City Traffic Engineer Villegas advised that the Leucadia Boulevard crossing had been resurfaced and raised at the railroad tracks. Commissioner Lewin requested that Sheriff Steadman review his responsibilities as a commercial traffic enforcement officer, wi *' regard to fines, citations, etc. and any other information that "he Commission shoi-ld consider as decisions are made regarding the City's traffic. He further noted the need xor a second commercial enforcement officer and asked for ,:omments on this recommendation. ^heriffIs Deputy Steadman responded to the above concerns, and also shared information on various fines and citations he has issued. City Traffic Engineer Villegas congratulated the Commission for their fine job this past year. CU31MISSIONER ADES MOVED, SHELLEY SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0. 40 CITY OF ENCIAITAS TRAFFIC COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT TO: Lloyd Holt, City Engineer i FROM: L?" George Villegas, City Traffic Engineer DATE: January 14, 1992 SUBJECT: Review of Traffic Commission Accomplishments in 199 The attached report pros:, a _'unmaYy on the activities and accomplishments of the `1 Commission and staff for the year 1991. During 1991, the Commission reviewed a total of 37 proje -ts and reports consisting of 14 al' -was stop intersection investigations, 10 parkin studies, 7 spec projects and 6 major work projects. A total of 24 resolutions were reviewed of which 23 resolutionE; were approved by the Commission. Of these 23 resolutions, 19 were submitted to City Council for cons icierat�on and concurrence. The City Council adopted all 19 Commission resciution recommendations and three other traffic- related resolutions. The Ccmmi.ssion held several work ;.hops and public meetings on major program- including the Bikeway Master Plan, the Traffic Diversion Program, the Stop Sian a I Pavement Surface Features Programs, and the West Cardiff Traffic; Circulation Study and submitted its recommendations and conli '-o City Council. The Citv Council, after its own review and p!_biic input, accepted or adopted all of the ^ rograms. In addition, the Commission completed a rc­iew of the Draft City Traffic Code and will submit its recommendation to City Council in February, 1992. To begin the year 1992 with the same kind of cooperative effort between the Commission ^nd staff as demonstrate-! in 1991, an orientati -)n session for incumbent and new traffic commissioners is scheduled for the meeting of Monday, February 3, 1992. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that this report be submitted to Traffic Commission members for information and review. 4 t�L REQUEST TO SPEAK I URTIJG ORAL CO ?4MUNICATIONS Please comp'_cte and submit this form to the City C1eik if you wish to speak during the ORAL COMMUNICATIONS portion of the agenda. The City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minute - is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of Council. Please state your name and address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEAST INUNT n � r NAME: nt a I� A (IJun ?b� r) ( Street) 4 4ty) � -- (Zip Co )— REPRESENTING: - — -- _— _-- _ -__ -- ccformtuol /:;J.,eak REQU'v'ST TO SPEAK DURIfIG ORAL CuMMUN CATIONS Piedse complete and suhmit thi -, form to the City Clerk if you Wish to speak during the ORA COMMUI41CATIO14S portion of the agenda. Tha City Clerk will call you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allotted to each speaker. Time may be tr;nsfer.red Iron one person to another with pE ..'mission of Council. Pease state: your name and address ror the record prior to beginning your presentation. PI,EASE PRINT HAME : - - -- - ( (Last) a� ADD' IJs : � (Number) j Street (City (Zip C S U IiJ L +-''I' REPRE'Si'll'T: tiv ucformtool /Spet4k RI:QUEF,T 'PO SPEAK DIJRI NG ORAL, COMMUNICATIONS Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk if you wish to sneak during the ORAI. COMMUNICATTnNJS portion of the agenda. The City Clerk Wil I II you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three mi.lutes is t time normally allotted each speaker. Time may ?)e transferred from one pu,,� ^n to ar.,Lher with permission of council. Please st :te your name and audre ss for the record prior to beginning your presentation. PLEASE PRT ?:T NAME Z4 A (first) r (IJurnber) (City) TELEPHONE,: (Last) (Street) (zip Code) - SUBJECT: RLPRESENTING: - ��Z� c_ cam ------- - - - - -- CC 10rmt00 1/S[JU,01 8C0VE':7 To Sl`EAK nUuiNC- 0RAL CuMMUQIC&TTuNS P' case complete on(' submit this foun to the Cit clerk if You wisb to speak dorjnq the OPAL COMMUNICATIONS portion of the aqenda. rbe City Clerk will ca)l you to the podium at the appropriate time. Three minutes is the time normally allottsd to each speaker. Time may be transferred from one person to another with permission of cuunoil. Please state your name anI address for the record prior to beginning your presentation. Pl.F8�;F vBlnT UMI%� ' _ (Fi�� t) /u (Last) / ` ____ (Uumber) (Stre(-t) /l __�_- (Ci ty) (Xiy Code) TU,Cf10Q%: DCP8EIJENT]Q[' ' uo1ormtonl/upc*k