1987-52 Accepting Grant of Easement (Young Men's Christian Association of San Diego & San Diego County) RESOLUTION NO. 87-52 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENT (Young Men's Christian Association of San Diego & San Diego County) WHEREAS, a grant of easement to the District froIn Young Men's Christian Association of San Diego & San Diego County has been presented to the Board; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of District to accept said easement; and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED by the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District as follows: 1. That said grant be and it is accepted. 2. That the Secretary of the District be and he is authorized and directed to record the grant on behalf of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of San Dieguito Water District held on the 16th day of December, 1987, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Directors Shea, Omsted, Gaines, Steel & Anderson NOES: None ABSENT: None ~~),~ President ATTEST: G~+\~-- Secretary - 52 - --- - '< Men' <'h_O to ,_ 0 0 _< c~ Di and .s 0 The undeul,ned, ..........Q1JIJ.g..............$....M\M.l.S. J,an..nSso.c~atl.on..w....~I... ego... .. an..Diego..County 6 .........................,................................................................................................................h.h.. ....................................................................................................h...................... I. OrantorMM' 01..........................................................:..................., Count" or.....s.au...P.i~Q......., st.te nl..California.......... rPL-N~ In con.llIer.Uon 01 the Ilum 01 Ten DoUa... lt10.00) IllW'ul money of the United SLRlell. ~'d b)' Bin OI"KUlln UIljt.f!Ozt DI.trlcl, In Irrlgflllfln dlllllrlct orSllnllled IInd existing under nnd by vlrtuf' of lhlllllWII 01 I t le "r Cllllfoll11A, '" Grantef', reulrt whereof I. hereby Icknowled,ed. dotl hen'by grtmt unt., aahl SlIn Dlrr.ullo Pt"trlrt, Ib lucceuorl ...nd aaalgns, a" flI'Iflu"h>e-and rermanent efUlemp.nt of right of WilY In, uron, over IInd linn.." thr Inl1d!! huelnaHer deaerlbed, for the putl'Oee 01 Incatlng, re(ocnUnlt, constrllctlng, rel:(Il1l1trllcthllt. mnlntfllnln!!" OI't'fftU"J!, In- apeclln~ and nJ1alrln~ a rlre line or I'lpellllne., and all fblurf'll I\n.1 Ilrl'"rl<:!tlllnCrll InddrJllllI ther,lfl for Ill'r In fnll- nerllnn Ihenwllh, lor thft tranllmlllllnn Illnd dllltrlbllUon of Wllller ,""I 1\11 UIIC~ nnll purrOlJU Il1tlllenlnl Ihl'"ft'to, Iflf.rther with the rlsht of Ingrel. thereto Rnd I!RrCIII therdrom. to and alons .eld right of wny, tORdher wllh the rllthl to dent , . keep dear old right of WilY frnm building", atruclurc". t'xI'Io"lvl', tn'r", IIntl othl'r mntrrl,,' or growth... delrlmrllt- I ) the UlIel herein 8rtmh!d, An work done by GRANTOR or its successor within the limits of the ensement shnll he done under the supervision of A civil engineer licenst'd by the State of Call [ornIn, work shall cotllply with the San Ulegulto Water Districts f;pccificntions, stnndnnh~ and practices. and shall he done in accordance with generally accepted civlJ engineering standards and practices. The lands in which such easement of right of way is hereby granted are situated in the County of San Diego, State of California, and particul:uly described al'J follows, to wit: See Attached Exhibit "A" The route of said easement of right of way across the nforesnid lands sl1nll be as follow9 t See Attached Exhibit "A" It II uprell!!l, Illreed thlllt the Orantor ehan hAvI thl rl8hl, at hie own rl:"lk. to 1l1l!! Ihe PlUrfllCft (If the rlsht nf WilY hereby .ranted, for 118rleultur.1 ua" except for thl phlRlIn. And .rowlns of trees: and the right to crOI!! or mak!! Ule of thl lurlAee In . mAnner not detrlmenta' to the Inlt.UIllUnn, conltrucUnn, oper"lIon, Inftper.Uon, rl!palr, mnlntf'l\l\llce anrl replacement 01 a plpa IIn. or pip' Unel, OT to IIny other purpoll!l And uses "' ere nr Inn, be nrCf'!!!!nry or Illchlrnlnl to thl! con"lnlcUon, mlllntenllnce and operllUon of the OrAnlt(!'" pfllpO:"l(,fl rip.. IInl! I1r ripe IIn(':"I, And the Orantor hereby a.reell for hlmlleU, hll IIUCcUllorll or a:"llllJ:1l1'l, thllt he will not plent tree!! or conltrUrt or cause to be tonlltructed and malnt.lned any bulldln~. o~ IItrllduree 0' Any nflture or Itlnd within t"n feet of rollld ,'lpl! IIn8: or IItore or permit to be ,tored or ulle upon IIRld rl~hl of WAY Rny btT'IAUng IIt1rrllr!l or upl""lvr!t cnmmnnl}' "!If'll for bllllllng pUrpOllf!l, And the Orllntefl hereby "Ireea that It will avoid unrellllonllhle Interference with the 11110 by Orflntor "nr! hi" :"IlIcerll- lion of IIIlld right of WIY, and 18rett not to fene. the lime, aTltI "reen thnt the Orlntor may enjoy th, IlIrhee ulIe of the 'and herein duulbrd. aUbJeel to the condlllonl abovl It"trd; And n.peu to prrmll thl! In~lalhlUon by thr Orl\ntor of water pl~ell rellllonably tequlred for Gnntor'" uae on hili ellhl prol'erty over Rnd atrOll" tbe right of WilY In II milliner _".ph ut 11 ..",I 1..1....,,,..11 with th. Ou,ntlle'a pipe lInee and opefll,lIotll, provided. I( lhe 10CR-tlon III to he IIn.1rr Orllnlel!'II _._. - - ---"~.._ n~.nl__ ....rn". ..fter 111~ Inlll"II1\- flrllctlcAbll!. All re.'llort'rllo n"r ~ ~ < ~ '~ ~E > - < ,~ a ~ E < 0 OU :;:-0>> . 0 " < g, " , o. -~.: ~ ~~fi."IF~Nj)/~ :" On ~ (J1t1LA1~LI"':_..3t1 'F1..._-179" before me, tpe ~ersY'J.'d. a Nota?,,_Publlc m and lor saId State, personalty appeared_ =---&.1._eML~1_1J///l7'? -..I- EXHIBIT: "Air " ~ ,. N o o M _ ____ ,personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis 01 satisfactory evidence) 10 be the persons who execuled Ihe within Instrument as ~V,b1 C!/I d.,real nt . j;ia; 00 behalr of '" c~rpotBtlon therein named, and Bckno edged to me that . - such corporation exec uted the within Instrument pursuant toils OffIClM. SEAl by-taws or a resolution of its board of directors. e JAN l. CHASJ: W my hand and . NOTNlTPU8t.IC-rAUfORlnA PAfHClI'AlOffICEIM SANDIEGOCOllf'fn .,ColnIniaiIIbJ.Dlc.J9,l11t (7 .....': { '..'1...',:..::; /I',! (II -_d - ExHIBIT "A" SHEET I OF 3 WATER EASEMENT THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNAROINO MERIOIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN OIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A STRIP OF LAND, 20.00 FEET IN WIDTH, 10.00 FEET MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: BEGINNING AT CENTERLINE ENGINEER'S STATION 15+20.10, AS SHOWN ON ROAD SURVEY NO. 700-1, A COPY OF WHICH IS ON FILE WITH THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAID COUNTY, THENCE ALONG SAID ROAD SURVEY CENTERLINE NORTH 1'46'22" EAST (RECORD NORTH 1'46'50.4' EAST), 30.37 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTERLINE NORTH 89'33'05' WEST, 25.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS DESCRIPTION, SAID POINT BEING ON THE WESTERLY SIDELINE OF THAT REAL PROPERTY GRANTED TO SAID COUNTY BY DOCUMENT RECORDED MAY 7, 1971, AS DOC. NO. 94657, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89'33'05" WEST, 212.43 FEET TO A POINT HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS POINT "A"; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89'33'05" WEST, 202.17 FEET TO A POINT HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS POINT "B"; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89'33'05" WEST, 14.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS. EXHIBIT "A" SHEET 2 OF 3 THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE PROLONGED AND FORESHORTENED EASTERLY SO AS TO TERMINATE ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID COUNTY LAND. ALSO STRIPS OF LAND 20.00 FEET IN WIDTH, 10.00 FEET MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINES: I) BEGINNING AT THE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH 0.26'55" EAST, 43.50 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS. 2) BEGINNING AT THE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED POINT "B"; THENCE SOUTH 0"26'55" WEST 33.0B FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS. . I ";<1.11." . . "101 t:~5. .eIJ6~ eTA 15f20./0 ~G)Aotxl~(ley 7tJO-/ "r!.. '". '1 . " A~ 700-1 """"" ~ClAo ,. . , t~ III/ ...J " .... :/" ,'/It I' "I, - ~ ~ 't ,e .v.l HM' . . I/J(IVT 'A . ,1.,,' '~ .I>i iN '1' , "....,- ",.... U' ,,1 ,/,14. " ^ ..... t,\/ ,J . N()'f"'55'e 4~.50' r' I ~{ -, ,. J , .~ , ~ ...., C ( (..")-[.... L" ~ 10 . ~ ,>:. t:: " . ,/..1.. JI ~ Jll . l" ~ 10" " Lt f'J . '< . . , I tP: ~ ",' '1\'~r.dI-."",~q",,; "'.' h 'P'r', i"~' ,. 1, ' ,,' ".r~ ~,'lC:! ,H_. 1,1~; " " " r" . ~t - .' .' " h . p'n" ", d" '~l!," , "r- ,.1 r ", I.'l. I',,~,. . t ,~". ". ....,. 1.~tfJ /d miNT '8' Nopet;.'e;!5"e ~Ot>' r> '::J ,- ,,^ ,.~ ,Ill I .~ , ~ ~ "- '" " " ,,~ /A;OK.4 TC0 eAseMeNT TO 54NOIe6WTO WA1M O/6T. A~~ O.:i'2Av. NOTe, OII"feNf,{0A/9 Me TO "- Cl" '20' Mot; 'OT~/Pexcef'r Wflffle OTfI{'ft,I'I/SE GIIowlo/. ,. , , t., "._ '.' ,,~ I,.,,,., IJ)(H;M't ~';. NArc~ oeAibeMf:NT . , , ' ! " 'if, 1'1. ~' . '. .' A ': ., , , , I ".':"~":" ';:, ....;.... ~o LTE ~Hd AssotlA TES e,', 1:', " ,~a..SclcrampnlO. San OiE'~o. San )OSE'. Walnut Creek 1'-- , . !' , ,~ " . ., .., , ... "1 I-j,. " . b~6f!, -87.01 r1)