2001-11-14 MINUTES OF THE SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2001, 5:30 PM, 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Holz called the meeting to order at 5:40 P.M. Present: Chairperson Dennis Holz, Board Members James Bond, Christy Guerin, Maggie Houlihan, and Jerome Stocks. Absent: None. Also Present: Board Secretary Miller, Board Attorney Sabine, Board Clerk Cervone, Public Works Director Wurbs, Deputy Board Clerk Greene. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The National Anthem was sung by Alyssa Weiss, a student at Ada Harris Elementary School. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Stocks moved, Guerin seconded to close and adopt the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Ayes: Bond, Guerin, Holz, Houlihan, Stocks; Nays: None, 81. Approval of Minutes: 10/24/01 Joint Special Meetinl!:: and 10/24/01 Rel!:ular Meetinl!:, Contact Person: Board Clerk Cervone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. S2, Approval of 11/14/01 Warrants List. Contact Person: Financial Services Manal!:er Suelter, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Warrants List, S3, Approval of Resolution 2001-15. Amendinl!: the Health Insurance Cafeteria Plan Amount for Elil!:ible Unrepresented San Diel!:uito Water District Employees, Contact Person: Personnel Officer Beckord. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2001-15, I I/14/0l SDWD Sp. Mtg. Page I 11114/01 SDWD Special Meeting S4. Approval of Resolution 2001-16. Adoptinl!: the Al!:reement that Adjusts the Health Insurance Plan Contribution Amount for Elil!:ible San Diel!:uito Water District Employees in Classifications in the Barl!:aininl!: Unit Represented by Service Employees International Union. Contact Person: Personnel Officer Beckord, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2001-16. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS REMOVED BY THE PUBLIC None. REGULAR AGENDA None. CONSENT CALENDAR MEMBERS ITEMS REMOVED BY BOARD None. GENERAL INFORMATION / STAFF STATUS REPORTS None. REPORTS FROM CITY REPRESENT A TIVES OF REGIONAL BOARDS Board Member Bond gave a brief report and update on regional water issues. Mr. Bond requested CWAlMWD rate changes be placed on a future San Dieguito Water District agenda. There was Council consensus to comply with Mr. Bond's request. 11114/01 SDWD Sp. Mtg. Page 2 11/14/01 SDWD Special Meeting ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Holz declared the meeting adjourned at 5:47 P.M. Kr;~~ By: Kathy Greene, Deputy Board Clerk 11/14/01 SDWD Sp. Mtg. Page 3