2001-05-30 MINUTES OF THE ENCINITAS CITY COUNCIL, CARDIFF SANITATION DISTRICT AND SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT JOINT SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 30,2001,505 SOUTH VULCAN AVENUE CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Since this was a joint meeting with the City Council, Board Member Holz chaired the meeting, and called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Present: Board Members Dennis Holz, James Bond, Christy Guerin, Maggie Houlihan, and Jerome Stocks. Absent: None. Also Present: Board Secretary Miller, Board Clerk Cervone, Budget Officer Hill, Financial Services Manager Sueher, Management Analyst Smith, Director of Public Works Wurbs, Management Analyst deCordova, Director of Engineering Services Archibald, Director of Community Development Holder, Director of Community Services Wiggington, and City Clerk Secretary Bingham. There being a quorum present, the meeting was in order. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS - Items Jl and J2 J1. Adoption of Resolution 2001-25. Resolution of Intention to Order the Renewal of the Encinitas Landscape and Lil!:htinl!: District (ELLD) and Settinl!: of the Public Hearin'l for June 13.2001. Contact Person: Manal!:ement Analyst Smith. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2001-25. J2, Adoption of Resolution 2001-27, a resolution to apply for $300.000 I!:rant fundinl!: from the Department of Boatinl!: and WatelWavs Public Beach Restoration Prol!:ram, Contact Person: Proiect Manal!:er Weldon. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 2001-27. ACTION: Guerin moved, Houlihan seconded to adopt the Consent Calendar, Motion carried, Ayes: Bond, Guerin, HoIz, Houlihan, Stocks; Nays: None, 05/30/01 SDWD Jtn Sp. Mtg. Page I 05/30/01 SDWD Jtn. Sp. Mtg. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS - Items J3 and J4 J3, Workshop for the Fiscal Years 2001-02 and 2002-03 Annual Operatinl!: Budl!:ets. Contact Person: Budl!:et Officer HilI and Manal!:ement Analyst Smith. City Manager Miller introduced Budget Officer Hill who reviewed the purpose of this meeting which was to present the annual operating budgets for the next two fiscal years and to follow up on specific items that council requested at previous meetings and staff recommendation to provide direction on the proposed operating budgets, new programs, capital projects, and special on-time reserve for adoption on June 13,2001. Changes that were addressed: 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, An additional new program related to the Traffic Engineering Division workload Correction to the Community and Senior Center budget removing the staff vehicle Update on the Meter Replacement Program Vehicle Replacement Program Adjustments Summary of approved Commission proposals Budget Officer Hill introduced Director of Engineering Services Archibald, who gave a brief overview of the Traffic Program changes. Staff proposed to increase the program assistant position ITom 24 hours per week to full-time and increase the contract services account by an additional $ I 0,000, to be used to expedite traffic calming projects. COUNCIL CONSENSUS: Increase the program assistant position from 24 hours per week to full-time and increase the contract services account by an additional $10,000 with these additional contract services to be used to expedite current projects and to add two temporary part-time employees to do traffic data gathering. Budget Officer Hill introduced Director of Community Development Holder who reviewed the Multiple-Habitat Conservation Plan. Staff requested an additional $75,000 for Consultant Services. Budget Officer Hill reviewed additional Potential Budget Impacts which could include and not limited to: Future obligation for energy costs, increase in health benefit costs, implementation of class & compensation, and Census 2000 outcome. Staff recommended that council set aside a special one-time $500,000 reserve, ITom excess reserves, to address these potential budget impacts. Budget Officer Hill introduced Management Analyst Smith who reviewed the San Dieguito Water District and Cardiff Sanitation District FY 2001-02 and 2002.03 Operating Budgets. 05/30/01 SDWD Jtn Sp. Mtg. Page 2 05/30/01 SDWD Jtn. Sp. Mtg. COUNCIL CONSENSUS: City Manager Miller directed staff to include, in the CSD line items, a reconciliation of the increase in energy costs and to bring this back to council at the next budget meeting. Board Member Holz declared a recess ITom 7:07p.m. to 7: 19p.m. Management Analyst Smith reviewed the changes to the Six-year Capital Improvement Program. COUNCIL CONSENSUS: Direct staff to use the grant money to completely clean up the out flow at Moonlight Beach and to have this taken care of as soon as possible. Also, Council asked that, at a future meeting, there be a discussion of Moonlight Storm Drain problems and that discussion to include costs, timelines, and other source spots that effect the outflow problem. COUNCIL CONSENSUS: Agendize the Manchester Street Realignment Project for further review, J4. Review and Approve Update to City Council Policy FOI0 on General Fund Reserve, Contact Person: Financial Services Mana!!:er SueIter. Financial Services Manager Suelter reviewed the staff report and staff recommendation to approve Policy FOIO establishing a new minimum General Fund Reserve Requirement. ACTION: Stocks moved, Houlihan seconded to approve the staff recommendation to approve Policy FOI0 establishing a new minimum General Fund Reserve Requirement at twenty percent of operating expenditures, Motion Carried. Ayes: Bond, Holz, Houlihan, Stocks, Nays: Guerin. REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCIL /REPRESENTATIVES OF REGIONAL BOARDS MEMBERS Board Member Bond gave a brief report on the Metropolitan Water District. Board Member Guerin gave a brief report on Encina Agreement regarding the sale of surplus property and requested this be agendized at the next council meeting. Board Member Holz gave a brief report of the last SANDAG Board Meeting. He reported he had been appointed to a seat on the High Speed Rail Committee. GENERAL INFORMATION / STAFF STATUS REPORTS 05/30/01 SDWD Jtn Sp. Mtg. Page 3 05/30/01 SDWD Jtn. Sp. Mtg. Board Member Guerin thanked staff on their excellent teamwork on the Hall Property Acquisition. Board Member Houlihan announced the City's Kick-Off Event for "Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" scheduled for June 13,2001, at 3:00 p.m. at the City Hall. ADJOURNMENT Board Member Holz declared the meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. 'h \ 05/30/01 SDWD Jtn Sr. Mtg. Page 4