1992-05-04 ":"":",,~,,,",," """'-""-'--"""'-----' ",' "'-," ..'", ,,- ,.. ~ '~,,~:;ö:, ~ ~ .'~ CITY OF ENCINITAS TRAJ'J'IC COKKISSION MIJlU'rES Meeting Date: May 4,1992 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chairperson Shelley called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Present: Dan Shelley, Paula Goldbeck, Arnold Lewin, Charles Ades, Robert Perry (abstained due to conflict of interest) Also Present: George Villegas, City Traffic Engineer; Lloyd Holt, city Engineer; Rob Blough, Associate Traffic Engineer; Joe Foust, Austin-Foust Associates, Inc.; Sgt. DeJardine, Sheriff's Department; Randy Copher, NCTD and Jackie Dakovich, Administrative Secretary 2. PLEDGE OJ' ALLEGIANCE 3. ADOUNCEMEN'!'S None. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. CLOSING AND ADOPTION OJ' CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of minutes - April 20, 1992. Chairperson Shelley opened the meeting to public input. Ron Grimes, l4ll Crest Drive - noted that due to the fact Greg Garrett, legal representation for the Palomares Heights Assn., had not received a copy of the minutes for review, the" approval of said minutes be postponed until the next Traffic Commission meeting. Chairperson Shelley closed the meeting to public input. IN CONSENSUS, THE TRAJ'J'IC COHKISSION WILL POSTPONE APPROVAL OJ' THE APRIL 20,1992 MINUTES UN'l'IL THE NEXT MEETING. SA-)' - ,¡ '. " . .' . ,..;" 6. UNJ'XNXSHBD BUSINESS A. Discussion of Austin-Foust Associates, Inc., Crest Drive Diverter Traffic study, with no public testimony. Vice Chairperson Lewin inquired as to.how the license plate study was conducted. y Joe Foust, Austin-Foust Associates, responded that personnel were stationed at three checkpoints and recorded license plates of cars going north and south on Lake Drive, checkpoints being Birmingham Drive, Santa Fe Drive and an internal checkpoint. The license plate numbers and time were recorded as they passed, and wi th the use of. a computer program, license plates were matched within a 5-10 minutes period to determine whether they passed through or lived in the area. Vice Chairperson Lewin questioned the response times by the Sheriff's Department with regard to Crest Drive. Sgt. deJardine noted that the Sheriff's Department response time depends primarily on where the deputy receives the call, since the deputies do not respond from a station, but from the field. He further noted that calls are prioritized into four types, with priority 1 being a life threatening situation, and priority 2 being slightly less than priority 1. with regard to the barricade, depending on the priority of the call, (lor 2), the deputy would make the decision on whether to go around or' through the barricade with a degree of safety. He further 'noted that the Fire Department probably receives very few routine calls, the majority being emergency calls. Chairperson Shelley noted that Level of Service C capacity on a two-lane local street is 11,200 vehicles per day, and questioned what vehicle volume is on Level of Service A and B streets. City Traffic Engineer Villegas noted that Level of Service (LOS) A and B streets have a better LOS and a lower traffic volume than a LOS C street. Chairperson Shelley further questioned if reducing the speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph with signage, would actually result in speed reduction of 10 mph. City Traffic Engineer Villegas responded that speed limit signage have minimal affect on changing actual travel speeds. Commissioner Goldbeck noted that the Austin-Foust report fulfilled the requests of the City Council. Vice Chairperson Lewin made several observations with regard to the Austin-Foust report including the fact that Lake Drive S A.. fl. ¡~ is considered a circulation element stree~and was considered at one time to continue from Santa Fe. Drive to Manchester Avenue. However, these plans are no longer being considered. He further commented on the signalization of Manchester Avenue, reduction of speed on both Lake Drive and Crest Drive, noise levels, accident history, air 'quality, and emergency response time. In conclusion, took obj-ection to the fact that the report gave credit for the positive benefits being achieved through installation of the Crest Drive diverter, with no credit being given to reduction of speed on both streets and the aggressive enforcement on Lake Drive; signalization of Lake Drive and Santa Fe Avenue; all way stop at Lake Drive and Birmingham Drive; all way stop at Birmingham Drive and Freda Lane; reduced speed limit on Birmingham Drive east of 1-5; double striping center of Lake Drive and Birmingham Drive; reduction of left turns from Wotan Drive to Santa Fe Avenue; limit of commercial truck traffic on Santa Fe Avenue; and installing a parking lane and driveway access with a solid white line the full length of Lake Drive on the west side. - . Commissioner Ades noted that pursuing the several discrepancies in the report will not alter the end results or the conclusion of the report, and accepts the report as presented. Chairperson Shelley agreed with many of Vice Chairperson Lewin's comments noting that there were many positive improvements to the area other than the Crest Drive diverter. Hè further questioned why the measured noise levels at Crest Drive and Lake Drive were not done with the same footage. Joe Foust, Austin~Foust Associates, responded that the measurements were done by the same people at the same time and the calibration of these measurements follows the City guidelines, as required. Chairperson Shelley noted the traffic speed percentile guidelines that were used and asked Joe Foust his opinion of those standards. Joe Foust, Austin-Foust Associates, responded that the standards are in the range of reasonability, particularly on a local or residential type of street. He further noted that traffic speed was only one of several criteria that was evaluated. ~ . VICE CHAIRPERSON LEWIN MOVED TO RECEIVE '1'BB REPORT AND PORWARD ON TO CITY COUNCZL WITH SEVERAL OBSERVATIONS THE SIGNALZZATION OJ' KABCBESTER AVENUE; '1'BB SIGNALIZATION OJ' LAKE DRIVE AND SAN'l'A J'E AVENUE; '1'BB ALL-WAY STOP AT LAKE D1UVB AND BIRMZNGHAM DRIVE; '1'BB ALL-WAY STOP AT BIRMINGHAM DR:IVB AND J'REDA LANE; REDUCTZON OP SPEED LIMIT ON BIRMZNGHAM DR:IVB ; DOUBLE STRZPING OJ' LAlŒ DRIVE AND BIRMINGHAM DR:IVB. sA-13 I.. A-"'-,' 'w' . 8~ commissioner Goldbeck questioned the possibility separating out each item and evalua,tIng the impact, improvement, on the overall Cardiff traffic situation. Joe Foust, Austin-Foust Associates, responded that the improvements work as a total package and his report is an evaluation of this package. ' of by commissioner Goldbeck wi thdrew her concurrence wi th Vice Chairperson Lewin's motion, noting that to be effective, the entire package must be considered. She further commented, that it would be financially irresponsible to encourage further studies. Vice Chairperson Lewin clarified that his motion was to receive the report and forward to City Council for a decision, calling attention to several observations by the Traffic Commission. Chairperson Shelley clarified further that the motion did not recommend conducting additional studies of the issue. commissioner Goldbeck noted she had understood the motion to call for further studies, and in fact, could now support the motion. VZCB CHAZRPERSON LEWIN,MOVED, ADES SECONDED TO RECEIVE THE REPORT, AND J'ORWARD ON TO CITY COUNCIL, WITH CERTAIN OBSERVATIONS: '1'BB RESULTS OF '1'BB EVALUATION INDICATE A NOKBER OJ' POSZTIVE BENEJ'ITS THAT HAVE BEEN ACHZBVED THROUGH INSTALLATION OJ' THE CREST DRIVE DIVERTER, HO1fBVBR, NO CREDIT WAS GZVEN TO: '1'BB REDUCTION OP' SPEED LIMITS ON BOTH STREETS; '1'BB AGGRESSIVE ENFORCEKBN'!' ON LAKE DRIVE, HAVING AN EJ'J'BCT ON '1'BB REDUCTION OJ' '1'BB HUMBBR OJ' ACCIDEN'!'S; THE SIGNALIZATION OJ' LAKE DRIVE AND SANTA J'E AVENUE; THE SIGNALIZATZON 'OJ' KABCBBSTER AVENUE; THE ALL-WAY STOP AT LAD DRIVE AND BIRKINGBAK DRIVE AND THE ALL-WAY STOP AT BIRKINGBAK DRIVE AND J'REDA LANE HAVING AN IMPACT ON TRAJ'J'IC VOLUKB AND SPEED; PRE- EXZSTING SPEED CRITERIA DID NOT MEET THB REQUIRED CRITERIA OF '1'BB TRAJ'J'IC DIVERSION PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. 7. NEW BUSZNESS A. Selection of Traffic Commissioner(s) to the Ecke Specific Plan Task Force. City Traffic Engineer Villegas reviewed briefly the goals and objectives of this Task Force and encouraged any interested Commissioners to apply. After a brief question and answer period, Commissioners Paula Goldbeck and Charles Ades indicated their interest and will be mailed applications for the Ecke Specific Plan Task Force. Commissioner Ades noted he would like to participate on the S A- '1 , :1 ,. .~ Task Force as a citizen rather than a Traffic Commissioner. Commissioner Perry was contacted by teléphone regarding the Task Force and indicated no interest in participating, due to time constraints. B. Updated High Accident Location Report -,for information. ~,,~ " City Traffic Engineer Villegas gave a brief overview on the Updated High Accident Location Report. Vice Chairperson Lewin questioned what mitigation measures were being considered by staff to avoid future accidents at these ten intersections. . City Traffic Engineer Villegas responded with regard to El Camino Real and Encinitas Boulevard intersection, double left turn lanes in all directions are being implemented, and also some additional striping to mitigate the accident conditions. Further, the raised Median Project will mitigate the traffic and accident conditions on El Camino Real. wi th regard to the intersection at Calle Magdalena and Saxony Road, a plan is being developed to operate both intersections under one signal system. vice Chairperson Lewin asked what caused accidents at the intersection of Encinitas Boulevard and Vulcan Avenue (listed as No.2 on the Accident Location Report). City Traffic Engineer Villegas responded that the short distance between the intersection and Highway 10l does not allow time for cars to change lanes safely and possibly during certain times of the day, due to sunlight reflection. commissioner Goldbeck asked what can be done at an intersection that is already signalized, such as Via Molena, to improve the accident rate. ci ty Traffic Engineer Villegas advised that signal timing changes, and larger signal heads might improve the situation in addition to the proposed raised median. Vice Chairperson Lewin questioned what plans were being considered to mitigate the situation on Encinitas Boulevard between Beechtree Drive and El Camino Real. ~, City Traffic Engineer Villegas responded that there was a proposed plan to install a raised median on Encinitas Boulevard, however, due to funding constraints, it is not currently under consideration. Commissioner Ades requested an update on the El Camino Real raised Median Project. ..1 City Traffic Engineer Villegas will research the current SA-'S ,,", ..,.! . . . 9. status of the Median Project and give the Commission an update at the next meeting. , ,~ Commissioner Goldbeck requested information and diagrams with regard to mid-block accidents on Encinitas Boulevard. City Traffic Engineer Villegas will compile and provide the information on mid-block accidents on Encinitas Boulevard at a future meeting. 8. COMK:ISSIONBR CORNER Commissioner Goldbeck noted that the signal on First street at Encinitas Boulevard is extremely erratic, going from yellow to red in a blink. City Traffic Engineer Villegas advised the City has been experiencing power supply problems at this signal for some time, with no final solution. Efforts to eliminate the problems continue. ADJ 0 URNHEN'!' VICE CHAIRPERSON LEWIN MOVED, ADES SECONDED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. MEETING ADJOURNED 8:30 P.M. 5A- , h "- Copied Arnold Lewin verbatim, 5/4/92. Jackie Dakovich Traffic coQIssion Meeting tape vice Chairperson Lewin made several observations beginning with the reason that Lake Drive is considered a circulation element street. He stated that apparently on the County Circulation Map many years ago, Lake Drive was supposed to go all the way through I believe to Manchester Avenue. Now as we know Lake Drive stops southbound well before it' drops 'to Manchester and apparently there are no plans to extend to Manchester, but I thought that was rather interesting. I have a couple of observations on the Austin Foust report and I am going to read from something I typed up. A couple of points I want to bring up wi th regard to the report in the signalization of Manchester Avenue, previous to the signalization traffic moved one at a time due to the four way stop and about'6 months after the Crest Drive diverter was installed the traffic signal was installed and in my opinion the report failed to address the effects of the signal. - Secondly, the conclusions of the study found at the end of the executive summary it states a single dis-benefit in the increase in traffic on Lake Drive, which is partially offset by a substantial reduction in accidents and speeds. The report does mention the reduction in speed limit from 40 to 30 mph on Lake Drive and f~om.35 to 25 on Crest Drive, but in my opinion the report fails to address the impact of the reduction of speed. Well before the di verter when in a gèntleman from Crest Drive called me up to lobby my support for the Crest Drive diverter and he told me that the big reason for the diverter was that the people were speeding on Crest Drive, there was no way to curtail the speed, can't put a stop sign in the middle of the block, can't use speed humps, can't use speed bumps and a barrier was the only answer. Roughly before the diverter was installed, the Sheriff's Department did not have a Traffic Section, and speed enforcement was left up to the California Highway Patrol who didn't [place the speed enforcement on Crest Drive high on their list of priorities. They mainly patrolled I-5. Just after the diverter was installed, the Sheriff's Department added the Traffic section which was equipped to enforce speed limits throughput Encinitas. I spoke to one of the original Traffic Officers, Gary Steadman, and he spent considerable on Lake Drive enforcing the speed limit when it was reduced from 40 to 30. He told me he spent an average of about three days a week on the Lake and average about 5 citations per day. Two of my neighbors received tickets on Lake Drive, one received two tickets. With the transfer of Steadman other officers have been most aggressive in speed enforcement. I spoke to Traffic Officer Brett Wagner this morning of the Sheriff's Department who advised me he currently spends an average of two days per week on Lake Drive and averages 5 tickets per day. Oddly enough about two years ago, I went to a party and -- SA -/l " .. ..~.;.j , J.~" somebody brought up in conversation "heL do you ever drive Lake Drive and I said yes, while did yo\J'evèr get a ticket up there, the cops are really out there enforcing the speed limit there. So apparently word does get out. Going back to Officer Wagner he said he cites mostly on the southbound as the critical speed is 39 mph and thus ,writes tickets over 39 mph. In addition according to the Tràffic Diversion Program an excessive speed exists when it is demonstrated over 50% of vehicles exceed the speed limit by 20% or more. The report found that only l5%'of the pre-existing traffic on Crest Drive exceeds the speed limit by 20% or more. And I wonder ,does this concern Austin-Foust Associates that the pre-existing date did not meet the required speed criteria. Thirdly, noise. The study notes the measured noise levels were taken on Crest Drive 25 feet from center line and Lake Drive 30 feet from center line. Why wasn't the same distance from center line used on both streets. If the measurements on Lake Drive wére taken at 25 feet from center line, it would obviously be a lot noisier. ~,~~ . Accident history, number 4. Accidents have been reduced on both Lake Drive and Crest Drive, however, the report does not offer any reasons why. Could the reduction in speed on both streets and aggressive enforcement on Lake Drive have an affect. In addition, the report states that the accident rate on Crest Drive, betwee~ Birmingham Drive and Santa Fe Drive nearly doubled the pre-existing accident rate for Crest Drive. But the report fails to address the reason. .. -- Air Quality - Number 5. The report states the installation of the Crest Drive diverter resulted in a small decrease along Crest Drive and a smaller increase along Lake Drive. Air quality on Crest Drive south of Santa Fe Drive fell from .8 parts per million to .3 parts per million or a 62% decrease. Air quality on Crest Drive north of Birmingham Drive fell from .7 parts per million to .2 parts per million or a drop of 71% and I would be reluctant to call that a small decrease. The air quality on Lake Drive both south of Santa Fe Drive and north of Birmingham Drive showed an increase from. 6 parts per million to .8 or and an increase of 33% and to me that is rather significant. Emergency Response Time - Number 6. The study gives the response time from the fire department stations, but does not discuss the station in Village Park which would be the second end station and the extended response time from that station. Secondly, it fails to address that if an ambulance responds to a call on the north end of Crest Drive near the diverter, the most direct route to the clos~st hospital, Scripps/Encinitas, is to jump the barrier or go through the barrier, around the barrier, possibly causing additional harm to the patient or patients. Also this would force the ambulance to go against the flow of traffic placing the patients in additional harm. SA -18 tr.. If the ambulance chooses to go the route Birmingham Drive to Lake Drive to Santa Fe Drive, this is ~úChlonger and places the sick or injured patient in additional' jeopardy. The report discusses the response time by the San Diego Sheriff's Department in relation to the station located on El Casino Real north of Encinitas Blvd. The report fails to discuss that the patrol cars are usually on patrol 'in Encinitas and rarely area dispatched from the, station. The same scenario, if a Sheriff's car has responded to the north end of Crest Drive with the diverter and received an emergency call to any point north of the original call, the responding deputy has the option to go around the diverter and again going against the flow of traffic. If the deputy does not chose to go against the di verter , he or she will have to add an additional mile and 1/2 to the additional transit time to their response. '-~'+"I ., And lastly, I take obj ection to the first sentence in the Conclusion of the Executive Summary which states: liThe results of the evaluation indicate a number of positive benefits that have been achieved through installation of the Crest Drive diverter - absolutely no credit was given to reduction of speeds limits on both streets and the aggressive enforcement on Lake Drive, the signalization of Lake Drive and Santa Fe Drive, the all way stop at Lake Drive and Birmingham Drive, the all way stop at Birmingham Drive and Freda Lane, reduced speed limit on ~irmingham Drive east of I-5 to 3- mph, double stripe the center of Lake Drive and Birmingham Drive to reduce or eliminate passing, reduction of left turns from WOtan Drive to Santa Fe Drive, the limit of commercial truck traffic on Santa Fe Drive, the reduction of Lake Drive to a Circulation Element Local Street designation (two lanes) for purposes of the new General Plan EIR, install a parking lane and driveway access with a solid white line the full length of Lake Drive on the west side, and the requirement of future subdivisions on the east side of Lake to include interior road network to prevent indiscriminate easements and driveways. ,', VICB CBAJ:RPERSON LEWIN MOVED TO RECEIVE THE REPORT AND J'ORWARD ON TO CZTY COUNCIL WITH CERTAIN OBSERVATIONS THAT SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO 'l'BB ATTEN'!'ION OJ' CITY COUNCZL WHBN THEY KAKB 'l'BBIR DECISIOB (ISSUES THAT WERE NOT TAKEN IN'!'O ACCOUN'l') - 'l'BB DY ONES ARB THE SIGNALIZATION OF MANCHBSTER AVENUE; THE SIGNALIZATION OJ' LAD DRIVE AND SAN'l'A J'E AVENUE; 'l'BB ALL-WAY STOP AT LAD DRIVE AND BIRMINGHAM DRIVE; 'l'BB ALL-WAY STOP AT BIRMINGBAK DRIVE A¥D J'REDA LANE; REDUCTION OF SPEED LIHIT ON BIRKINGBAK DRIVE; DOUBLE STRIPING OJ' LAIœ DRIVE AND BIRMINGHAM DRIVE (ARB PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTAN'l'). -- Vice Chairperson Lewin clarified that his motion was to receive the Austin-Foust Associates report and forward to city Council for a decision, calling attention to several observations made by the Traffic Commission with regard to the report. 5A-19 '". ~ He further clarified it was not his int~ion to engage Mr. Foust or recommend to staff that any .ddi~ional studies or investigations be done. He noted that his motion stated the report be received and forwarded to City Council and if they want to engage Mr. Foust further that would be fine. neB CDZRPBRSON LEWIN MOVED TO RECEIVE THE REPORT, AND J'ORWARD 011 TO CITY COUNCIL, WITH CERTAZN OBSERVATIONS: '1'BB RESULTS OJ' THE EVALUATION INDICATE A NUMBER OJ' POSITIVE BBBBJ'ITS THAT HAVE BEEN ACHIEVED THROUGH INSTALLATION OJ' '1'BB CREST DR:IVB D:tVBRTBR, HO1fBVBR, NO CREDZT WAS GIVDt TO: '1'BB RBDUC'l'ZON OJ' SPEED LIXITS ON BOTH STREETS; '1'BB AGGRESSIVE BDORCBKBN'!' ON LAKE DRZVE, HAVING AN EJ'J'ECT ON '1'BB REDUCTION OJ' THE NUMBER OJ' ACCIDENTS; THE SIGNALIZATION OF LAKE DRIVE AND SANTA J'E AVENUE; '1'BB SIGNALIZATION OJ' MANCHESTBR AVEN1JB; '1'BB ALL-WAY STOP AT LAKE DRIVE AND BIRXINGBAK DlUVE AND THE ALL-WAY STOP AT BIRXINGBAK DRIVE AND J'REDA LANE HAnNG AN IXPACT ON TRAFJ'IC VOLUKB AND SPEED; PRE-EXISTING SPEED CRITERIA DID NOT MEET THE REQUIRED CRITERIA OJ' THE TRAFJ'IC DIVERSION PROGRAM. j . My other concern is the speed limit and just to go over it - according to the Traffic Diversion Program an excessive speed problem exists when it is demonstrated over 50% of the vehicles exceed the speed limit by 20%. The report found that only 15% and I want to draw the Council's attention to that as well, that the speed 9ri teria did not meet those of the Traffic Diversion Program. This is pre-existing, pre-existing was only 15% but the requirement is over 50%, so as Mr. Foust sàid about 1/3. The noise, I think I understand Mr. Foust was saying that no matter where you put this device that measures the sound, if you put it 25 feet, 30 feet it somehow takes into account the distant of someone's front yard, you can set this device for say 60 feet for the front yard and it is all relative. Do I understand you correctly? ' So you could take a reading at 20 feet, 25 feet, 30 feet, does not matter, you are setting it for a certain footage. Do you see any reason to carry on with the noise situation? Do you accept that? The accident history, I would like to forward on to the City council the situation regarding the reduction in speed on both streets and the aggressive enforcement on Lake Drive and I would like them to know that might have a reason for decreasing the number of accidents and yet it wasn't mentioned in the report. -- The air quality is maybe it is percentages or whatever but it was really dropped on Crest Drive and it went way up on Lake SA.. 20 :8- Drive and I would like the City Council to-be aware of that as well, bring that to their attention. Does the Commission wish to pursue air quality issue? we will pass that one up. Well, 'L; The response time - anybody want to bring that up? OK, as long as it is part of the record, I would like to bring it to the City Council's attention that the emergency vehicles on Crest Drive would have to come out and go against the barrier and against the flow of traffic, that is the only thing that I would like to bring up. It is up to you folks. OK well that is my motion. Chairperson Shelley asked for a second to the motion. ADES SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0. . 'I,. . 5 A-2 f