1996-03 RBSOLUTXOII NO~ PC-96-03 USOLUTXON 01' TBB BHCDlXTAS PLUDtDTG COIIKJ:8SXOIt APPROVDtG A KAJOR US. p.mœr AND COASTAL DBVBLOPIIJDI'l' PDJaT AND CBRTXI'Y::tHG A HBGAT:IVI: DBCLARATIOIf ALLOwntG I'OR A SDIU 01' BXXST::tHG COASTAL BaJPI' >PRODeTIU DBVICBS (KID-BLUI'I' CR:t~S ~ ALOWBJt SIWfALL) AND ADDITXOHAL 8LUI'I' S'rABILXZATI<* DØROVBIID1'1'S, AND AH ADDITION TO TIIB BXISTINQ SDlCJLJ: I'ØILY RUIDBHCB I'OR PROPBRTY LOCA'l'BD AT 103 0 OP-j:udB A VBIIUB (CASB MUMBBR 94-224 MDP/CDP/BIA) WHEREAS, a request for consideration of a Major Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit was filed by Gary and Gail Hooker to allow for a series of existing coastal bluff protective devices (mid-bluff cribwalls and a lower seawall) and additional bluff stabilization improvements, and an addition to the existing single family residence within the R-11 Zone and Coastal Bluff Overlay Zone, as per Chapters 30.34, 30.74, and 30.80 of the City of Encinitas Municipal Code, for the property located at 1030 Neptune Avenue, legally described as: (SEE ATTACHMENT" A " ) WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on February 15ì 1996 and all persons desiring to be heard were heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered without limitation: a. Project Plans for the coastal bluff protective devices including Site Plan and Sections dated revised August 29, 1994 and received by the City of Encinitas on November 18, 1994 (consisting of 5 sheets) and project plans for the residential remodel/addition including Site Plan, cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 1- b. Floor Plan, Elevations and Sections dated January 15, 1995 and received by. the City of Encinitas on February 6, 1996; consisting of 7 sheets. Written information submitted with the application; c. Oral testimony from staff, applicant, and public made a part of the record at said public hearing; Planning Commission staff report (94-224 MUP/CDP/EIA) for the meeting of February 15, 1996 which is on file in the Community Development Department; d. e. Environmental Initial Assessment prepared by Craig R. Lorenz & Associates, dated May, 1995 and addendum dated February 8, 1996 including 1) the Bluff Stability Analysis dated August 29,1994, the Response Letter dated March 8, 1995, the Addendum: Bluff Stability Analysis dated September 20, 1994 with the Clarification letter to said AddendUm dated June 5, 1995, and the letter report dated August 11,1995, all prepared by Civil Engineering Consultants; 2) the Landscape and Irrigàtion Letter Report prepared by Studio Katz dated August 11,1995 and the Supplemental Conceptual Slope Protection Plan dated April 17, 1995; and 3) the Third Party Geotechnical Reviews of said reports prepared by Ernie Artim dated December 19, 1994, March 14, 1995, April 12, 1995, June 25, 1995, September 12, 1995 and September 25, 1995. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made the following findings pursuant to Chapters 30.34, 30.74 and 30.80 of the Encinitas Municipal Code: (SEE ATTACHMENT "B") NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Encinitas that Major Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit application No. 94-224 MUP/CDP/EIA is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (SEE ATTACHMENT "C") BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, after their independent review and using its independent judgement, the Planning Commission hereby cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 2- finds that with incorporation of the mitigation measures prescribed in the Environmental Initial Study prepared by Craig R. Lorenz & Associates this project is not likely to result in any significant adverse environmental impacts and a Negative Declaration is hereby certified in conformance with CEQA. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of February, 1996 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Jacobson, Patton, Lanham and ~lls NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Bagg ABSTAIN: None ~ ~ ({ uJ JU-j ~~ ~ Sandra Holder Secretary cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 3- ATTACBIODIT -A- RBSOLUTION NO. PC-96-03 LBGAL DBSCRIPTION (A8....or Parc.l Ho. 254-301-01) PARCEL 1: Lot 5, Block 12, SOUTH COAST PARK NO.2, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1859, filed in the Office of the Recorder of said San Diego County, September 21, 1925. PARCEL 2: That portion of Block D of SOUTH COAST PARK NO.2, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1859, filed in the Office of County Recorder of San diego County, September 21, 1925, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 5, Block 12, said SOUTH COAST PARK NO.2; thence Westerly along the Westerly prolongation of the Northerly line of said Lot 5, Block 12, to its intersection with the Easterly line of that tract of land conveyed by South Coast Land Company to County of San Diego, by deed dated January 10, 1930, recorded February 11, 1930 in Book 1731, Page 258, of Deeds; thence Southerly along said Easterly line to its intersection with'the Westerly prolongation of the Southerly line of said Lot 5, Block 12; thence Easterly along said Westerly prolongation to Southwesterly corner of said Lot 5, Block 12; thence Northerly along Westerly line of said Lot 5, Block 12 to POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING any portion lying within Ponto State Beach as delineated and shown on Record of Survey Ro. 7038, filed in the Office of County Recorder of San Diego County. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 4- ATTACBIIBHT . B. RBSOLUTIOH NO. PC 96-03 PDJDDtGS POR A USB PBlUIIT CBAP'1'BR 30. 7. , PDlDmos POR PRBJDlPTIVB IlBASURBS III TIIB COASTAL BLUPP OVBRLAY ZONB CBAP'1'BR 30 . 3. , AIm PDlDXNGS POR A COASTAL DBVBLOPIIBN'r. PBlUIIT CDP'l'BR 30.80 OP '1'BB BNCIN'ITAS MUNICIPAL CODB (CAS. NO. 9.-224 MUP/CDP/BXA) I. Section - U.e per8dt A. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the proposed project will be compatible with and will not adversely affect and will not be materially detrimental to adjacent uses, residences, buildings, structures or natural resources, with consideration given to, but not limited to: 1. The adequacy of public facilities, services and utilities to serve the proposed project; 2. The suitability of the site for the type and intensity of use or development which is proposed; and 3. The harmful effect, if any, upon environmental quality and natural resources of the City. Pact.: The Major Use Permit application includes the request to approve existing mid-bluff cribwalls with additional stabilization work and to construct a new lateral bluff support system along the south end of the c;fib walls. The Use Permit also includes a request to approve the existing lower bluff concrete seawall, to approve an existing concrete stairway and to approve proposed landscápe and irrigation measures. The stabilization work for the existing cribwalls includes adding a row of tie-back anchors to each of the upper three cribwalls and connecting them to a concrete grade beam which will run along the bottom face of the three upper cribwalls. The lateral support system at the south end of the cribwalls includes the installation of a continuous grade beam underground which will run from the bottom of the lower cribwall to the top of the upper cribwall. Five tie-back anchors are proposed to be connected to the grade beam and installed underground in a northerly direction; seven caissons are also proposed as support for the grade beam which will be placed intermittently up the slope. A combination of ground covers, medium and large sized shrubs are proposed to be installed on all exposed areas and unhealthy vegetation is proposed to be replaced. All selected plant material is to be compatible with a first exposure seacoast environment. An above ground fully automatic irrigation system is proposed on a temporary basis until plantings are established. The lower cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 5- concrete seawall is a gravity-based retaining system that maintains a maximum height of approximately 19 feet which also maintains a 3 foot high concrete retaining wall on top. The lower seawall is of an irregular shape and configuration and is covered with shotcrete or gunite. DiscussioD: The proj ect does not create the need for any public facilities, services and utilities other than what is already servicing the existing residences. With installation of the proposed landscape measures, the crib walls should be adequately screened to appear predominantly as plantings rather than walls. The site will then be more compatible with the surrounding beach environment and residential neighborhood. The irregular shape and configuration of the lower seawall avoids a "block wall appearance" and some natural discoloration of the concrete has occurred due to rust, moss and natural weathering and erosional processes. The characteristics of the lower seawall and the fact that there are many seawalls of different types on the Encinitas coastline works to make the project visually compatible with the character of the surrounding area. The project engineer, Charles Randle, certifies in his March 8, 1995 "Response to Third Party Review of Geotechnical Reports of Bluff Stability Analysis" that "... the proposed repair/mitigation work will not have an adverse effect on the stability of the bluff, and is intended to extend the usable life span of the bluff portions of the property." , and that "the proposed repair/mitigation work will not create an unsafe condition that might endanger life or property, and the work is intended to lessen the impact toward life and property." Mr. Randle further notes that" At no time will this structural system have a negative impact on the general geologic stability of the site. In fact, the proposed system will enhance the overall gross stability of this site. Furthermore, this work will not impact the structural integrity of the surrounding properties, sea bluffs, or public lands." Furthermore, Mr. Randle notes in his August 11,1995 letter report that the"... slope represents a group of supporting systems all of which are necessary to maintain overall stability. Removal of any of the parts will jeopardize the whole." It is further noted that"... the repaired bluff will exceed a factor of safety of 1.5.", and that "... this condition will not deteriorate over the estimated life of 75 years, or longer." Based on an environmental initial study conducted by Craig R. Lorenz & Associates, dated May, 1995 and the Addendum dated February 8, 1996, it was determined that the project will not have a signifiç~nt effect on the environment with incorporation of the mitigation measures prescribed therein and required under this resolution. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 6- CoDclusiQD: The Planning Commission finds that the location, size, design and characteristics of the existing cribwalls with proposed bluff stabilization measures and the existing lower sea wall are compatible with and do not adversely affect and are not materially detrimental to adjacent uses, residences, buildings, structures or natural resources. B. The impacts of the proposed project will not adversely affect the policies of the Encinitas General Plan or the provisions of the Municipal Code; and C. The project complies with any other regulations, conditions or policies imposed by the Municipal Code. Pacts': The Major Use Permit application includes the request to approve existing mid-bluff cribwalls with additional stabilization work and to construct a new lateral bluff support system along the south end of the crib walls. The Use Permit also includes a request to approve the existing lower bluff concrete seawall, to approve an existing concrete stairway (predicated on the removal of an existing tram rail) and to approve proposed landscape and irrigation measures. Pursuant to Section 30.34. 020B2.b of the Municipal Code, preemptive measures are allowed on the face of the coastal bluff in accordance with the development processing and approval regulations specified in Section 30.34.020C of the Municipal Code. Additionally, Section 30.34.020B.9 of the Municipal Code stipulates that until the comprehensive plan is adopted, the City shall not permit the construction of seawalls, revetments, breakwaters, cribbing, or similar structures for coastal erosion except under circumstances where an existing principal structure is imminently threatened and, based on a thorough alternatives analysis, an emergency coastal development permit is issued and all emergency measures authorized by the emergency coastal permit are designed to eliminate or mitigate adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply. Pursuant to Section 30.80.180.B of the Municipal Code, the Coastal Commission is the authorized agency for issuing emergency permits for any development that falls within an area in which the Coastal Commission retains direct permit review authority, or for any development that is appealable to the Coastal Commission. In order to construct a Dew seawall or any erosion control device on the face of the bluff at this time, prior to adoption of a comprehensive plan, an emergency permit is required from the Coastal Commission. However, both Coastal Commission staff and City staff have agreed that property owners trying to legalize existing seawalls shall be subject to the standard Major Use Permit and Coastal Development Pe~it Process. The criteria stipulated in Section 30.34. 020B. 9 of the Municipal Code related to imminent threat, thorough alternatives analysis and mitigating cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 7- adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply shall be addressed as part of the project review. A 1972 coastline photo, submitted with the project applica~ion, clearly shows that the existing tram. rail, which runs parallel along the northerly property line down the bluff face, existed on the site previous to the effective date of the Coastal Act (January 1, 1973). The applicant admits that the concrete stairway which is constructed adjacent to the tram was constructed in approximately 1982 in conjunction with the cribwalls. The effective date of the Coastal Act is utilized by staff to determine if coastal bluff stairways maintain non-conforming status since the construction of new stairways was prohibited with the initiation of the Coastal Act. The construction of new stairways on the bluff face is still prohibited today by the Coastal Act and they are prohibited today pursuant to the Municipal Code. Discu..ionl The criteria stipulated in Section 30.34.020B.9 of the Municipal Code has been addressed by the proj ect engineer, Charles Randle, in the geotechnical reports prepared for the project and in correspondence from the applicant's representative, Bob Trettin, dated December 28, 1995. Related to imminent threat, it is documented from engineering statements and photos (depicting the mid-bluff failure) that a severe bluff failure occurred in 1982 which necessitated the lower seawall and the mid-bluff cribwalls. Additionally, in his August 11,1995 letter report, the project engineer notes that the slope "represents a group of supporting systems all of which are necessary to maintain overall stability. Removal of any of the parts will jeopardize the whole." It is further noted that "The bluff stability, though stable across the west facing slope is currently being threatened by the deterioration of the southerly property line. an immediate repair is necessitated.... Without immediate response, imminent slope failure will impact the currently stable bluff face leading to potential loss of improvements on either adjacent properties, possibly beyond the two neighboring property owners. In this light an emergency response is required to avoid considerable damage and property loss." It has been demonstrated that a threat was present at the time of initial construction in 1982 and a threat is present now which requires the additional lateral support system at the south end of the property. Related to an alternatives analysis, the project engineer notes in the August 11,1995 letter report that "There are no alternate designs, as removal or revision of the existing bluff system will have a severe impact on the site gross stability." In the August 29, 1994 Bluff Stability Analysis the project engineer also notes that in considering alternate solutions" . .. this solution will provide the most cost cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 8- effective 'preemptive' measure and similarly the nature of the proposed system will have the least impact on the bluff's natural appearance. Additionally, a discussion of alternatives (available at the time of the 1982 bluff failure) is provided in the December 28, 1995 letter from the applicant's representative. This discussion addresses the following alternatives: 1) No project, 2) Relocation of Residential Structure, 3) Expansion of Pre-existing seawall (without development of mid-bluff crib walls). In summary, the no project alte~ative would have resulted in the loss of the residential structure; relocation of the structure without repairs to the bluff would have been cost prohibitive and cause additional bluff failure and possibly lateral failure, and expansion of the pre-existing seawall without mid-bluff cribwalls would have necessitated an extensive wall of indeterminate height and visual impact. Related to mitigating adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply the project engineer notes that the bluff stabilization measures at this site have a minimal impact on local shoreline sand supply. The tram rail maintains non-conforming status since there is clear evidence that it was constructed prior to the Coastal Act. The concrete stairway does not maintain non-conforming status since it was constructed after the Coastal Act. The applicant is requesting approval of the concrete stairway predicated on the removal of the tram rail. The proj ect engineer, in essence, has stated within correspondence dated September 20, 1994 and August 11, 1995 that the concrete stairway is an integral part of the bluff retaining system (cribwalls) and removal of the stairway will create a potential failure. Although the concrete stairway is not considered legal non-conforming, the stairway is authori.ed to remain due to the potential bluff failure if it were to be removed. This authorization to remain does not approve the stairs to be in conformance with the General Plan and Municipal Code. The project is conditioned to remove the tram rails and the anchor supports at ground level as proposed by the applicant. The project has been reviewed for conformance with the policies of the General Plan related to coastal bluffs and the provisions of the Municipal Code for the Coastal Bluff Overlay Zone and Use Permits including the criteria stipulated in Section 30.34.020B.9 of the Municipal Code. Excluding the concrete stairway which is authorized to remain, the project complies or has been conditioned to comply with said regulations and policies. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that approval of the Use Permit allowing the as-built seawall, as conditioned, cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 9- will not adversely affect the policies of the Encinitas General Plan or the provisions of the Municipal Code The existing concrete stairway is not approved in conformance with the General Plan or Municipal Code, yet it is authorized to remain because removal could cause potential bluff failure. II. Section 30.34.020C2 - Preemptive measure findings Coastal Bluff Overlay Zone. c. (1) The proposed measure must be demonstrated in the soils and geotechnical report to be substantially effective for the intended purpose of bluff erosion/failure protection, within the specific setting of the development site's coastal bluffs. Facts: The application includes the request to approve existing mid-bluff cribwalls with additional stabilization work and to construct a new lateral bluff support system along the south end of the crib ",.lls. The Use Permit also includes a request to approve thê existing lower bluff concrete seawall, to approve an existing concrete stairway and to approve proposed landscape and irrigation measures. The stabilization work for the existing cribwalls includes adding a row of tie-back anchors to each of the upper three cribwalls and connecting them to a concrete grade beam which will run along the bottom face of the three upper cribwalls. The lateral support system at the south end of the cribwalls includes the installation of a continuous grade beam underground which will run from the bottom of the lower cribwall to the top of the upper cribwall. Five tie-back anchors are proposed to be connected to the grade beam and installed underground in a northerly direction; seven caissons are also proposed as support for the grade beam which will be placed intermittently up the slope. A combination of ground covers, medium and large sized shrubs are proposed to be installed on all exposed areas and unhealthy vegetation is proposed to be replaced. All selected plant material is to be compatible with a first exposure seacoast environment. An above ground fully automatic irrigation system is proposed on a temporary basis until plantings are established. The lower concrete seawall is a gravity-based retaining system that maintains a maximum height of approximately 19 feet which also maintains a 3 foot high concrete retaining wall on top. The lower seawall is of an irregular shape and configuration and is covered with shotcrete or gunite. Discus.ion: The sea wall and crib walls have been analyzed by engineering geologists who have found, based on site-specific conditions, that the bluff stabilization measures are designed to protect the bluff at the subject site from erosion and/or failure. In the March 8, 1995 Response to Third Party Review of Geotechnical Reports of Bluff Stability, the project engineer, Charles Randle, states that "the proposed cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 10- repair/mitigation work will not have an adverse effect on the stability and is intended to extend the usable life span of the bluff portions of the property.- and that -At no time will this structural system have a negative impact on the general geologic stability of the site. In fact, the proposed system will enhance the overall gross stability of this site." CoDc:lu8ioDI The Planning Commission finds that in the soils and geotechnical reports the proposed measures are demonstrated to be substantially effective for the intended purpose of bluff erosion/failure protection, within the specific setting of the development site's coastal bluffs. c. (2) The proposed measure must be necessary for the protection of a principal structure on the bluff top to which there is a demonstrated threat as substantiated by the geotechnical report. l'ac:t81 It is documented from engineering statements and photos (depicting the mid-bluff failure) that a severe bluff failure occurred in 1982 which necessitated the lower seawall and the mid-bluff cribwalls. Di8C:U88ioDI In his August 11, 1995 letter'report, the project engineer notes that the slope "represents a group of supporting systems all of which are. necessary to maintain overall stability. Removal of any of the parts will jeopardize the whole.- It is further noted that "The bluff stability, though stable across the west facing slope is currently being threatened by the deterioration of the southerly property line. an immediate repair is necessitated .... Without immediate response, imminent slope failure will impact the currently stable bluff face leading to potential loss of improvements on either adjacent properties, possibly beyond the two neighboring property owners. In this light an emergency response is required to avoid considerable damage and property loss." It has been demonstrated that a threat was present at the time of initial construction in 1982 and a threat is present now which requires the additional lateral support system at the south end of the property. CoDc:lu8ioDI The Planning Commission finds that the proposed measure is necessary for the protection of the principal structure on the bluff top to which there is a demonstrated threat as substantiated by the geotechnical report. c. (3) The proposed measure will not directly or indirectly cause, promote or encourage bluff erosion or failure, either on sit~ or for an adjacent property, within the site-specific setting as demonstrated in the soils and geotechnical report. Protection devices at the bluff base shall be designed so that additional erosion will not occur at the ends because of the device. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 11- Pact8. The application includes the request to approve existing mid-bluff cribwalls with additional stabilization work and to construct a new lateral bluff support system along the south end of the crib walls. The application also includes a request to approve the existing lower bluff concrete seawall, to approve an existing concrete stairway (predicated on the removal of an existing tram rail) and to approve proposed landscape and irrigation measures. ni.cu88ioD. In the August 29,1994 Bluff Stability Analysis, Charles Randle states that ""At no time will this structural system have a negative impact on the site general geologic stability. In fact the proposed system will enhance the overall gross stability of this site. Furthermore, this work will not impact the structural integrity of the surrounding properties, sea bluffs or public lands." Mr. Randle further states in the March 8, 1995 Response to Third Party Review n... additional erosion will not occur because of the devices." The conditions set forth in this resolution require that the applicant file periodic reports on any such impacts as well as the condition of the walls and that these assessments shall determine need and make recommendations for remedial measures. CoDclu8ioD. The Planning Commission finds that there is not evidence to indicate that the proposed measures will directly or indirectly cause, promote or encourage bluff erosion or failure, either on site or for an adjacent property, within the site-specific setting as demonstrated in the soils and geotechnical report. c. (4) The proposed measure in design and. appearance must be found to be visuàlly co~atible with the character of the surrounding area; where feasi.ble,to restore. and enhance visual quality in visually degraded area; and not cause a significant alteration of the natural character of the bluff face. Pact.. The stabilization work for the existing cribwalls includes adding a row of tie-back anchors to eaoh of the upper three cribwalls and connecting them to a concrete grade beam which will ruI! along the bottom face of t-he three upper cribwalls. The lateral support system at the south end of the cribwalls include~ the installation of a continuous grade beam underground which will run from the bot tom of the lower cribwall to the top of the upper cribwall. Five tie-back anchors are proposed to be connected to the grade beam and installed underground in a northerly direction; seven caissons are also proposed as support for the grade beam which will be placed intermittently up the slope. A combination of ground covers, medium and large sized shrubs are proposed to be installed on all exposed areas and unhealthy vegetation is proposed to be replaced. All selected plant material is to be cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 12- compatible with a first exposure seacoast environment. An above ground fully automatic irrigation .ystem is proposed on a temporary basis until plantings are established. The lower concrete seawall is a gravity-based retaining system that maintains a maximum height of approximately 19 feet which also maintains a 3 foot high concrete retaining wall on top. The lower seawall is of an irregular shape and configuration and is covered with shotcrete or gunite. Discus.ion: With installation of the proposed landscape measures, the crib walls should be adequately screened to appear predominantly as plantings rather than walls. This will be more compatible with the surrounding beach environment and residential neighborhood. The irregular shape and configuration of the lower seawall avoids a "block wall appearance n and some natural discoloration of the concrete has occurred due to rust, moss and natural weathering and erosional processes. The characteristics of the lower seawall and the fact that there are many seawalls of different types on the Encinitas coastline works to make the project visually compatible with the character of the surrounding area. Conclusiolu The Planning Commission finds that with proposed improvements, the cribwalls and the seawall are visually compatible with the character of the surrounding area and do not cause a significant alteration of the natural character of the bluff face. c. (5) The proposed device/activoit}' wi:L,l not serve to unnecessarily restrict or reduce the existing beach'width for use or access. Pacts: The existing lower seawall is of an irregular shape and configuration; it varies in size and shape horizontally and vertically. The wall, which is covered with shotcrete or gunite, ties in with other walls to the north and appears to follow the curving nature of the coastal bluff in this location. As depicted on the project plans, the majority of the seawall stairway is built into the seawall and runs parallel with the bluff; however, at the base of the bluff, the stairs turn and are constructed perpendicular to the seawall/bluff and extend approximately 4 feet further onto the beach than the seawall. It is estimated, based on field measurements, that the existing seawall itself projects approximately 9 - 10 feet out from the base of bluff at the most extreme point. Since the wall is irregular in configuration, the projection varies depending on the location of measurement. ~iscussionl It is noted by the applicant's representative and , the proj ect engineer that the existing seawall was constructed in the same location as the pre-existing seawall and was not expanded seaward. Although the wall does project out at one cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 13- point approximately 9-10 feet, the wall does appear to follow the natural curved configuration of the bluff in this area whereby encroachment onto the beach is minimized and does not unnecessarily restrict or reduce the existing beach width for use or access. Conclu8ionc The Planning Commission finds that the seawall does not serve to unnecessarily restrict or reduce the existing beach width for use or access. d. No preemptive measure at the base of the bluff or along the beach shall be approved until a comprehensive plan is adopted as Council policy for such preemptive treatment, for at least the corresponding contiguous portion of the coastal bluff. Preemptive measures approved thereafter shall be consistent with adopted plan. Di8cU8,ion c The preemptive measures were constructed in response to an emergency in the early 1980's; the applicants are requesting approval of the existing structures and additional bluff improvements which are necessary to meet the required factor of safety and which are necessary due to the state of the bluffs on the southerly end of the property. The structures are existing and the emergency nature of the improvements proposed on the site precludes a comprehensive plan from being adopted as policy by City Council for this specific site. The criteria required to be addressed pursuant to Section 30.34.020B.9 of the Municipal Code for preemptive measures approved prior to adoption of the comprehensive plan has been addressed. Preparation of the comprehensive plan is currently in process. If feasible from a geotechnical point of view and not resulting in an economic hardship based upon evidence submitted to the City Council, the applicant may be required to participate in the future comprehensive plans which include their properties. Conclu8ionc If feasible from a geotechnical point of view and not resulting in an economic hardship based upon evidence submitted to the City Council, the applicant shall be required to participate in the future comprehensive plans which include the subject property. Preemptive Xea8ure and Bluff Setback Dete~ationc The criteria required to be considered in order to approve construction on the coastal bluff maintaining the standard 40 foot setback and the criteria required to authorize preemptive measures on the face of the bluff have been addressed by the 1) Bluff Stability Analysis dated August. 29, 1994, 2) the Response Letter dated March 8, 1995, 3) the Addendum:' Bluff Stability Analysis dated September 20, 1994 with the Clarification letter to said cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 14- Addendum dated June 5, 1995,4) and the letter report dated August 11, 1995; all prepared by Civil Engineering Consultants. The geotechnical reports/letters plus the Landscape and Irrigation Letter Report prepared by Studio Katz (dated February 6, 1995) were reviewed by Third Party Geotechnical Consultant Ernie Artim, which found that said reports provide information to adequately meet the standards of the City of Encinitas Municipal Code, Section 30.34.020 C and D. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 15- r- 1. 1'1Ddlags'Ptìrswmt to Chapt~r 30.80 (Coastal DeYeloplMDt ..ndt) of the BDciDi t.s IIuDlci¡)al Code I The project is consistent with the certifi~ Local Coastal Program of the Ci ty of BDcini tas; and' 2. The proposed developuDt confona8 wi~ Public Resources Code 21000 aDd following in that there are lip f..sible aitigation measures or fe.sible alternatives aVailable which would substantially les.~ any signiflcaat adverse impact that the activity may have on the environment. Pacts: The site is designated as Residential 8.01 - 11.0 du/ ac on the Land Use Designation map of the General Plan and is zoned R-11 on the Zoning Map. Additionally, as the site sits atop the coastal bluff it lies within the Coastal Bluff Overlay Zone. The lower seawall which is included as part of the Major Use Permit application lies within the boundaries of the original jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission and requires a Coastal Development Permit under the authority of the Coastal Commission. The portion of the Coastal Development Permit subject to review by the City relates to the existing crib walls, additional bluff stabilization measures and a proposed residential remodel/addition. Additionally, as part of the project application request the applicant has requested approval of an existing concrete stairway predicated on the removal of an existing tram rail. The existing single family residence is setback approximately 25.25 feet from the coastal bluff edge and also maintains a wooden deck that is setback a minimum of 11' from the bluff edge. The proj ect proposes to remodel the area of the existing structure which is located within the 40 foot setback. No foundation work, expansion of living area, or changes to roof lines are proposed in this area. The area of the existing structure outside the 40 foot bluff setback is proposed to be demolished and reconstructed with additional living area. Discu8.ion: With approval of the Major Use Permit and the bluff setback and preemptive measure determination, the proposed project, excluding the concrete stairway, is in conformance with the development standards of the R-11 zone, the Coastal Bluff Overlay Zone and the General Plan. Additionally, with approval of the Coastal Development Permit for the remodel/addition and the mid-bluff cribwalls and additional bluff stabilization measures, the project, excluding the concrete stairway, is consistent with the Local Coastal plan. As discussed in further detail as part of the Use Permit findings, the stairway is authorised to remain cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 16- .., since the project engineer has stated that removal would most likely result in bluff failure. This authorization to remain does not approve the stairs to be in conformance with the General Plan, Municipal Code or Local Coastal Pr09ram.With implementation of the mitigation measures establi&h~d through the environmental initial study and r~quired as a condition of approval there will not be a significant effect on the environment. Conclusion I The Planning Commission finds that 1) the project is consistent with the certified Local Coastal Program of the City of Encinitas, and 2) that the potential adverse impacts associated with the project will be eliminated or reduced to a level of insignificance with implementation of the required mitigation measures. 3. Por projects involving clevelopaent between the s.. or other body of water aDd. the nearest public road., approval shall include a specific finding that such cSevelop88llt is in confondty with the public acces. ancI public recreatioD policies of SectioD 30200 et seq. of the Coa.tal Act. Pacts I The subject site is currently developed with a single family residence, mid-bluff cribwalls, a lower seawall, a tram rail and a concrete stairway on a coastal bluff lot in the Coastal Bluff Overlay Zone. The project site does not currently provide public access to the shore, and the project does not propose any public access or public recreational facilities. DiscussioDI Public access or public recreational facilities are not feasible given the project site's condition as a bluff-top single family property. Therefore, no condition requiring public access is imposed with this, approval. Public access to the shore is available in the near vicinity with Beacon's access and further to the south with Moonlight Beach and the Stone Steps stairway. Since there was not public access through the property prior to this application, the ability of the public to access the shore is not adversely impacted with this application. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 17- ATTACBIOD1'1' .C. RBSOLUTION RO. PC-96-03 Applicant: Gary & Gail Hooker Case No.: 94-224 MUP/CDP/EIA Subject: Conditions of approval for a Major Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit to,allow for a series of existing coastal bluff protective devices (mid-bluff cribwalls and lower seawall), additional bluff stabilization improvements, and a residential remodel/addition. Location: 1030 Neptune Avenue 1. SP8CIPIC CONDITIONS A. The Mitigation Monitoring and ~epqrtin9 Program (MMRP) as contained w~thin the Negative beclaratioJ:1 for the proj ect as Certified by the Planning Commission on this date shall be adhered to for the project and funded by the developer and/or property owner. The amount necessary will be determined by the Directors of the Engineering Services and Community Development Departments in coordination with the project proponent. An as-built geotechnical report reviewed and signed by both the spil/Sleotechnical engin_er and the project engineering geolOgist shall be completed and submitted to the City within 15 working days after completion of the project. The project shall not be considered complete until the as-built report is received and the content of the report accepted by the Engineering Department. B. C. After completion and final approval of the proposed bluff stabilization measures, the applicant shall submit on or before September 1 every three years a written report by a professional engineer assessing the condition of the cribwalls and the sea wall. The report will indicate the condition of the cribwalls and the seawall and any maintenance/repair actions needed on the cribwalls and/or seawall. The assessment shall also include monitoring of the erosion rate on both sides of the sea wall. If erosion is occurring that may eventually expose the cliff wall, remedial measures shall be made to prevent the erosion. Said monitoring prOgram shall be submitted to, and, corrective measures shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and/or the Engineering Department prior to implementation of any corrective measures. Any maintenance/repair work needed shall be completed prior to the next winter storm period. A report by a professional engineer indicating completion of the maintenance/repair work must be submitted on or before November 1 of the year in which the work is cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 18- H. completed, or such other time period as deemed necessary by the City Engineer. The applicant may be relieved of the above requirement, if a city-wide inspection and repair program is initiated which will accomplish the same measures as noted above. D. proj ect applicants shall participate in the Comprehensive Coastal Bluff and Shoreline Plan as determined by the City Council. E. The applicant shall execute and record a covenant to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department setting forth the terms and conditions of this approval prior to issuance of building permits. Said covenant shall also provide that the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the lower seawall aftd cribwalls in a condition consistent with the Planning Commission approval. The additional stabiltzation measures proposed for the cribwalls shall be completed prior to final approval of the remodel/addition of the existing single family residence. F. G. All recommendations contained within the Landscape and Irrigation Letter Report prepared.by Studio Katz dated August 11, 1995 and the Supplemental Conceptual Slope Protection Plan dated April 17, 1995 shall be implemented prior to final acceptance of the additional stabilization measures for the cribwalls. The proj ect Landscape Architect shall submit to the Community Development Department written certification that all landscaping has been installed in conformance with the Landscape Report. The plantings shall be maintained in good condition, and whenever necessary, shall be replaced with new materials in compliance with the project's approved Landscape and Irrigation Letter Report and the Conceptual Slope Protection Plan. The owner shall monitor the irrigation system to ensure that no over-watering occurs. The proposed irrigation system shall be disconnected as specified in the approved Landscape and Irrigation Letter Report within one year from final acceptance of the project. If sufficient evidence is submitted which shows that the plantings are not fully established the time period for the irrigation system may be extended to ensure the establishment of the plantings. As proposed by the applicant, the tram rails and anchor supports shall be removed at ground level prior to final acceptance of the additional stabilization measures for the crib walls. Expansion or extension of the concrete cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 19- 2. stairway is prohibited; only routine repair and maintenance shall be allowed in conformance with Section 30.34.020B.4 of the Municipal Code. I. To cover the rust, the gate on the lower seawall shall be repainted in an off-white or beige color comparable to the color of the seawall. J. The portion of the open trellis, proposed with the remodel/addition of the existing single family residence, which extends beyond the legal non-conforming front setback shall be removed. K. The owner (s) shall enter into and record a covenant satisfactory to the City Attorney waiving any claims of liability against the City and agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless the City and City's employees relative to the approved project. This covenant is applicable to any bluff failure and erosion resulting from the development project. All drainage shall be directed away from within five feet of the edge and face of the bluff. L. GBNBRAL CONDITIONS A. This approval will expire in two years, on February 15, 1998, at 5:00 p.m., unless the conditions have been met ,or an extension has been approved by the Authorized Agency. This approval may be appealed to the City Council within 15 calendar days from the date of this approval. This approval by the Planning Commission is also appealable to the Coastal Commission. Appeals to the Coastal Commission must be filed within 10 working days after the Coastal Commission has received mailed notice of final local action. Applicants will be notified by the Coastal Commission as to the date when the Commission's appeal period concludes. B. C. At all times during the effective period of this permit, the applicant shall obtain and maintain in valid force and effect, each and every license and permit required by a governmental agency for the operation of the authorized activity. In the event that any of the conditions of this permit are not satisfied, the Community Development Department shall cause a noticed hearing to be set before the authorized agency to determine why the City of Encinitas should not revoke this permit. D. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 20- ,I. K. L. E. Upon a showing of compelling public necessity demonstrated at a noticed hearing, the City of Encinitas, acting through the authorized agency, may add, amend, or delete conditions and regulations contained in this permit. Nothing in this permit shall relieve the applicant from complying with the conditions and regulations generally imposed upon activities similar in nature to the activity authorized by this permit. F. G. Nothing in this permit shall authorize the applicant to intensify the authorized activity beyond that specifically described in this permit. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Zoning Code and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of construction unless specifically waived herein. H. J. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit submittal. Permits from other agencies wi.ll be required as follows: Coastal Commission, State Lands Commission (unless jurisdiction is waived by that agency), and any other governmental agencies with appropriate jurisdictional claims and permitting requirements. Project is conditionally approved as submitted as evidenced by the project plans for the coastal bluff protective devices including Site Plan and Sections dated revised August 29, 1994 and received by the City of Encinitas on November 18, 199. (consisting of 5 sheets) and project plans for the residential remodel/addition including Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations and Sections dated January 15, 1995 and received by the City of Encinitas on February 6,1996; consisting of 7 sheets and signed by a City Official as approved by the Planning Commission on February 15, 1996 and shall not be altered without Community Development Department review and approval. The applicant shall pay all fees, associated with the processing and review of the Major Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit to the Community Development Department. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 21- Q. M. Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant shall submit a letter from the Fire Department stating that all development impact, plan check and/or cost recovery fees have been paid or secured to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. Prior to receiving a final inspection on framing, the applicant shall provide a survey from a licensed surveyor or a registered civil engineer verifying that the height of the structure is in compliance with approved plans. N. o. All construction and improvements under the authority of a Coastal Development Permit issued by the Coastal Commission must be in conformance with and approved by the Coastal Commission prior to final inspection by the Community Development Department. For new residential dwelling unit (s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees, Traffic Fees, Drainage Fees, and Park Fees. Arrangements to pay these fees shall be made prior to issuance of building permits. P. A plan shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Community Development and the Encinitas Fire Department regarding the treatment of the site during the construction phase, and the circulation and parking of construction workers' vehicles and any heavy equipment needed for the construction of the project. TBBSB ITBIIS WST BB COIIPLBTBD PRIOR TO PINAL PIg DDARTKBNT APPROVAL. APPLICAHT SHALL CONTACT TBB BHCDrITAS PIg DBPARTKBNT RBGAJtDIHQ COJIPLIANCB WZTB TBB I'OLLOWDrG CœmITIOHS I 3. nil A. B. Address numbers shall be placed in a location that will allow them to be clearly visible from the street fronting the structure. The height of the numbers shall conform to Fire Department Standards. Prior to building permi~iss~ance the applicant shall pay all development impact, plan check and/or cost recovery fees to the satisfaction of the Encinitas Fire Department. APPLIc.urr SHALL CONTACT TBB BHODIBDDtCJ DBPARTKBNT RBGAJtDIRG COKPLIANCB WZTB TBB POLLOWINO CONDITIONS I cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 22- 4. D. E. F. G. >f~lrlf",,:,:If\r All City Codes, regulations, and policies in effect at the time of building permit issuance shall apply. A. An encroachment permit from the Community Services Department and Engineering Services Department is required for all work on the beach. All debris resulting from bluff failure and construction shall be removed from the beach as soon as feasible after the property owner or authorized representative is made aware of the debris. The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to the commencement of any clearing or grading of the site. B. C. The grading for this project is defined in Chapter 23.24 of the Encinitas Municipal Code. Grading shall be performed under the observation of a civil engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordinate site inspection and testing to ensure compliance of the work with the approved grading plan, submit required reports to the City Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 23.24 of the Encinitas Municipal Code. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the site east of the bluff top edge, and all surface waters that may flow onto the site from adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system shall direct the runoff from within five feet of the edge and face of the bluff top to the gutter in Neptune Avenue. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. ' The property owner shall apply for acceptance into the Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GRAD). The property owner shall comply with all the rules, regulations and design requirements of the respective utility agencies regarding services to the project. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 23- APPLICAft SVTrr. COHTACT TIll: BUILDIXG DIVISIOH UGUDDIQ COIIPLI.UJCK WITH TBB POLLOWDIc; CONDITIONS I 5. BUILDING The applicant shj¡ll submit. a complete set of construction plans to the Building Division for review. The submittal shall include structural calculations and details, complete framing plans and details, a site plan and floor plan, State Energy compliance documentation and a Soils Report which includes recommendations for the design of the foundation. Submitted plans will be reviewed for compliance with State Title 24, the latest adopted editions of the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Mechanical Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code and the National Electrical Code. Please note that project review comments are not intended to be a comprehensive plan review of applicable Building Codes and additional comments will be made after plans have been submitted to the Building Division for plan check. cd/DL/RPC94224.603 (2/29/96 Final) - 24-