1993-13RESOLUTION NO. PC 93-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ENCINITAS APPROVING A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP, A MAJOR USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN REVIEW FOR DESIGN GUIDELINES, BUILDING ENVELOPES /~ND LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, AND CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHERLY TERMINUS OF BELL~ VISTA DRIVE, ADJACENT TO AND SOUTH OF L~ COSTA AVENUE FURTHER DESCRIBED HEREIN IN ATTACHNENT (CASE NO. 89-291 TM/MUP/DR/EIA) WHEREAS, a Tentative Subdivision Map pursuant to Title 24 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the City of Encinitas Municipal Code for the purpose of subdividing a 84 acre site into 24 lots consisting of 22 single family residential lots, one private road lot and one open space lot in the RR-1 zone; an application for a Major Use Permit/Planned Residential Development pursuant to Chapter 30.74 and Section 30.16.020 of the Municipal Code and an application for a Design Review permit pursuant to Chapter 23.08 of the Municipal Code for the proposed Design Guidelines, building envelopes and landscaping were filed by Community Bank (applicant changed to Larchmont Insurance Co., LTD); and WHEREAS, public hearings were conducted by the Leucadia Community Advisory Board on May 7 and June 25, 1992, and March 4 and April 8, 1993 as required by law, and all persons desiring to be heard were heard, and the Board forwarded the application with a recommendation that the Planning Commission approve the Tentative Map, Major Use Permit and Design Review Permit; cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -1- WHEREAS, a public hearing Was conducted by the Planning Commission on April 29, 1993 as required by law, and all persons desiring to be heard were heard; and WHEREAS, evidence was submitted and considered to include without limitation: Tentative Map dated revised April 29, 1993, consisting of two sheets and dated received by the City on April 29, 1993; Building Envelope Data Map dated revised April 21, 1993, consisting of one sheet and dated received by the City on April 21, 1993; Landscape Concept Plan dated revised April 20, 1993, consisting of one sheet and dated received by the City on April 21, 1993; HOA Landscape Maintenance Easements Exhibit dated revised March 23, 1993, consisting of one sheet and dated received by the City on March 24, 1993; Conventional Subdivision Map dated November 9, 1992, consisting of one sheet and dated received by the City on March 24, 1993; Slope Analysis dated November 10, 1992, consisting of one sheet and dated received by the City on March 24, 1993; Design Guidelines dated received by the City on revised April 21, 1993. b. Written information submitted with the application; Ce Oral testimony from staff, applicant, and public made a part of the record at said public hearing; de Leucadia Community Advisory Board staff reports (89-291 TM/MUP/DR/EIA) dated February 26 and April 1, 1993 and Planning Commission staff report dated April 21, 1993 which are on file in the Community Development Department; and The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and Appendix, dated January 26, 1993 and Attachment to the FEIR, prepared by Coleman Planning Group; and f. Additional written documentation. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made the following findings pursuant to Section 66474 of the Subdivision Map Act, Section 23.24.460I (exceeding 10 foot fill limit) of the Municipal Code, cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -2- Section 30.74.070B (Use Permits) of the Municipal Code, and Section 23.08.072 (Design Review) of the Municipal Code: (SEE ATTACHMENT "B") NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Encinitas that Tentative Map, Major Use Permit and Design Review application No. 89-291 TM/MUP/DR/EIA is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (SEE ATTACHMENT "C") BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the independent judgement of the Planning Commission the project is not likely to result in any significant adverse environmental impacts, and the Planning Commission hereby Certifies the associated Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse Number: 91021058) which is on file within the Community Development Department, in conformance with CEQA and the City's Environmental Review Guidelines with mitigation measures identified in the conditions of approval together with a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program established to assure compliance. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -3- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of April 1993, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None Commissioners Bagg, Jacobson, Rot sheck, Lanham and Schafer Lest, ~ ~na'~rman of the Plan] coBmamg~s ATTEST: Patrick S. Murphy Secretary cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -4- ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION NO. PC 93-13 C&SE NO. 89-291 TM/MUP/DR/EIA ASSESSOR PARCEL NOB. 216-122-18, 19 & 26, AND 216-110-21 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot 8, Section 34, Lot 7 and 8 and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, the North half of the north half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Encinitas, County of San Diego, State of California. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -5- ATT~%CHMENT RESOLUTION NO. PC 93-13 FINDINGS FOR A SUBDIVISION TITLE 24, EXCEEDING THE 10 FOOT FILL LIMIT SECTION 23.24.460I, USE PERMITS SECTION 30.74.070B, AND DESIGN REVIEW CHAPTER 23.08 OF THE ENCINITAS MUNICIPAL CODE (CASE NO. 89-291 TM/MUP/DR/EI~) Findings for a Tentative Map: ae That the proposed map is consistent with applicable general and specific plans as specified in Section 65451 of the Subdivision Map Act. Facts: There is no applicable specific plan. The General Plan allows a density range of .51 - 1 dwelling units per acre in the Residential .51 - 1.0 designation.. Discussion: The project density is .73 dwelling unit per acre, within the allowable density range of the RR-1 Zone (.51 - 1 dwelling units per acre). Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the proposed map is consistent with the General Plan subject to the required specific and standard conditions contained in the approved resolution. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable general and specific plans. Facts: Chapter 24.12 of the Municipal Code sets forth design standards for subdivisions and Chapter 30.16 of the Municipal Code sets forth technical standards, such as lot width and depth requirements, in the RR-1 zone. Discussion: No specific plans apply to the project. The proposed lot dimensions, access, and all other design criteria satisfy City standards for the RR-1 zone contained in Chapters 24.12 and 30.16 of the Encinitas Municipal Code. The project has proposed a Planned Residential Development (PRD) to allow for three lots less than the RR-1 zone minimum lot size of one acre (41,420, 35,200 and 43,346 sq. ft) and to allow for the 36 foot private road. The Use Permit findings for approving the PRD are included herein. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that with the approved PRD the project conforms to the General Plan since cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -6- all technical requirements are pursuant to the City's Subdivision Ordinance and Municipal Code. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development. Facts: A Soil and Geotechnical Report and a Drainage Erosion and Siltation Assessment prepared by a qualified engineer were submitted and reviewed as part of application processing. Discussion: The preliminary soils and geotechnical report and the Drainage Erosion and Siltation AsSessment, as well as all other documentation submitted with the application, do not identify any constraints which would limit use of the property beyond that proposed subject to proper grading practices which are required as conditions of this approval. The site constraints have been addressed with the project design which includes a 57.6 acre open space lot and approximately 19 acres in dedicated open space on the individual lots as well as a 70 foot fire suppression/biological buffer setback. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the subject site is physically suitable for future development with detached single-family development since the soils report, site assessments, drainage erosion and siltation assessment and other information submitted with the application do not indicate site constraints which will be adversely affected by the development. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. Facts: The project will result in a density of .73 du/ac. The RR-1 Zone allows a density of up to 1 dwelling per acre. A Building Envelope Data Map was submitted to depict the proposed building envelopes and designate allowed setbacks. Discussion: The project density, in addition to being within the allowable range for the zone, is suitable since project (subdivision) design indicates that the allowed single-family homes can be accommodated within the building envelopes which will result. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the proposal will result in an acceptable density since the project density will be within the allowed range and project design indicates that adequate building envelopes will result for the single- family detached development permitted in the RR-1 zone. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -7- fe ge That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially or avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. Facts: An Environmental Impact Report (EIR), dated January 26, 1993, was prepared for the project by Coleman Planning Group as requested by the City and the applicant. Discussion: The EIR found that with incorporation of the mitigation measures recommended therein and made conditions of this approval, including mitigations related to grading/visual quality, biological resources, paleontological resources, geology/soils/erosion/ siltation, public facilities, and affordable housing the project would not result in any significant adverse impacts to the environment. Finding that the EIR had been completed in compliance with CEQA, the EIR was certified by the Planning Commission on February 25, 19.93. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that with incorporation of the mitigation measures set forth in the EIR prepared by Coleman Planning Group dated January 26, 1993, the project will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. Facts: The applicant has obtained letters of sewer and water availability and all public utilities and services are in place to serve the project, although extensions to the site may be required for some utilities. Discussion: Ail applicable services required by the subdivision can be provided, therefore, the project will not cause serious public health problems. Concluslon: The Planning Commission finds that since all necessary services can be provided for the subdivision, and since no other adverse health impacts can be identified with the project, the subdivision is not likely to cause any adverse health impacts. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. Facts: Ail easements of record are required to be identified on the tentative map. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -8- Discussion: No easements have been identified on the subject property with which any of the lots or subsequent development thereon would conflict. An access easement is depicted on the map which is for two parcels to the south; the easement will be vacated with recordation of the final map since the two parcels have other access from Bella Vista Drive. Other easements shown for utilities or drainage will not conflict. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that no easements have been identified on the subject property with which the proposed map would create conflicts. The Final or Parcel Map is in substantial compliance with the previously approved Tentative Map. Conclusion: This is not applicable for consideration of the Tentative Map. The city Council and the authorized agency have not acted in accordance with Section 66747.5 of the act relating to land projects. Conclusion: The Planning Commission has not acted to revert the subject property to acreage. In accordance with Sections 66473 and 66472.5 of the Map Act, the Map complies with the conditions or requirements imposed by Title 24 and the Map Act. Facts: The subdivision is required to meet all Map Act and Municipal Code standards in effect at the time the application was deemed to be complete. Discussion: Staff and the Authorized Agency have not identified provisions of The Act (in effect at the time the application was deemed to be complete) with which this proposed tentative map would not comply. The map complies with all standards contained in Title 24 of the Municipal Code, including the design standards contained in Chapter 24.12. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the proposed subdivision meets all the Map Act and Municipal Code standards in effect at the time the application was deemed to be complete. The propoSed subdivision is entirely within the corporate boundaries of the City. Conclusion: boundaries. The subject property is entirely within City cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -9- The property is served by an on-site sewage disposal system and the health Department has certified that the system is satisfactory to support the proposed subdivision. Conclusion: The subject property will be served by off-site sewer facilities in place and available to the property by the Leucadia County Water District. Finding for Exceeding the 10 Foot Fill Limit (Section 23.24.460 of the Municipal Code: Building structures upon fill materials in excess of 10 feet in depth shall only be allowed where all reasonable use of the property is otherwise precluded. Facts: Ail lots, except 4, 8 and 9 maintain the 10 foot fill depth limit as required per Section 23.24.460I of the Municipal Code. Lots 4, 8 and 9 have portions of the building envelope that require more than 10 feet of fill. The lots exceed the limit by a maximum of 1.5 feet. The maximum building enveIope fill proposed on Lot 4 is 11', the maximum proposed on Lot 8 is 10.5' and Lot 9 proposes a maximum of 11.5' Discussion: The applicant contends that the pad elevations on Lots 4, 8 and 9 are required to achieve the Leucadia County Water District's standards for sewer service with the proposed sewer alignment/connection. The sewer lines cut through lots 7, 6, 5 and 4 to connect to the existing subdivision (Lin/Fargo) which is adjacent to and south of the proposed project. The proposed sewer connection is an alternative to the original proposal which ran a line through the open space lot, through adjacent properties and sensitive areas to connect to an existing manhole at the intersection of Saxony and La Costa Avenue. The proposed alignment is less environmentally impacting than the original proposal. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that although there is an alternative to the proposed sewer alignment/connection which creates the need for the fill in excess of 10 feet, the alternative is more environmentally impacting and therefore exceeding the 10 fill depth limit allows for reasonable use of the property. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -10- Findings for a Major Use Permit (Section 30.74.070 of the Municipal Code: The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the proposed project will be compatlble with and will not adversely affect and will not be detrimental to adjacent uses, residences, buildings, structures or natural resources, with consideration given to, but not limited to: The adequacy of public facilities, services and utilities to serve the proposed project; The suitability of the site for the type and intensity of use or development which is proposed; and The harmful effect, if any, upon environmental quality and natural resources of the City. Facts: The Major Use Permit is requested to allow the proposed subdivision as a Planned Residential Development (PRD). The project is proposed as a PRD to allow for the 36 foot private road. Additionally, the project is proposed as a PRD to allow for Lots 1, 2 and 3 which are below the RR-1 minimum lot size of one acre. The lots are able to be reduced by 25% of the required lot size pursuant to Section 30.16.020A.8 of the Municipal Code. Discussion: The single family residential project is compatible with the single family residential neighborhoods in the vicinity of the site. Of the 84 acre site, the total acreage proposed for development is 11.4 acres. In addition to the 57.6 acre dedicated open space lot, 15 acres within the individual lots is to be placed within a contiguous open space easement which lies between the open space lot and the developed area. These open space areas encompass the majority of the project's perimeter which serves to buffer the site from adjacent land uses. Additionally, Design Guidelines are proposed for the future construction of custom homes which stipulate colors and materials to complement the surrounding natural environment. The site constraints of the project have been adequately handled in the project design. Since the project is at the end of residential development for the area, and since it is not a through road and serves only the.subject site, the 36 foot road does not adversely affect the adjacent neighborhoods. The EIR prepared for the project did not identify any impacts which cannot be mitigated below a level of significance. All public facilities, services and u~ilities to serve the proposed project are currently in place. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the location, size, design and characteristics of the proposed subdivision cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -11- are compatible with and do not adversely affect and are not materially detrimental to adjacent uses, residences, buildings, structures or natural resources. The impacts of the proposed project will not adversely affect the policies of the Encinitas General Plan or the provisions of the Municipal Code; and The project complies with all other regulations, conditions or policies imposed by the Municipal Code. Facts: The General Plan allows a density range of .51 - 1 dwelling units per acre in the Residential .51 - 1.0 designation. Chapter 24.12 of the Municipal Code sets forth design standards for subdivisions and Chapter 30.16 of the Municipal Code sets forth technical standards, such as lot width and depth requirements, in the RR-1 zone. Discussion: The project density is .73 dwelling unit per acre, within the allowable density range of the RR-1 Zone (.51 - 1 dwelling units per acre). The proposed lot dimensions, access, and all other design criteria satisfy City standards for the RR-1 zone contained in Chapters 24.12 and 30.16 of the Encinitas Municipal Code. The project has proposed a Planned Residential Development (PRD) to allow for three lots less than the RR-1 zone minimum lot size of one acre (41,420, 35,200 and 43,346 sq. ft) and to allow for the 36 foot private road. The project is designed to be compatible with the existing constraints of natural land form and vegetation. Additionally, the project provides Design Guidelines for the future construction of custom homes in conformance with Policy 4.9 of the Resource Management Element of the General Plan. The project is also conditioned to meet all applicable ordinance and development standard requirements of the City of Encinitas. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the proposed subdivision/PRD is consistent with the General Plan and Municipal Code subject to the required specific and standard conditions contained in the approved resolution. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -12- Findings for a Design Review Permit (Section 23.08.072 of the Municipal Code): a® The project design is consistent with the general plan, a specific plan or the provisions of the Zoning Code. Facts: The General Plan allows a density range of .51 - 1 dwelling units per acre in the Residential .51 - 1.0 designation. Chapter 24.12 of the Municipal Code sets forth design standards for subdivisions and Chapter 30.16 of the Municipal Code sets forth technical standards, such as lot width and depth requirements, in the RR-1 zone. Discussion: The project density is .73 dwelling unit per acre, within the allowable density range of the RR-1 Zone (.51 - 1 dwelling units per acre). The proposed lot dimensions, access, and all other design criteria satisfy City standards for the RR-1 zone contained in Chapters 24.12 and 30.16 of the Encinitas Municipal Code. The project has proposed a Planned Residential Development (PRD) to allow for three lots less than the RR-1 zone minimum lot size of one acre (41,420, 35,200 and 43,346 sq. ft) and to allow for the 36 foot private road. The project is designed to be compatible with the existing constraints of natural land form and vegetation. Additionally, the project provides Design Guidelines for the future construction of custom homes in conformance with Policy 4.9 of the Resource Management Element of the General Plan. The project is also conditioned to meet all applicable ordinance and development standard requirements of the City of Encinitas. The project design is substantially consistent with the Design Review Guidelines. Facts: The Design Review portion of the application includes the proposed Design Guidelines, the proposed building envelopes and the conceptual landscape plan. The proposed project includes the subdivision of 84 acres into 24 lots comprised of 22 single family residential lots, one open space lot and one private road lot. Of the 84 acre site, the total acreage proposed for development is 11.4 acres. In addition to the 57.6 acre dedicated open space lot, 15 acres within the individual lots is to be placed within a contiguous open space easement which lies between the open space lot and the developed area. Design Guidelines for the future construction of custom homes is included as part of the project in conformance with Policy 4.9 of the Resource Management Element of the General Plan. Discussion: The project substantially conforms to site, building, landscape and privacy design standards. The cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -13- proposed open space areas encompass the majority of the project's perimeter which serves to buffer the site from adjacent land uses. Design Guidelines are proposed for the future construction of custom homes which stipulate colors and materials to complement the surrounding natural environment. In order to minimize the scale and. bulk of the proposed structures, the Design Guidelines require multiple planes within the building elevations and roof lines, one-story elements within two-story structures and offsets, recesses, popouts and overhangs as part of the building design. The site constraints of the project have been adequately handled in the project design. Stepped pads are proposed on Lots 12, 13, 14, 18 and 19 to minimize grading. Contour grading is proposed on Lot 22, at the southerly project boundary, to avoid the appearance of manufactured slopes and to blend more with the existing topography. The building envelopes will provide for various sitings of the homes on the lots. Since Lots 1, 2, and 3 have multiple street frontages, proposed building exteriors that face or are visible from a street are required to have an enhancement equal to the front elevation. Where the project abuts residential lots (Lots 3, 4 and 5) significant setbacks are proposed and 25 foot perimeter setbacks are proposed on Lots 1 and 22, therefore the project will not cause an unreasonable intrusion upon the privacy of neighboring properties. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the project design is substantially consistent with the Design Review Guidelines. The project will not adversely affect the health, safety or general welfare of the community. Facts: No negative effects on the health, safety, or general welfare of the community have been identified in conjunction with this project. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the project will not adversely affect the health, safety or general welfare of the community. de The project will not tend to cause the surrounding neighborhood to depreciate materially in appearance or value. Facts: No evidence can be found which would suggest that the surrounding neighborhood would depreciate materially in appearance or value as a result of this project. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds that the project will not tend to cause the surroUnding neighborhood to depreciate materially in appearance or value. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -14- ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION NO. PC 93-13 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Applicant: Case No. Subject: Location: Community Bank 89-291 TM/MUP/DR/EIA Conditions of approval for a Tentative Map, Major Use Permit and Design Review Permit for the subdivision of 84 acres into 24 lots comprised of 22 single family residential lots, one open space lot and one private road lot. Design Review is for the Design Guidelines, building envelopes and the conceptual landscape plan. Located at northerly terminus of Bella Vista Drive; adjacent to and south of La Costa Avenue. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A SUBDIVISION MAP IS APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND FILED WITH THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. THE SUBDIVISION MAP SHALL SHOW AN ACCURATE AND DETAILED VICINITY MAP, INCLUDING DISTANCES. 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS This approval will expire in three years, on April 29, 1996, at 5:00 p.m. unless the conditions have been met or an extension has been approved by the Authorized Agency. Be This approval may be appealed to the authorized agent within 10 days from the date of this approval. Ce Nothing in this permit shall relieve the applicant from complying with the conditions and regulations generally imposed upon activities similar in nature to the activity authorized by this permit; Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Municipal Code and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. Eo Permits or exemptions from other agencies will be required as follows: i. California Coastal 'Commission ii. 01ivenhain Municipal Water District iii. Leucadia County Water District cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -15- Fe Army Corps of Engineers Department of Fish and Game U.S. Fish and Wildlife Pursuant to Chapter 24.21 of the City of Encinitas Subdivision Ordinance, the subdivider shall reserve one unit for every ten (10) lots for affordable housing assistance. Pursuant to Section 30.16.020A.l.d of the Municipal Code related to Planned Residential Developments, a covenant shall be recorded on the project stating that none of the lots including the open space lot can be further subdivided. APPLICANT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS: SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING SITE DEVELOPMENT ao For new residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees, Traffic Fees, Drainage Fees, and Park Fees. Arrangements to pay these fees shall be made: a. Prior to recordation of the final map; or B. Prior to issuance of a building permit; as determined applicable by the appropriate department or agency. Bo Street names shall be approved by the City prior to the recordation of the final map, and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. Any change to the natural drainage or concentration of drainage shall be adequately handled and shall not impact adjacent properties other than as shown on the Tentative Map. Do A plan shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Community Development and the Encinitas Fire Protection District regarding the treatment of the site during the construction phase, and the circulation and parking of cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -16- Ee Fe He construction workers' vehicles and any heavy equipment needed for the construction of the project. A covenant shall be recorded on each lot stating that buildings shall be constructed in conformance with the Building Envelopes shown on the approved Building Envelope Data Map dated revised April 21, 1993 and received by the City of Encinitas on April 21, 1993. Prior to close of escrow the developer shall require that the prospective property owners sign and return the following statement to the city of Encinitas Department of Community Development: "In purchasing Lot __, I am aware of and understand that any future structures shall be constructed in conformance with the building envelopes shown on the approved Building Envelope Data Map dated revised April 21, 1993 and received by the City of Encinitas on April 21, 1993." A covenant shall be recorded on Lots 4, 8 and 9 stating that the amount of fill on each of these lots exceeds 10 feet. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the conceptual grading plan depicted on the Tentative Map dated revised April 29, 1993 and received by the City of Encinitas on April 29, 1993. As provided for in the project Design Guidelines and Section 30.16.010B.7 of the Municipal Code, structures are, typically, allowed a height of 22 feet measured from the finish pad elevation with projections extending above the 22 foot height for no more than four feet for roofs of a pitch of 4 and 12 or greater, towers, spires, sun decks, chimneys, antennae, and poles. Chimneys with widths not exceeding 30 inches are allowed to an extra two feet in height. However no portion of a structure can exceed 30 feet as measured from the lower of natural or finished grade. Consequently, some lots cannot achieve the maximum building height over the entire building envelope, those lots are Lots 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, and 19. The area(s) of limitation and the maximum allowed building elevations based on a height of 30 feet as measured from the lower of natural or finish grade for future structures are depicted on the approved Building Envelope Data Map dated revised April 21, 1993 and received by the City of Encinitas on April 21, 1993, which is on file in the Community Development Department and made a part of this approval. The chart below cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -17- summarizes the height limitations as depicted on the Building Envelope Map. ~ot No. Bldg. Pad Elevation Height Limits (Elev.) 4 326 8 328.5 9 328.5 10 327.5 11 335.8 17 382 18 383 & 387.5 19 384.5 & 389 345.75, 350, & 352 352, 346, 349, 353 & 354 347, 348 & 351 348.25, 349.5 & 353.75 & 352 359 & 361 406 & 408 410 & 412 412, 413 & 414 The building height requirements are placed on these lots to ensure that no structure will exceed the maximum 30' height as measured from the lower of natural or finished grade as limited in the City of Encinitas General Plan, Land Use Policy 7.10, and Zoning Code Section 30.16.010B.7. A covenant shall be recorded on each of these lots setting forth the above limitations. Ail required plantings and approved irrigation systems shall be in place prior to use or occupancy of new buildings or structures. All required plantings and irrigation systems shall be maintained in good condition, and whenever necessary, shall be replaced with new materials to ensure continued compliance with applicable landscaping, buffering, irrigation and screening requirements as setforth in a final landscape plan to be submitted and reviewed for conformance with the conceptual landscape plan dated revised April 20, 1993 and received by the City of Encinitas on April 21, 1993 and on file in the Department of Community Development. Pursuant to Chapter 23.26 of the Municipal Code the final landscape and irrigation plan shall be prepared by a state licensed landscape architect and shall conform to the requirements listed in Chapter 23.26. The final landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted prior to or as part of the building permit application for the project. All landscaping and associated automatic irrigation systems shall be maintained in a manner that will not depreciate adjacent property values and otherwise adversely affect adjacent properties. Upon completion of the installation of the landscaping and the irrigation system a final field observation shall be conducted and a certification of substantial completion shall be completed and signed by a state cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -18- Jo Ke ne Ne Oe licensed landscape architect, landscape contractor or an irrigation designer who also holds a state license in the landscape field. The required 30" demarcation wall depicted on the Landscape Concept Plan dated revised April 20, 1993 and received by the City of Encinitas on April 21, 1993 shall be contiguous and shall be connected at Lots 10 and 11. The gated access provided on Lots 7, 9, 14, 19 and 22 for maintenance of the 40 foot biological buffer area and open space area shall be limited to use by the Homeowner's Association and city personnel. Individual lot owners shall not be allowed access through these gates. Ail structures shall be constructed in conformance with the approved Design Guidelines dated revised April 21, 1993 and attached herein as Attachment "D". The 30" demarcation wall shall be of a sand to reddish color to match the colors of the bluff. The entry wall shall be of an earthtone color such as tan or cream. The applicant shall offer for dedication an easement for a public viewpoint located at the southern property line of Lot 1 as shown on the Landscape Concept Plan dated Revised April 20, 1993 and received by the City of Encinitas on April. 21, 1993 and as shown on the Tentative Map dated Revised April 29, 1993 and received by the City of Encinitas on April 29, 1993. If the City does not accept the offer of dedication, the offer will automatically expire five years from the recordation date of the Final Map. If the City of Encinitas accepts the easement for public viewpoint, the improvements for the viewpoint shall include landscaping, a trail and viewpoint structure and shall be subject to Design Review pursuant to regulations in effect at the time. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIONS The Mitigation Monitoring and RepOrting Program (MMRP) as summarized on pages 3 - 10 and completely contained within the Environmental Impact Report for the project as Certified by the Planning Commission on February 25, 1993 shall be instituted for the project. A covenant shall be recorded agreeing to submit funds to accomplish the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prior to issuance of any permits for the project. The amount cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -19- Ce De necessary will be determined by the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer prior to issuance of said permits. This project has been identified as having a potential impact on fish and/or wildlife; therefore, pursuant to Section 711.4 of the State Fish and Game Code, the applicant must submit to the City of En¢initas a negotiable check in the amount of $875.00. The purpose of the above State established fee is to defray the cost of managing and protecting fish and wildlife resources which may be impacted by development. The check made payable to the County Clerk of San Diego County must be submitted prior to the end of the 4th day after the end of the 10 day appeal period if not appealed or, if the City Council approved the project, at the end of the 4th day following the City Council action. Failure to submit a negotiable check will cause the project approval to become null and void since the environmental notice of determination cannot be filed ~without payment of the above fee or authorized notice of exemption as provided in Section 711.4. THE FINAL MAP CANNOT BE RECORDED AND/OR NO BUILDING PERMIT~ OR OTHER ENTITLEMENTS WILL BE PROCESSED UNTIL THIS CONDITION IS SATISFIED. Since two gnatcatchers were reported on the site, a 10-a Permit or exemption thereof shall be received from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prior to recordation of the final map. Prior to recordation of the final map, a signed, notarized letter from the applicant shall be submitted which states that the applicant is aware of the requirement to obtain necessary federal permits before any field development activity, and releasing the City of any responsibility. ae Any signs proposed for this development shall' be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. Be A comprehensive Sign Program for this development to include temporary subdivision advertising signs and'any model home and information-signing shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for appropriate review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -20- THESE ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL FIRE DISTRICT APPROVAL. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENCINITAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: FIRE ao De Turnarounds: Ail dead-end access roadways in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with a cul-de-sac with a radius of not less than 40 feet..Where topography would prevent the construction of a cul-de-sac, an alternate turn-around approved by the Fire Chief may be installed. Gates: Ail automatic gates across fire access roadways shall be equipped with an approved emergency key operated switch that will override all command functions and open the gate. Gates accessing four or more residences or residential lots shall also be equipped with emergency traffic control activating strobe sensor(s), which will activate and open the gate on the approach of emergency apparatus. All automatic gates must meet Fire District policies deemed necessary by the Fire Chief for rapid, reliable access. Response Maps: Any development which necessitates fire hydrants, roadways or similar features, by virtue of new structures, shall be required to provide a map update in a format compatible with current district mapping services, and shall be charged a reasonable fee for updating all response maps. Prior to delivery of combustible building materials on site, water and sewer systems shall satisfactorily pass all required tests and be connected to the public water and sewer systems. In addition, the first lift of asphalt paving shall be in place to provide adequate, permanent all weather access for emergency vehicles. Said access shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Fire District. Posting of Roadways: Emergency Access roadways when required shall be posted pursuant to Fire District standards. Obstructions: Ail traffic lanes shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24') feet wide during construction and shall be maintained clear and free of obstructions during construction in accordance with Fire District Policy. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -21- He Je Ke Fire Hydrants & Flows: Submit a letter from the Fire District stating satisfaction with the type, number and location of fire hydrants. A letter from the water agency serving the area shall be provided which states the required fire flow is available. Provisions shall be made to insure maximum water pressure does not exceed 250 psi. A pressure reducing station will be required for pressures in excess of 250 psi. Fire hydrants shall be of a bronze type and shall be identified by the installation of a blue two-sided reflective road marker pursuant to Fire District Standards. Fuel Modification: Submit to the Community Development Department a letter from the Fire District that required fire/fuel breaks have been provided to the satisfaction of the Fire District. Address Numbers: Address numbers shall be clearly visible from the street fronting the structure. The height of numbers shall conform to Fire District Standards. Where structures are located off a roadway on long driveways, a monument shall be placed at the entrance where the driveway intersects the main roadway. Permanent address numbers shall be displayed on this monument. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System: Structures shall be protected by automatic fire sprinkler systems. Sprinkler systems shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Encinitas Fire Protection District and Municipal Code. Recordation: Prior to final recordation, the applicant shall submit a letter to the Community Development Department from the Fire District stating that all development impact, plan check and/or cost recovery fees have been paid or secured to the satisfaction of the District. Building Permits: Ail building permit applications, including accessory structures, shall be subject to review and approval by the Encinitas Fire Prevention Bureau. Roofing Material: Ail roofing material shall be Class "A" as agreed to by the applicant. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Ail City Codes, regulations, and policies in effect at the time of tentative map approval shall apply. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -22- 6. GP~%DING No grading permits shall be issued for this subdivision prior to recordation of the final map. Be The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to the commencement of any clearing or grading of the site. Ce No grading shall occur outside the limits of the. SUBDIVISION unless a letter of permission is obtained from the owners of the affected properties. Ail newly created slopes within this project shall be no steeper than 2:1. Eo In accordance with Section 23.24.460I of the Municipal Code, the grading proposed on lots 4, 8 and 9 which exceeds a depth of fill greater than 10 feet shall be allowed only upon attainment of the ultimate consolidation of the fill material achieved through a state of the art soils investigation, a settlement monitoring program and surcharging of the fill material with an appropriate overburden of soil. Fo A soils/geological/hydraulic report (as applicable) shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work and submitted prior to final map approval. Go Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to any proposed construction site within this project the developer shall submit to and receive approval from the City Engineer for the proposed haul route. The developer shall comply with all conditions and requirements the City Engineer may impose with regards to the hauling operation. 7. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this Project to prevent any offsite siltation. The developer shall provide erosion control measures and shall construct temporary desiltation/detention basins of type, size and location as approved by the City Engineer. The basins and erosion control measures shall be shown and specified on the grading plan and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the start of any other grading operations. Prior to the removal of any basins or facilities so constructed the area served shall be cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -23- Be Ce De Ee protected by additional drainage facilities, slope erosion control measures and other methods required or approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall maintain the temporary basins and erosion control measures for a period of time satisfactory to the City Engineer and shall guarantee their maintenance and satisfactory performance through cash deposit in amounts and types suitable to the City Engineer. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the subdivision, and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system shall include any easements and structures as required by the City 'Engineer to properly handle the drainage. The system as shown on the tentative map will require plans for the sediment basin be approved by the City of Carlsbad, and that any connection to the City of Carlsbad facilities will require a permit from that city. The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the provisions of that program and City Ordinance. The developer shall pay the current local drainage area fee prior to approval of the final map for this project or shall construct drainage systems in conformance with the Master Drainage Plan and City of Encinitas Standards as required by the city Engineer. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. 8. STREET CONDITIONS ae The developer shall make an offer of dedication to.the City for all public streets and easements required by these conditions or shown on the TENTATIVE MAP. The offer shall be made BY A CERTIFICATE ON THE FINAL MAP or by separate instrument if made before the final map is recorded for this project. All land so offered shall be granted to the city free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the city. Streets that are already public are not required to be rededicated. Be Right-of-way as needed for the La Costa Avenue Widening as shown on approved plans dated February 21, 1990 shall be dedicated by the developer along the subdivision frontage of La Costa Avenue. Contribution of a fair share of the construction costs for widening of La Costa cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -24- Ce De Ee Ge Avenue is required, this contribution may be relieved by timely dedication of needed rights-of-way and slope easements for the construction of La Costa Avenue. Twenty-seven (27) feet shall be dedicated by the developer along the subdivision frontage based on a center line to right-of-way width of 56 feet and in conformance with City of Encinitas Standards along Bella Vista Drive. Additionally, right-of-way for a standard cul-de-sac shall be dedicated at the end of the public part of Bella Vista Drive. Reciprocal access and maintenance and/or agreements shall be provided ensuring access to all parcels over private roads, drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Direct access rights for all lots abutting Bella Vista Drive shall be waived on the final map. Plans, specifications, and supporting documents for all improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to approval of the final map, the subdivider shall install, or agree to install and secure with appropriate security as provided by law, improvements shown on the tentative map and the following improvements to City Standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: Standard pavement section for a local street for Bella Vista Drive from the end of existing pavement, northerly to and including the cul-de-sac as shown on the tentative map. The design of all private streets and drainage systems shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to APPROVAL OF THE FINAL MAP for this project. The structural section of all private streets shall conform to City of Encinitas Standards based on R-value tests. The standard improvement plan check deposit is required. ~RAFFIC ae To the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer, the developer shall improve the pavement markings and install advisory signs for motorists entering the system of streets leading from Saxony Road to the project. These include a dual yellow stripe center line at corners, curve advisory signs, posted speed limit on Quail Hollow Drive and notification of road end on Blue Heron Drive. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -25- The "Road Ends 300 Feet" sign on eastbound Quail Hollow Drive at Swallow Tail Road shall be removed. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE AGENCY REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 10. UTILITIES ae The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulations and design requirements of the respective utility agencies regarding services to the project. Be Co Ail proposed utilities within the project shall be installed underground including existing utilities unless exempt by the Municipal Code. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. 11. SEWER Prior to the approval of the Final Map, the plans and specifications for the installation of a public sewer system must be approved by the Leucadia County Water District. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, any easements required for the installation of the public sewer must be dedicated and recorded to the Leucadia County Water District. No structures which require hook-up to the sanitary sewer system will be permitted on the lower pad of Lot 1. 12. WATER Owner/Developer will be required to comply with all Olivenhain Municipal Water District rules, fees, charges and regulations, that are in place at time of application. 13. PUBLIC WORKS ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS This project is approved specifically as 1 single phase. cd/dsl/RPC89291.313 -26- ATTACHMENT "D" RESOLUTION NO. PC 93 13 DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR LEUCADIA HIGHLANDS FEB 2 619cj3 GUIDELINE STANDARDS Unless otherwise noted in these guidelines, all other standard regulations within the Encinitas Municipal code shall apply. ~-- Building Setbacks Per Section 30.16.010 of the Encinitas Municipal Code, the following shall be the standard setbacks for all residential structures: 1.1 Front Yard Setback With the following exceptions, all lots shall have a standard 30-foot setback: Per Section 30.16.010 C5, of the Encinitas Municipal Code, Lots 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 21 may have their standard setback reduced by 25 percent. This produces a 22.5-foot front yard setbacks. 1.2 Side Yard Setbacks All lob shall have a standard 15-foot side yard setback unless noted otherwise on the "Building Envelope Data" exhibit. 1.3 Rear Setback All lots shall exceed the standard 25-foot setback, as found within the Municipal Code: Lots 5 through 22 shall have a 30-foot setback measured from the edge of the graded pad (as shown on the "Building Envelope Data" exhibit) with a minimum 70-foot distance measured from the open space easement. Within these lots no additions to existing residences or the construction of any accessory structures shall be permitted within the thirty foot rear yard setback without first obtaining approval from the Fire Prevention Bureau. Lots 1 and 2 shall have a 50-foot rear yard setback, measured from the property line at Bella Vista Drive. There shall be no individual lot access off of Bella Vista Drive. Lot 3 shall have a 50-foot setback and LOt 4 a 75-foot setback. - 2. Building Heights (Maximum) Per Section 30.16.010B.7 of the Encinitas Municipal Code, all structures shall be limited to two-stories and to a height of 22 feet as measured from the finish pad elevation. Projections may extend above the 22-foot height for no more than four (4) feet for roofs of a pitch of 4 and 12 or greater, towers, spires, sun decks, chimneys, antennae, and poles. Chimneys with widths not exceeding 30-inches are allowed to an extra two feet in height. No portion of a structure can exceed 30 feet as measured from the lower of natural or finished grade. Some lots cannot achieve the maximum building height over the entire building envelope; for those lots which have limitations see the "Building Envelope Data' exhibit. Building Scale and Bulk {Massing} Each of the lots have been sensitively positioned on the property. All home sites have been pulled back away from steep slopes and potential visual prominence. Some homes will be visible in the surrounding community, but only from a distance of one-half (~,6) mile or greater. This distance produces views of the homes in the wide perspective of the site's surrounding open space. In spite of this diminished scale, it is important that the home's bulk and massing produce a positive visual element, adding interest to the inland bluff landscape. All homes will adhere to the following architectural criteria assuring they will be perceived as a positive element in this visually, striking landscape: 3.1 3.2 As a part of the design, consideration shall be given to the use of light on the site. The way the light strikes a building has a great deal to do with how it is perceived. Shadows give building depth and substance. The visual effect of light and shadow on buildings is perhaps the most valuable design tool available to the home designer. The massing or bulk of "Leucadia Highlands" homes shall appear broken into smaller forms, creating varied volumes whose different planes create shadowed relief. This can be accomplished by incorporating one- and two-story volumes, offsets, recesses, popouts, and overhangs into the building design. Features such as porches, verandas, balconies, and arbors enrich the scale and massing and add variety and character to the neighborhood. 3.3 All building elevations shall have multiple planes. These planes shall have a minimum depth of three (3) feet. 3.4 All two-story homes shall include one-story elements in their elevations. A minimum of forty percent (40%) of the exterior perimeter shall have a one-story edge with a minimum six (6) foot depth. 3.5 The considerations for the building scale and massing shall also be addressed in the roof lines for each building. 2 Roofs shall have multiple planes creating a varied roof line silhouette from all directions. b) Consideration for features such as dormers, stepped roof planes, gables, chimneys, etc. should be given in order to minimize the impact of large roof planes. c) Roof equipment must be screened and placed out of the view from surrounding properties. 3.6 On Lots 1, 2, and 3 any building elevations other than the front that face on and are visible from a public or private street shall have an enhancement equal to the front elevation. Building Position/Materials 4.1 Garages for more than two cars are recommended to be turned to not directly face the street. 4.2 The buildings shall appear to be of natural materials such as plaster, wood, brick, and slate. Consideration should be given to using more than one material for exterior walls. The use of multiple materials on exterior walls shall be complimentary to adjacent homes. The material/color guidelines shall be as follows: a) Building Colors The prominent colors shall be in the earth tone range or other subtle ,colors complimentary to the colors of the natural site. The material colors of each home shall vary in color from the material colors of adjacent houses. However, this color variation shall be complimentary to the adjacent homes and other homes in Leucadia Highlands. b) Exterior Plaster/Stucco Exterior plaster/stucco colors shall be off-white, beige, tan, light brown, light gray, or other subtle colors. c) Wood Siding Wood used on exterior wails shall be a subtle, natural color such as off- white, beige, tan, light brown, light gray, or other subtle colors. d) Masonry Masonry/brick colors used on exterior building walls, building elements, fireplaces, fences or site walls shall be natural colors such as tan, light gray, natural brick, or light brown. e) Natural Stone Fencing 5.1 The use of natural stone such as slate, flagstone, and quartzite shall be used in conjunction with and complementary to other permitted materials. f) Wood Trim g) h) Wood trim shall be stained or painted to match or complement the prominent color of the building. Roofing Materials Roof planes visible from surrounding properties shall be or appear to be natural materials. Such materials may be composition shingles, clay tile, concrete tile, fiberglass file, slate or other natural appearing materials. Composition or asphalt shingles should be three dimensional. Other Materials Materials such as fiberglass, composition, and other man-made products may be permitted if such products appear to be natural materials such as plaster, wood, masonry, or stone. The 40-foot area as shown on the "Landscape Concept" exhibit between the open space easement and the 30-foot usable rear yard area on Lots 5 through 22 shall be improved and maintained as a fire suppression area and a plant buffer between native vegetation and exotic plants in each rear yard. This area shall be separated from the full-use rear yard by a wall/fence. Ongoing maintenance for this area shall be the responsibility of Homeowners Association which shall have an access and maintenance easement over the area to perform maintenance to insure the areas fire suppression qualities and that it remains free from exotic plant encroachment. Lots 4, 9, 14, 19 and 22 shall provide an easement to the Homeowners Association to allow maintenance access. a) The base portion (30-inch) of the wall separating the rear yard and buffer area shall be constructed by the developer. b) The height of the wall/fence may be added to by the individual lot owner, this addition must be of an open design common throughout the project. The addition will be to a five (5) foot height, see exhibit. Landscaping 6.1 The following areas shall be landscaped within 45 days of final project grading: a) All slopes b) Twenty-five (25)-foot subdivision setback areas with natural vegetation (Lots 3, 4 and portions of 22) are not required to be re-landscaped. c) Forty (40) foot biological buffer/fire suppression easement d) Mitigation areas for biological impacts 6.2 All subsequent instructional documents for landscaping shall be in substantial conformance with the approved landscape concept and guidelines. 6.3 The biological buffer easement (a minimum of 40 feet from the edge of the open space easement) shall prohibit all development and structures. It shall have the limited improvement of native plants and irrigation as shown on the "Landscape Concept" exhibit. This area shall be established and maintained by the developer until transfer to the homeowner's association. It shall be maintained to buffer the open space area from encroachment of exotic plants and as an effective fire suppression area. The level of maintenance shall be acceptable to the City fire chief. 6.4 The f~llowing action shall mitigate the development's displacement of sensitive natural plants. All summer holly displaced by development plus two pounds of Ceahothus Verrucosis seed (cleaned) shall be planted within the open space easement. These plants shall be planted in the most suitable areas of sparse vegetation and shall be incorporated into a full plant palette for re-vegetating utility construction areas. 6.5 Private yards shall be fully landscaped within 150 days of issuance of permit for occupancy. Front yard landscaping shall utilize the preselected boxed street trees as listed on the "Landscape Concept" exhibit within the front-yard setback. 6.6 All tall trees (over forty (40) feet at maturity) shall have rounded crown so they do not become a prominent vertical element on the silhouette of ridge line. 6.7 To reduce fire fuel potential, all trees planted behind the rear building envelope shall have a maximum mature height of twenty-five (25) feet or less. Trees selected for this area shall not produce high fire fuel. 5 APR 21 '93 14:78 RICK EHGIHEERINC-; HORTH C:OLIHT"( Accessory An#rtment The structure design for each of Lots 2, 3, and 4 shall include an accessory unit as defined and regulated by Chapter 30,48 of the Encinitas Municipal Code. This requirement shall be waived at the request of any lot owner, provided that at least three accessory apartments have been included in homes built in the subdivision prior to the waiver. The accessory apanmeats shall be attached to the main residenc~, shall maintain the appearane~ of a single-family residence and shall utilize the same design, materials and colors of the main relidcncc, All lots/pads are adequately siz~ to accept the storing of a recreational vehicle. Each individual lot owner shall have the option to stor~ r~creational vehicles onsit~ or offsit~. Storing vehicles onsite requires that the homeowner adheres to the following guides: 8.1 Storage within the front yard s~tback is prohibited. 8.2 Building plans shall indicat~ the maximum vehicle(s) size (length, width, height) and the location of the storage area, 8.3 Building plans shall provide adequate information on planting and fencing to screen the R.V., from the front, and adja~nt side property Iin~s so that no more than one quarter of the R.V. will be visible from any point outside of that lot. Indlvidua. l Lot R~.~rratllno Each lot owner shall have the ability to re-grade their lot as part of their building permit. This ability to gra~. e shall be limited to the following qualifications: 9,1 Pad areas outside of the building footprint can have a maximum elevation change of 12 inches from the existing elevation. 9.2 The perimeter of the graded area cannot be expanded, 9.3 Increased lot re-grading may be allowed through the Design Review Permit process. 19DESIGN.KEW Oa/21/9 3