1990-36RESOLUTION PC 90.36 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ENCINIT.4S, STATE OF C.4LIFORNI.4, COMMENDING Theodore Schade FOR SERVICES .4ND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, Theodore Schade was annointed by the Director of Public Works to work with the community to amve at workable Road Standards for the five communities within the City of Encmitas; WHEREAS, during this time Theodore contributed time, knowledge, infinite patience and understanding to the City Planning process to ensure quality, planned and orderly development of the community and City, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has realized his special efJbrts for the betterment of the Community. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Encinitas to pay tribute to: Theodore Schade for his dedication and contributions to the City Planning efforts to serve the best interests of the Conlnlunity and the City; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission offers its most warmhearted appreciation for the superior job Theodore has done for the Conlnlunity and Cio,; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution of tribute be presented to Theodore on this 28lh day of August, 1990 when the Commission and friends honor him. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED lhis 28th day of August, 1990. Note: This resolution may be appealed to the City Council pursuant to Chapter 1.12 of lhe Municipal Code. 527 Encinims Boulevard. Encinitas. Calilbrni:l 92024