1974-01-09 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF TIlE BOARD OF DIIlEC'l'ORS OF TIlE SAN D:rmoITO IRRIGATIOII DIS~ICT HELD IN TIlE DISTRICT OFFICE IN EIlCINITAS 011 JANlJARY 9. 197~. AT 9 A.M. President Cermak called the meeting to order~ Attendance was as follows: Present: Directors Pearson, Noonan, Dean and Cermak, secretary-Manager Mills, Chief of Operations Bailey and Attorney Cranston. Absent: Director Wanket. This being the first meeting of the calendar year 1974, President Cermak called for the election of a President and Vice-President and appointment of ~ Secretary. Upon motion by Director Noonan, Director Pearson was nominated to be president of the Board of Directors. There were no further nominations. Director Dean moved that the DOIIl.inations be closed. Motion was seconded by Director Noonan. The unanimous vote was cast for Director Pearson as Eresident. President Cermak called for DOlIlinatioDS for yice-president. Director Dean nominated Director Cermak as Vice-President. '!'here were no further nominations. Director Noonan moved that nominations be closed. Motion was seconded by Director Pearson, and carried. A unanimous vote was cast for Director Cermak as Vice- President. Upon motion by Director Pearson, seconded by Director Dean, Secretary- Manager Mills was reappointed for another year by unanimous vote. '!'he minutes of the meeting of December 12, 1973, were approved and ordered filed. General Manager Mills reported on the administrative and general activities of the district. Superintendent Chief of Operations Bailey reported on the maintenance and operations activities of the district. ~ Mills presented a second appraisal of the property located off Caudor Avenue and reported that the second appraisal was for $1,000.00, as was the first appraisal of the property. After a discussion of the appraisal and of the possible uses of the property, Director Pearson moved that the property -80- be declared surplus and that the district call for sealed bids on the property. Motion was seconded by Director Dean, and unanimously carried. A letter was presented requesting an easement over this same property. The letter was from Mr. Boots who OYnS property just north of the property to be sold by the district. Boots has been using the easterly 20 feet of the property for an easement for driveway purposes for about 15 years. After a discussion of the request and reviewing the description of the property and easement, Director Pearson moved that the following resolution be adopted. Motion was RESOlllTION NO. R74-1 AUTHORIZING AN EASDIEIIT OVER CERTAIN DISTRICT PROPERTY I i I I I J seconded by Director Noonan. WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Irrigation District is the owner of property hereinafter described; AND WlJ]i:1W.A,S, the board of directors of the San Diegui to Irrigation District has declared said property to be surplus and ordered it advertised for sale; AND WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Boots have been using the corner of this property for a driveway for the past 15 years; AND WHEREAS, it appears to be in the better interest of all parties concerned to make this easement a matter of record prior to the sale of said property; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the .officers of the district be, and they to Lloyd E. Boots and Eleanor M. Boots,husband&wife, hereby are, authorized and directed to execute an easement/for ingress and egress over the easterly 20 feet of property more particularly described as follows: That portion of the South half of the Southeast ~arter of the Southeast ~ter of Section 34, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, SBmI, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to the United States Government Survey lying Northeasterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Easterly line of said South Half of the Southwest ~ter of the Southwest ~arter distant along said line South 0100147" East 251.18 feet from the o Northeasterly corner thereof; Thence North 37 55'30" West 314.83 feet to an intersection with the Northerly line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter. J Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Pearson, Dean, Noonan and Cermak. Noes: None. Absent: Director Wanket. -81- Mills presented a request for an easement by the San Diego Gas & Electric Company across property the district owns on which the "Standpipe" is located, the property being on the extension of Puebla Avenue in Leucadia. The easement was discussed at some length and special terms were considered for the easement requiring that if and when the property is developed and a road built, the Gas &: Electric Co. would be responsible for lovering that pipeline. After a discussion of this item, Attorney Cranston modified the easement in accordance with the directions of the Board. Upon motion by Director Noonan, seconded by Director Dean, the following resolution was ~ adopted.' RESOLUTION NO. R74-2 AUTHORIZING EASEIIElIT OVER DISTRICT PROPERTY WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Irrigation District owns property hereinafter described; AND WHF.RF.A15, the San Diego Gas &: Electric Company has requested an easement for the installation of a gas service line; AND WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of all parties concerned to grant the said easement; T~nRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the district be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute an easement over the property in the form as attached hereto marked Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a part hereof. Passed and adopted by the folloving roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Dean, Cermak, Noonan and Pearson. Noes: None. Absent: Director Wanket. ~ A request was received for the release of an old blanket easement on property now being developed as "Villa Cardiff." This easement vas discussed and a plat of the property was inspected by the Board, after which time, Director Dean moved the folloving resolution be adopted. Hotion was seconded by Director Noonan. -82- RESOIllTION NO. R74- 3 AUTHORIZmG 'RF.T .F-ASE OF BLANKET EASDlENT IN "VILLA CARDIFF ." WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Irrigation District now holds a blanket easement covering the property being developed as I1Villa Cardiff"; AND WHEREAS, the waterlines for this property have all been located in adjacent streets, and the District has no further interest in said blanket easement; '~'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the District be, and , , I J they hereby are, authorized to execute a release or quitclaim deed over said property, known as "Villa Cardiff." Passed and adopted by the folloving roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Pearson, Dean, Noonan and Cermak. Noes: None. Absent: Director Wanket. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Secretary-Manager Mills presented an easement on the District's easement form from the Alpha Beta Company to the District for the vater line to be installed in the shopping center area at the Southwest corner of Encinitas Boulevard and E1 Camino Real. After a discussion and inspection of the plat of the property, Director Pearson moved that the following resolution be adopted. Motion vas seconded by Director ~oonan. RESOIllTION NO. R74-4 ACCEPrING AN EASUlENT ON THE SOlITllWEST CORNER OF ENCINITAS BOULEVARD AND EL CAIlINO REAL WHEREAS, the Alpha Beta Company owns property located within the district; AND WHEREAS, the Alpha Beta Company plans to develop the property as a commercial Shopping center; AND ~~A~, in order to install the water lines the district requires that an easement be granted across said property for the purpose of installing ~ said waterlines; AND WHEREAS, such an easement has been presented to this District in the form prescribed for such easements; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the district be, and they hereby are, authorized to accept for recordation the easement over the Southwest -83- A discussion vas held regarding the Water Agencies Association meeting which the District is hosting on January 17th. The arrangements and the speaker were discussed. It was suggested by Director Cermak that some of the civic leaders of the community be invited as the District's guests. A number of such gllest invitations vere authorized, including the Presidents of the Chambers of Commerce, Town Council and various other civic organiza- tions. There being no further business to come before the board, Director Pearson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion vas seconded by Director Dean, and carried. Director Cermak adjourned the meeting. ~ ######################## APPROVED: c~;~ ATTEST: Se cret J -85- '-- L corner of Encinitas Boulevard and El Camino Real, a copy of whicb is attached hereto marked Exhibit "B". Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Dean, Pearson, Cermak and Noonan. Noes: None. Absent: Director Wanket. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upon motion by Director Dean, seconded by Director Noonan, Warrants Number 4916 through 4961 in the amount of 169,888.60, and Filtration Plant Warrants Number 1447 through 1470 in the amount of $17,776.60, were authorized for payment.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mills presented a quitclaim deed over property located at the corner of Birmingham and Lake Drive.. The property is covered by an old "blanket" easeaent and the vater lines are located in both Birmingham and Lake Drive. Mills reported that the district had no need for this "blanket" easement and recommended that it be released. Upon motion by Director Pearson, seconded by Director Noonan, the following resolution vas adopted. RESOLUTION NO. R74-5 AUTHORIZING Ttv.r:5:ASE OF IIBLANKETIl EASEMENT OVER THE NORTllEAST CORNER OF LAKE DRIVE AND BIllIIINGlWl WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Irrigation District holds a Itblanket l! easeaent oTer property located at the Northeast corner of Birmingham and Lake Drive; AND WHEREAS, all the vater lines are located in the adjacent streets and the District has no further need for said "blanket" easement; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the District be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute quitclaim deed over the property at the aforesaid location. Passed and adopted by the folloving roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Dean, Noonan, Cermak and Pearson. Noes: None. Absent: Director Wanket. -84-