1971-02-09 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN DIEGUITO IRRIGATION DISTRICT HELD IN THE DISTRICT OFFICE IN ENCINITAS ON FEBRUARY 9. 1971 AT 9 A.M. President Cermak called the meeting to order. Attendance was as follows: Present: Directors Dean, Lawson, Pearson, Noonan and Cermak, Secretary- Manager Mills and Attorney FreelSL~d. Absent: None. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The minutes of the meeting of January 12th were accepted and ordered filed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '-- Secretary-Manager Mills reported on the activities of the district during the past month. Included were a report on the maintenance and operations activities of the district, a report on the cathodi~ protection system being installed and a report that the supply of water in Lake Hodges was nearly exhausted and that by the end of the week the districts would be using aqueduct water. - - - - - - - - - - - President Cermak reported on the San Diego County Water Authority activities in reference to the installation of the fourth pipeline or the second barrel of the second San Diego Aqueduct. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secretary-Manager Mills read a letter from Ed Malone, of Cardiff Properties, requesting that the tank on the property previously sold to Malone be removed within 120 days. Mills reported that he had written letters requesting ~uotations to every firm in the area known to do this type of work. He requested authoriza- tion to compare these quotations when received and contract with the lowest responsible bidder for the dismantling and the storage of the Balour tank until such time as the tank could be re-erected at another location. After a dis- cussion of the problems involved, Director Lawson moved that the manager be authorized to contract with the lowest responsible bidder for this project. '- Motion ~~s seconded by Director Noonan, and unanimously carried. Mills reported that the County was nearing completion of the design of the Saxony Road project and was anticipating going out to bid on this project some time during the latter part of February. He reported that the plans called -12- for curbs and gutters in the area of Saxony and Puebla where the district has a 1 000 000 gallon tank In order to make a proTI"er curve and install the curb and , ," . gutter the County has requested a fee title to a very small portion of the corner of Lot 40 on which the tank is located.. Mills drew a picture of this proposed installation on the board after which time it was discussed in some detail.. Upon motion by Director Dean, seconded by Director Pearson, the following resolution was adopted.. RESOLUTION NO. R71-4 AUTHORIZING DEDICATION OF PROPERTY TO COUNrY OF SAN DIEGO J WHEREAS, the San Dieguito Irrigation District r~s fee title to Lot 40, Block G, Avocado Acres Number 4j AND WHEREAS, the County of San Diego is undertaking a project for the widening and paving of Saxony Road on which this lot is located; AND WHEREAS, the County of San Diego has requested a dedication of a small corner of said Lot 40 for installation of curb and gutter; AND W!EREAS, the dedication of this requested parcel would cause no loss of value nor inconvenience to the district; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the district be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute a grant deed in favor of the County of San Diego covering property described as follows: Parcel No. 70-0165-A. Fee title in and to that portion of Lot 40 in Block G of Avocado Acres No. 4 in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 2118 filed in the office of County Recorder of San Diego County July 3, 1928, lying Southerly of a 20-foot radius curve concave Northwesterly which is tangent to the Southerly and Easterly lines of said lot. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Cermak, Pearson, Noonan, Lawson and Dean.. Noes: None.. Absent: None. -...I Mills reported that he P2d been requested by the Manager of the Encinitas Sanitary District to consult with the board regarding this district's possible collection of sewer charges for the Sanitary District. Mills reported that -13- ~ this was anticipated when the billing system was converted to t~e computer and that it would be merely a reprogramming problem to install the collection procedures. The cost to the district would be nominal and very difficult to estimate in that it would simply add a very short amount of time for the physical printing of the additional line on the bill for each billing cycle. Mills reported that he was in favor of doing this if the details could be worked out and if Olivenhain would perform the same type service for the Encinitas Sanitary District. After a lengthy discussion, Director Lawson moved that the service be authorized but that a charge be levied for this work. Director Noonan seconded this motion and it was unanimously carried. President Cermak appointed Director Lawson and Director Dean to a committee to work out the details and report back to the board with a final proposal on this project . Mills referred to a letter which he had written to the board concerning the procedures used in providing water service for construction operations. This procedure was discussed at some length, delving especially into the problems created for the local contractor who is constantly dealing with the district on this type operation. Mills reported that if a local contractor would post a deposit in accordance with district procedures and leave this deposit with the district that ttere would be little inconvenience to him in moving and relocating these construction meters. Director Pearson moved that the procedure be reaffirmed without change. Director Noonan seconded the motion, and it was unanimously carried. '-- Mills reported that the required retention time on the vehicles purchased from the State Surplus Property Agency had expired and requested authorization to transfer the chassis of one of the jeeps purchased in payment for the repair bills on the other vehicles as previously reported to the board. The District purchased the truck and two jeeps some 15 months ago with the idea that one of the jeeps would be used for parts. The district staff was able to negotiate with a mechanic to do the repairs on the large truck, and one jeep including transfer of the engine from one jeep to the other and some repairs on the trencher. The total bill for this service was $407.68. Mills requested authorization to transfer the chassis of the jeep from which the engine was -14- removed to this mechanic in full payment of this bill. Director Pearson moved that the Manager be authorized to make such transfer. Motion was seconded by Director Noonan, and unanimously carried. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. Ed Malone, of Cardiff Properties, presented maps of his proposed project in the Lake Nunn property and reviewed the architecture of some of the dwellings to be constructed there. He requested tbat the District release certain parcels of land in accordance with the original agreement for the sale of this property. He requested not only the original land authorized for the down payment which was to be valued at $66,667.00, but two additional parcels, one not contiguous with the -/ others. After a brief discussion of the reasons for the release of non-contiguous land, Attorney Freeland stated that the release of this property was in keeping with the intent of the original agreement. Upon motion by Director Noonan, seconded by Director Dean, the following resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. R7l-5 AUTHORIZING RECONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY UNDER THE TERMS OF THE DEED OF TRUST i~, the San Dieguito Irrigation District previously sold to Cardiff Properties certain property within the San Dieguito Irrigation Districtj AND \~, in accordance with the original agreement the buyer was entitled to the release of land totalling in value $66,667.00 for the initial down payment of $100,000.00 and was also entitled to have other property released upon pay- ment of 125% of the value of the land requested to be released; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the request of Hr. Ed. Malone, of Cardiff Properties, the officers of the district be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute the necessary documents for the release of land to be known as "Park Place Unit 1 and Unit 2 and Unit 8!1 upon receipt of approxi- mately $104,166 ($106,000 total value less $66,667 credit for initial release privilege x 125%, plus $53,000 for release of lTTank Site.II), the exact amount -' to be determined by survey maps to be submitted by Cardiff Properties. -15- ~ AND FURTHER that t1:.e officers be authorized to execute the necessary documents to release the portion of land on Lake Drive known as 'runit No.8" contingent upon simultaneous transfer of this property to the Mormon Church. BE IT ~JRTHER RESOLVED that the officers are authorized to accept payment of 125% of the aggregate value of this property according to the release map in excess of the original $66,677.00 previously authorized. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Cerm~~, Pearson, Noonan, Lawson and Dean. Noes: None. Absent: None. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upon motion by Director Dean, seconded by Director Lawson, district warrants number 3370 through 3406 in the amount of $48,510.20 a~d joint filtration plant warrants number 241 tp~ough 263 in the amount of $31,186.78, were authorized for payment. ----------- Mills read a letter from the Local Agency Formation Commission of San Diego County advising of a meeting of the Special Districts Advisory Committee on February 22, 1971, and requesting that two persons be appointed as representatives in the district for this advisory committee. Upon motion by Director Pearson, seconded by Director Noonan, President Cermak and Secretary-Manager Mills were appointed as representatives to the Special Districts Advisory Committee. Motion was unanimously carried. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mills read a letter from Mr. A.A. McCarley requesting that he be allowed to purchase an option for the district site kno..m as "A Station" and that he be authorized to secure the necessary commercial zoning to make this property marketable. After a brief discussion the Board instructed Mills to ~- inform Mr. McCarley that the District was not at this time in a position to ma~e any final decision with regard to the disposition of this property. - - - - - - - - - - Mills read a letter from Mr. Ed~ard Kufa}~, Superintendent of the Cardiff School District, expressing his appreciation for the tour of the plant given to his Sixth Grade classes and expressing his appreciation for the filtration plant -16- and the service being performed by district directors !L~d staff. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - There being no further business to come before the board, Director Lawson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Director Noonan, !L~d unanimously carried. President Cermak adjourned the meeting. ######################## APPROVED: -" d~);-~ ~h ~flxf_ ...secretary I I ~ -17-