1970-05-12 MINUT>;:; IJF THE llEETING IJF THE BOAllD OF DIRECTORS IJF THE SAN DIEGlIITO IRRIGA'I'ION DIS'I'BIC'I' HELD IN THE DIS'l'RIC'I' OFFICE IN ENCINI'I'AS ON MAY 12. 1970. A'I' 9 A.M. President Cermak called the meeting to order. Attendance was as follovs: Present: Directors Lawson, Pearson 1 Dean 1 Noonan and Cermak, Secretary- Manager Mills. Superintendent Sharp and Attorney Cranston. Absent: None. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The minutes of the meeting of April 14th vere approved and ordered filed. - - - - - - - - - - Secretar,r-Manager Mills reported that the school had been contacted regarding a right to put a reservoir under the Oak Crest Junior High School Athletic Field. No response has been received. Mills further reported that the fire chief and he had been working together and intended to contact the Pacific Fire Underwriting Board of Fire Underwriters with the goal of lowering the district1s fire rate. Mills reported that the deed for the San Dieguito Reservoir and Hodges Conduit real estate transfer had been received and vas being checked out and would Boon be recorded. Mills reported on the treatJllent plant progress and the problems with the contractor. He reported that the engineer and Mills and Tolley would hold a meeting at Rancho Santa Fe Irrigation District on ThurB~ at 10 a.m. Mills reported that the Santa Fe Irrigation District Board had discussed a name for the filtration plant and had adopted a suggestion that the treatment plant be named after Ray Badger. This item vas discussed and Director Noonan vas asked to see if be could co.me up vi th an historical D8..IIe which would be more meaningful than the name of an indi vidua1 for the plant. Mills also reported that the Santa Fe Board had expressed the opinion that the open house and dedica- tion of the plant should be held after the Labor Day weekend. Prior to that time groups could be taken through the plant upon request. Mills reported that Lake Hodges will be open for fishing as soon as the treatment plant is in operation and that the Santa Fe Board had authorized their manager, Jim Tolley, to work with Mills in an investigation of the possibility of opening the San Dieguito Reservoir for recreational and/or fishing use. Mills reported that the Encinitas Coast Dispatch had agreed to publish a series of articles which he will write on the operation of the district to help -166- explain to the public how the district operates, how rates are formed, etc. Mills also reported that the Employees' Association was now qualified to join the San Diego County Emplo1ees Association Credit Union which could be done at no expense to the district. Superintendent Sharp reported on the progress of the Highway 101 pipeline installation project and reported on the difficulty with the crossing under the railroad tracks at I!DIl Street. Be further reported on other maintenance activities of the district. J President Ce~, the district's representative to the County Vater Authority, stated that their meeting would not be held for another week. Be made some observations and reco_endations relating to Proposition? and urged the reBt of the district board and Btaff to do what vas possible to support Proposition? and get the vote out. Mills reported the receipt of a letter from the California Shopping Centers, Inc., requesting annexation of 40 acres to the San Dieguito Irrigation District, requiring the subsequent detachment frOll the Olivenhain llunicipal Water District. Mills reported that the annexation vas a logical one and that preliminary discussions with the Manager of Olivenhain indicate that they would probably have no objection to the annexation. After a brief discussion of the proble., Director Moonan moved that the following resolution be adopted. Motion was seconded by D1rectorPearson. RESOLUTION NO. R7Q-1J! APPLICATION FOR ANNEXlTION OF TEIlIlIT01lY TO THE DISTRICT ~A~ I the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Irrigation District desires to initiate proceedings for the annexation to said District of the territory hereinafter described; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Irrigation District does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows: Section 1. Application and a proposal is hereby made to the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Diego, State of California, for a change of organization as follows: J -167- (a) This proposal is made pursuant to District Reorganization Act, 1965, commencing with Sections 56000 of Government Code. (b) The nature of the proposed change of organization and the DaIIIe of all districts for which any such change of organization is proposed are as follows: The annexation of the hereinafter described territory to the San Dieguito Irrigation District and its detachment from the Olivenhain Municipal Water District. (c) The names of all other affected counties, cities and districts are the County of San Diego, Olivenhain Municipal Water District. (d) The territory proposed to be annexed to the San Dieguito Irrigation District is uninhabited. A description of such territory is as follows: S.W. )4 of N.E. " of Section 26, Tl3S., R4w. (e) It is desired that the proposed annexation provide for and be made subject to annexation fees of 1350.00 per acre as prescribed by the Board of Directors of the San Dieguito Irrigation District. (f) The reasons for this proposaJ. are as follows: San Diegui to Irrigation District is empowered to and engaged in the supply and distribution of water and has supplies and facilities for the distribution of water sufficient to provide water service to the territor,r proposed to be annexed in connection with the service to adjacent areas. Service by Olivenhain Municipal Vater District is possible but would be more expensive and vould require serving a part of a subdivision by one district and the other part by the other district. (g) The owners of said property proposed to be annexed consent to such annexation and filed vith this district a request for annexation, a copy of which request is attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. Section 2. The Secretary of this District is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the EXecutive Officer of the Local Agency Formation CoJlUllission of the County of San Diego. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Director Pearson, Noonan, Dean, Lavson and Cermak. Noes: None. Absent: None. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -168- Mills reported that the Personnel Committee of the Employees Association had begun its discussion aimed toward a revision of the wage rate schedule to take effect approxill8.te1y Ju1,. 1. He requested that the composition of the personnel committee be affirmed either by appointing the old existing members or appointing of new members. After a very brief discussion President Cermak reappointed Directors Pearson and Noonan to the Personnel Committee. Director Pearson stipulated that he vould accept the appointment provided that next year a nev committee be appointed. Mills also asked the board for an expression of opinion to guide the discussions with the personnel committee as to what the approach should be in the wage negotiations. The consensus of the board was that basically the only item of _jor concern would be a cost of living increase to absorb the innation I -.J which has taken place in the last year. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- Mills requested that the board authorize a cash award to Mr. Ray Kiddoo for his invention of a pipe tool which greatly assists in the l~ ot asbestos cement pipe. Mills recODlllended a $50.00 award for Mr. Kiddoo and stated that the invention had saved the district a large amount of Iloney, the exact amount of which would be virtually ~ssible to estiaate. Superintendent Sharp explained how the tool worked. After a brief discussion Director Pearson moved that Mr. Kiddoo be awarded $100.00. Motion vas seconded by Director Dean and unaniltOusl,. carried. MUls and Sharp discussed with the board a problem in alignaent of a replacement pipeline to go off of SaxODJ" near the north end of Hillside Acres to tie in with the Sunrich Lane line and feed the north end of the district. Kills sketched on the board the 1925 easement which vas granted along the north edge of the property and the 1939 easement which vas granted diagonally dissecting the property. The request now is for an easeaent to run up Saxony, make a 90 degree turn and go vest across the property in the northerl,. 10 feet. Mills requested that the two old easements be qui tclaiaed and the nev easement -./ be accepted and recorded. After a brief discussion Director Dean acved that the folloving resolution be adopted. Motion was seconded by Director Noonan. -169- RESOLUTION NO. ll7O-J,l' AUTIIORIZING =uTION OF QUI'l'CLAIJl DEEDS AIID ACCEPrANCE OF AN EASEllENT W1lF.Rli':.S, the San Dieguito Irrigation District holds two easellents oYer a portion of Lot 40, Hillside Acres; AND WHEREAS, both said ease.ents are being replaced by a new easellent which would allow the district to .ore efficiently operate and maintain the water system; NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the district be, and they hereby are, authorized to quitclaiJa the easements dated 1925 and 1939, respectively, and that the new easement over the Northerly 10 feet of the Easterly 219 feet of Lot 40, Hillside Acres, be accepted, and that the Secretary of the District be authorized and directed to record the quitclaim deeds on the old easements and then record the new easement. Passed and adopted by the .following roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Lawson, Dean, Pearson t Noonan and Cel"llak.. Noes: None. Absent: None. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hills read an offer to purchase the district lot in Cardiff near the intersection of Oxford and Liverpool. The offer was for 16500.00, payable 11000.00 in cash and a first trust deed payable at 1100.00 a month or more at 7%. After a brief discussion the offer was rejected by a lIlotion of Director Lawson, seconded by Director Pearson, and unanimously carried. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upon motion by Director NOODaD, seconded by Director Pearson, varrants number 2906 through 2963 in the 8JIOunt of 1108,835.99 were authorized for payment. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mills read a letter from the President of the COKASP in Brazil requesting that four engineers be allowed to visit our plant and live and work here for a period of approximately 2 months of training. Mills reported that the request had been approved and that the men were now working at the treatment plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -170- Hills read a letter from a Mrs. Brust commending the board on its perserverance in completing the filtration plant project. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Director Pearson moved that the meeting be adjourned and that the board tour the filtration plant under construction. Motion vas seconded by Director Dean, and nnllnimou&,' carried. President Cermak adjourned the meeting. 1111111#1#11####11###1#1## , , I J APPROVED : ~v / ~ --' -171