1995-07 USOLU'l'IO. 110 .PC-I5-07 USOLU'lIOB 01' 'l'II8 IDICDI'1'U PLUD1D18 coaI88IOM UnoVIR A DJO. V88 nltllI'I IIODI'%o.&'1'IOM IfO ALLOW PDVIOVSLY UPROftD 8D DLL8 U llICUU. D DIGB'I '1'0 A DZIXUII 01' 13 He 1M ntOlI'1' 01' nvB. HOnR'II_S A'1' 'II1II BAS- 01' 'l'II8 COU'IAL SLOn' :rea PROP.It'II" LOC&'1'BD A'I 312,370,378,39', UD 402 DnmDI &VDO. &lID IfO APHOft '1'IIJI .aDDI'IIOM 01' A SD WALL to A DI'IIIUJI DIGB'I OJ' 13 1""1 LOCAUD AI' 38' Dft'mDI AV8JRJII , (cae- JIUIIB_. 15-.041 JIUP/IIOD) WHEREAS , ,a request for consideration of a Major Use Perait Modification was filed by Auerbach et. ale to amend approved Major Use Permit 93-070 to allow the subject sea walls to be increased in height from approximately 10 feet in height to 13 feet in height, for the properties located at 312, 370, 378, 396, and 402 Neptune Avenue, and to allow the addition a new 13 ft. high sea wall to the use permit for the property located at 386 Neptune Avenue, within the R-8 Zone and Coastal Bluff OVerlay Zone, as per Chapters 30.34 and 30.74 of the City of Encinitas Municipal Code, and, legally described as: (SEE ATTACHMENT" A") WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning commission on March 16, 1995, and all persons desiring to be heard were heard: and WHEREAS, the Planning co_ission considered without limitation: 1. The Planning coamission staff report dated March 16, 1995: 2. The application and associated materials dated received February 28, 1995: 3. Oral evidence submitted at the hearinq; 4. Written evidence submitted at the hearing: and cd/J1VRPC95046 (3-9-95) 1 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made the following findings pursuant to Chapters 30.34 and 30.74 of the Encinitas Municipal Code: (SEE ATTACHMENT "B") NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning couission of the City of Encinitas that Major Use Permit Modification application 95- 046 MUP/MOD is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (SEE ATTACHMENT "C") BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, after its inctependent review and usinq its independent judgement, the Planninq Commission hereby finds that project will substantially conform with the existing Negative Declaration previously approved for the project area, and. is therefore in conforJlance with CEQA. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of March, 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Lanham, Jacobson, Bagq,Patton, We Is NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Lester Chairman of the Commission ATTEST: ~U LJ.J .n ~ Þ--- Sa a Holder Secretary cd/JK/RPC95046 (3-9-95) 2 AftAoa.œn itA". USOLU'1'I08 110. PC 95-07 LSGL DB8C1tIftIOM Lot 3 in Block B, and Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 of Block C of SEASIDE GARDENS, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to the Map thereof No. 1800, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County. cd/JK/RPC95046 (3-9-95) 3 AftaœJlD'l "B" U80LD'1'IOII 80. PC 15-07 I'IIIDII1GS :roB A US8 .81U1I'1' CBa.ft8. 30.74 UD I'IIIDIBG8 :roB DBVBLO~ 1M 'IIDI COU~AL BL1Ø1' OVBRL&Y Ion CBaP'1'BR 30.34 01' '1'JIJI 1DfCI8I'1'U JIUlIICIPAL COD8 (CAS8 110. 95-04' JlUP/IIOD) I. 8ection 30.74.040 - Us. ..~it A. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the proposed proj ect will be compatible wi th and will not adversely affect and will not be materially detriJlental to adjacent uses, residences, buildings, structures or natural resources, with consideration given to, but not limited to: 1. The adequacy of public facilities, services and utilities to serve the proposed project; 2. The suitability of the site for the type and intensity of use or develop88nt which is proposed; and 3. The haraful effect, if any, upon environaental quality and natural resources of the city. l'act8' Tbe application is to allow construction of a sea wall fronting an individual property, and to allow sea walls fronting multiple properties to be permitted a height increase from 10 ft. to 13 ft. Discu88~' The project does not create the need for any public facilities, services and utilities other than what is already servicing the existing residences. The exposed height of the walls will be limited to a maximum of 13 ft. for all subject properties. The proposed cast-in-place method of construction will be aesthetically acceptable and will produce structurally superior sea walls. Conclusion. The Planning Commission finds that the location, size, design and characteristics of the proposed sea walls and the upper bluff retention measures are compatible with and will not adversely affect and are not materially detrimental to adjacent uses, residences, buildings, structures or natural resources. B. The impacts of the proposed project will not adversely affect the policies of the Encini tas General Plan or the provisions of the Municipal Code; and C. The project complies with any other regulations, conditions or policies imposed by the Municipal Code. cd/JKjRPC95046 (3-9-95) 4 I'.ctal The application is to allow construction of multiple sea walls to a maximum height of 13 ft. DiacuaaioDI Pursuant to Section 30.34.020B2.b of the Municipal Code, preemptive measures are allowed on the face of the coastal bluff in accordance with the development processinq and approval regulations specified in Section 30.34.020C of the Municipal Code. The project has been reviewed for conformance with the policies of the General Plan related to coastal bluffs and the provisions of the Municipal Code for the Coastal Bluff OVerlay Zone and Use Parmi ts. The project has been determined to comply with said regulations and policies. CoDcluaioDI The Planning commission finds that approval of the Use Permit JIOdification allowing the new seawall and the expanded sea walls will not adversely affect the policies of the Encinitas General Plan or the provisions of the Municipal Code. II. 8eatioD 30.34.020C2 - Pre88ptiv. ...aur. fiDdiD9a CO.at.l Bluff overl.y SOD.. c. (1) The proposed aeasure must be demonstrated in the soils and geotechnical report to be substantially effective for the intended purpose of bluff erosion/failure protection, within the specific settinq of the dev.lopment site's coastal bluffs. I'.ctal The application is to allow the modification of previously approved Major Use Permit 93-070 to permit the addition of a new sea wall to the use permit, and to allow the previously approved sea walls a height increase from 10 ft. to a maxiJlUlt height of 13 ft. DiacuaaioBI The sea walls have been analyzed by engineering geologists who have found, based on site-specific conditions, that the devices are designed to protect the bluff at the subject site from erosion and/or failure, per previous reviews and approvals. In a letter from engineer Charles Randle (dated March 2, 1995), it is indicated that the approved walls at 10 ft. in height may not provide adequate storm protection with a significant storm event, and that the inclusion of the property of 386 Neptune Avenue will enhance the overall integrity of the continuous sea wall. The City Engineer has reviewed this report and has concurred with its conclusions. Inforaation has also been reviewed by the City Enc ineering Department indicating that additional sea wall protection is necessary for protection of the property located at 386 Neptune Avenue and that the addition .of this property to the use permit will enhance general bluff protection in the area by providing continuous protection in the vicinity of the subject property. COnaluaioDI The Planning Commission finds that the proposed cd/JIVRPC95046 (3-9-95) 5 wall heights of 13 ft. are necessary to provide adequate wave protection, and that the addition of the property located. at 386 Neptune Avenue will enhance overall bluff protection in the vicinity of the subject property. c. (2) The proposed 88asure must be neo..sary for the protection of a principal structure on the bluff-top to which there is a demonstrated threat as substantiated by the geotechnical report. I'.Ct:.1 The subject Major Use Parmi t was approved by the Planning Commission on August 26, 1993. The City third party geotechnical consultant reviewed the proposal and submitted a written report. Di.cus.WI The subject Major Use Permi t, approved by the Planning Commission on August 26, 1993, demonstrated that the subject sea walls were necessary for the protection of principal structures on the bluff-top. Further, the city has determined that the property locat:ed at 386 .Neptune Avenue is subject to similar threats as are the other properties party to the use parmi t. The City third party geotechnical consultant reviewed 'the wa~l ~ification and has deterJIined that the propo.ed change. comply with applicable Municipal Code Standards Conclusion I The Planning Commission finds that the proposed measure (increase of wall height to 13 ft. and the addition of new property to use permit) is necessary for the protection of the principal structures on the bluff-top to which there is a demonstrated threat as substantiated by the geotechnical report. C.(3) The proposed aeasure will not. directly or indirectly cause, promote or encourage bluff erosion or failure, either on site or for an adjacent property, within the site-specific setting as demonstrated in the soils and geotechnical report. Protection devices at the bluff base shall be designed so that additional erosion will not occur at the ends because of the device. I'.Ct:.1 The walls are intended to be increased in height, and one property is intended to be added to the use permit. Di.CU8..f.sya1 The walls are intended to be increased in height by three feet., and one property is intended to be added to the use perai t. The addition of wall height will have no detri8ental impact to any bluff property, either on site or for an adjacent property. The addition of the property located at 386 Neptune Avenue will have a beneficial impact to surrounding properties by contributing to a continuous sea wall coverage in the project cd/JK/RPC95046 (3-9-95) 6 vicinity. coDo1uaiQJil The Planning Co_ission finds that there is no evidence to indicate that the proposed .-asures will directly or indirectly cause, prcmote or encourage bluff erosion or failure, either on site or for an adjacent property, within the site- specific setting as deaonstrated in the soils and geotechnical report a8 part of the original use permi t review, and as demonstrated by current City engineering review and reco_ndation. c. (4) The proposed .easure in design and appearance .ust be found to be visually compatible with the character of the surrounding area: where feasible, to restore and enhance visual quality in visually degraded area; and not cause a significant alteration of the natural character of the bluff face. l'aot81 The application is to allow construction of sea walls for multiple properties. The walls are proposed to be "cast-in- place", with concrete poured into forms intended to produce textures .imicking the natural bluff. Diaoua8ioDI The Planninq co_ission originally approved sea walls of "shot-crete" type construction to a height of approxiaately 10 ft. The applicant now proposes to utilize a "cast-in-place" ..thod of construction. Pouring the concrete into specially designed foras will produce wall textures which will ~re closely resemble the actual bluff face than would a shot-crete type wall. Additionally, the proposed method of construction will produce structurally superior walls. After the concrete is cured, ch..ical treatment will be employed to render the desired color to ..tch the bluff. Additionally, the proposed sea walls will ..tch the City constructed wall, located at N. El Portal, in its 13 ft. height and in appearance relative to color and texture. The bluff property added to the use permit will employ the saae construction methods. Co~oluaioDI The Planning co_ission finds that the proposed seawalls will be visually compatible with the character of the surrounding area and will not cause a significant alteration of the natural character of the bluff face. c. (5) The proposed device/activity will not serve to unnecessarily restrict or reduce the existing beach width for us. or access. .ao1;8 1 The walls are approximately two feet in depth and are placed at or near the toe of the bluff in front of the Mtbject properties. cd/JK/RPC95046 (3-9-95) 7 Di.aua.ioDI The design of the sea walls places them as close as is practical to the toe of the bluff in order to maximize their effectiveness. The wall generally follows the bluff configuration. The actual depth of the seawalls is a maxiJBUlB of two feet. ,Thus, the walls will result in an insignificant amount of encroachment to the public areas of the beach. CODcluaioDI The Planning Commission finds that the seawalls would not serve to unnecessarily restrict or reduce the existing beach width for use or access. d. No preemptive .easure at the base of the bluff or along the beach shall be approved until a comprehensive plan is adopted as Council policy for such preeaptive treaa.ent, for at least the corresponding contiguous portion of the COastal bluff. Preemptive .easurea approved thereafter shall be consistent with adopted plan. Di.au.aioDI The Planninq Commission approved the sea walla on August 26, 1993, based upon the determination that the emergency nature of the structures to be constructed on the site precluded a coaprehensive plan froa being adopted as policy by City Council for this specific site. CoDcla.ioD: The Planning Commission finds that the proposed modification to Major Uae Permit 93-070 does not significantlY alter the nature of the oriqinal approval (per Resolution PC-93- 21), nor significantly modify any conditions of approval. cd/JIC/RPC95046 (3-9-95) 8 AftAOlillBft "C" USOL1J'1'IOB RO. 1tC-95-07 Applicant: Auerbach, et. ale Ca.. No.: 95-046 MUP/MOD Subject: Conditions of approval for a Major Us. Permit aodification to allow construction of sea wall at the base of the coastal bluff and upper bluff retention devices. Location: 312,370,378,386,396, and 402 Neptune Avenue I. SP8C%I'IC OORDI~IO. - Unless expressly aodified' or deleted herein, all conditions and restrictions specified in Major Use ~rmit 93-070 (Resolution PC-93-21), includinq de.ign, construction and appearance of the walls, shall reaain in full force and effect for all properties listed above. cd/JK/RPC95046 (3-9-95) 9