1997-27 RESOLUTION NO. PC-97-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT MODIFICATION AND COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE STRUCTURES FOR A TEMPORARY CLUBHOUSE, A G.oLF CART STORAGE BUILDING, AND A MAINTENANCE BUILDING WITIßN THE ENCINITAS RANCH GOLF COURSE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE ENCINITAS RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AREA (APN: 254-200-35 and 257-010-34; Case No. 97-058 DR-MOD) WHEREAS, an application for consideration of a Design Review Pennit Modification and Coastal Development Pennit request was filed by Carltas Company / Bret Berry to allow for the construction of three structures within the 180 acre Encinitas Ranch Golf Course for properties located in the North Mesa Planning Area of the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was conducted by the Planning Commission on May 8, 1997 and all those desiring to speak did speak; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered, without limitation: 1. The Agenda Report for the May 8, 1997 meeting; 2. The General Plan, Zoning Code, Local Coastal Program, the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan and associated Land Use Maps; 3. Oral evidence submitted at the hearing by staff, by the applicant and by the public; 4. Written evidence submitted with the application and at the public hearing; and 5. The application, plans and supporting material dated received by the City on March 14, 1997. Said plans consisting of 12 sheets, including: (1) Cover Sheet; (2) The Site Plan for the Clubhouse and Golf Cart Structures; (3) The Elevation Drawing of the Golf Cart Structure; (4) The Floor Plan and Roof Plan of the Golf Cart Structure; (5) General Notes; (6) The Site Plan for the Clubhouse and Golf Cart Structure; (7) The Floor Plan and Roof Plan of the Clubhouse; (8) The Elevation Drawings of the Clubhouse; (9) Cover Sheet; (10) The Site Plan of the Maintenance Storage Yard and Maintenance Building; (11) The Elevation Drawings of the Maintenance Building; and (12) The Floor Plan of the Maintenance Building. In addition, color elevation drawings on 8 1/2 by 11 sheets, a mounted color and cdIcro/f:97 -o58pc l.doc( 5-8-97) material boards, and samples of siding and roof materials were submitted with the application request to the Community Development Department. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made the following findings pursuant to Chapters 23.08 (Design Review) and 30.80 (Coastal Development Permit) of the Encinitas Municipal Code: (SEE EXHIBIT II 1 ") , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Encinitas that application No. 97-058 DR-MOD/CDP is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: A. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. The project is approved as submitted and evidenced by plans dated received by the City on March 14, 1997 (as described above) and shall not be altered without City approval or as conditioned herein. 2. This approval may be appealed to the City Council within 15 calendar days nom the date of this approval in accordance with Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code. 3. This Design Review approval shall be valid for two years ftom the effective date of the pennit (to May 8, 1999), during which time construction of the approved structure( s) shall be pursued in conformance with the Uniform Building Code to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director; or as may be extended pursuant to the Municipal Code. B. SITE DEVELOPMENT: The property owner/developer shall contact the Community Development Department regarding compliance with the following conditions: 1. All required landscape plantings pursuant to Design Review Pennit 95-299 shall be in place prior to use or occupancy of new buildings or structures. All required plantings and automated irrigation systems shall be maintained in good growing and working condition and, whenever necessary, shall be replaced with new plant materials or irrigation parts to ensure continued compliance with applicable landscaping, buffering, and screening requirements. All landscaping and irrigation systems shall be maintained in a manner that will not depreciate adjacent property values and otherwise adversely affect adjacent properties. All irrigation pipes shall be located underground except for drip irrigation systems. 2. All exterior lights within the project and in landscaped areas shall be provided with shields to prevent light glare nom being visible above the horizontal plane of the bottom of the light source. cdIcroIf:97-oS8pcl.doc(S-8-97) - 3. Due to the "temporary" nature of the Clubhouse struct\u'e, if within five years of this approval, application for Design Review Modification of this pennit is not submitted for a permanent Clubhouse, an agenda item shall be placed before the Planning Commission to discuss the timing for such an application to be submitted . to the Community Development Department. 4. Property owners shall agree to preserve and save harmless the City of Encinitas and each officer and employee thereof nom any accident, loss, or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as the proximate result of any of the work undertaken to complete this project, and that all of said liabilities are hereby assumed by the property owner. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT: The property owner/ developer shall contact the Fire Department regarding compliance with the following conditions: 1. ACCESS ROADWAYS: Since the Clubhouse structure is more than 150 feet &om a fire apparatus roadway, one of three options shall be submitted on Building Permit development plans: (a) Vehicle access is moved closer to the structure, or (b) The structure is moved closer to the fire access roadway, or (c) The structure is provided an automated sprinkler system to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. Fire apparatus access roadways shall have an unobstructed paved width of not less than twenty-four (24) feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Emergency access roadways, when required, shall be properly identified pursuant to Fire Department standards. 2. ADDRESS NUMBERS: Address numbers shall be placed in a location that will allow them to be clearly visible &om the street &onting the structure. The height of numbers shall conform to Fire Department standards. Note: Where structures are located off a roadway on long driveways, a monument marker shall be placed at the entrance where the driveway (or private road) intersects the main roadway. Permanent address numbers shall be affixed to this marker. 3. FIRE HYDRANTS AND FLOWS: The property owner/developer shall submit a letter ftom the Encinitas Fire Department to the Community Development Department stating the Fire Department's satisfaction with the type, number and location of fire hydrants. A letter &om the water agency serving the area shall be provided to the Fire Department which states that the required fire flow is available. Fire hydrants shall be of a bronze type. A two-sided blue reflective road marker shall be installed on the road surface to indicate the location of the fire hydrant for approaching fire apparatus. 4. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: The Golf Cart structure shall be protected by automatic fire sprinkler systems installed to the satisfaction of the Encinitas Fire Department. cdIcroIf:97 -o58pc l.doc( 5-8-97) 5. FEES: Prior to Final Occupancy, the property owner/develriper shall submit to the Community Development Department a letter &om th~ Fire Department stating that all development impact, plan check and/or cost recovery fees have been paid or secured to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. D. BUILDING DIVISION: The property owner/developer shall contact the Building Division regarding compliance with the following condition: The applicant shall submit a complete set of construction plans to the Building Division for plancheck processing. The submittal shall include a Soils/Geotechnical Report, structural calculations, and state energy compliance documentation (Title 24). Construction plans shall include a site plan, a foundation plan, a floor ftaming plan, a floor plan, section details, exterior elevations, and materials specifications. Submitted plans must show compliance with the latest adopted editions of the California Building Code (The Uniform Building Code with California Amendments, the California Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Code). These comments are preliminary only. A comprehensive plancheck will be completed prior to permit issuance and additional technical code requirements may be identified and changes to the originally submitted plans may be required. E. SAN DIEGUITO WATER DISTRICT: The property owner/developer shall contact the San Dieguito Water District regarding compliance with the following condition: Prior to Building Pennit issuance, the owner/developer shall submit to the San Dieguito Water District (SDWD) a Site Plan showing the location of all dry utilities and utility crossings. No utilities are to be installed within the District's easements without the District's prior approval. All public and private utilities crossing SDWD easements will require cement slurry encasements as part of the District's approval process. The landscaped median for the Clubhouse crosses an existing water line and easement. No trees or structures will be allowed to be placed within this easement. The gate being proposed for the Maintenance Building shall not block access to the water meters and fire hydrant during non working hours. cdIcroIf:97 -o58pc l.doc( 5-8-97) PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of May, 1997, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Jacobson, Wells, Patton, Lanham NAYS: None ABSENT: Bagg ABSTAIN: None Alice Jacobso hair Planning Commission, City of Encinitas - ~~t-- A Sandra L.'Holder Secretary cdIcroIf:97 -oS8pc l.doc(S-8-97) EXHIBIT" 1 " Resolution PC-97-27 Findings for Design Review Approval Pursuant to SectiOD 23.08.07~ and Section 3O.16.010B7d of the Municipal Code Standard: An application for Design Review Pennit shall be approved unless findings' of fact are made based upon the information presented in the application or during the deliberations which support one or more of the regulatory conclusions contained in Section 23.08.072 (et. seq.) of the Municipal Code. 1) The project design is inconsistent with the General Plan, a Specific Plan or the provisions of the Municipal Code. lam: The subject property was approved for the Golf Course pursuant to the approval of the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan and the Design Review Pennit Modification request is consistent with that approval. Discussion: No aspect of the submitted project which does not comply with Zoning Code standards, General Plan Policies or the requirements of the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan has been identified. Conclusion: The Planning Commission finds, therefore, that the design of the project conforms to the policies and standards of the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Municipal Code, and the provisions of the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan. 2) The project design is substantially inconsistent with the Design Review Guidelines. Elm: The project design provides structures which conform to the site design layout of the approved Golf Course design (Case No. 95-299 DR), the building designs provide architectural accents and relief and the structures are situated to provide privacy and security. Discussion: The project design is consistent with the intent of the Design Guidelines in that buildings and landscaping are well planned within the golf course to take advantage of the site without intruding on the privacy of neighboring property. Conclusion: Therefore, the Commission finds that the project design is consistent with the intent of the Design Review Guidelines. 3) The project design would adversely affect the health, safety, or general welfare of the community . cdIcroIf:97 -o58pc l.doc( 5-8-97) lam: The project design is consistent with the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan. All utility services are available or can be extended to the site. Discussion: No evidence to indicate that the project design would adversely affect the health, safety, or general welfare of the community has been found. Conclusion: Therefore, the Commission finds that the project design will not adversely affect the health, safety or general welfare of the surrounding community. 4) The project would tend to cause the surrounding neighborhood to depreciate materially in appearance or value. lam: The project design tends to be compatible with the style of similar structures within other golf course complexes and the locations of the structures are separated &om any surrounding residential development by the golf course area. Discussion: No evidence to indicate that the project would materially depreciate the appearance or value of the immediate neighborhood has been found. Conclusion: Therefore, the Commission fmds that the project will not adversely depreciate the appearance or value of the immediate neighborhood or surrounding community. cdlcrolf:97 -o58pcl.doc( 5-8-97) Findings Punuant to Section 30.80.090 (Coastal Development Permits) of the EnciDitas Municipal Code A. The proposed project is consistent with the certified Local. Coastal Program of the City of Encinitas. lam: Adherence to the City's General Plan Policies, Municipal Code development standards and/or Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan development standards addresses Coastal Zone issues. The project is located in an area which would not preclude access to the coastal resources of the City. Discussion: The property is zoned Public / Semi-Public (P/SP) by the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan and the golf course is a permitted use within this zoning classification. The subject structures are ancillary to the permitted use. Conclusion: Therefore, the Planning Commission finds the proposed project to be consistent with the certified Local Coastal Program of the City of Encinitas since the project conforms with all Specific Plan standards and General Plan Policies consistent with the certified Local Coastal Program of the City of Encinitas. B. The proposed development conforms with Public Resources Code Section 21000 and following (CEQA) and there are no feasible mitigation measures or feasible alternatives which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impact that the activity may have on the environment. lam: Mitigation measures were established by the program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Specific Plan. Discussion: The mitigation measures established by the Specific Plan program EIR are being implemented as the phased development of the 857 acre Encinitas Ranch Specific occurs. Revegetation of sensitive biological plant species is occurring on-site and off-site acquisition of habitat has occurred with additional acquisition currently being pursued. The subject project would have no impact on sensitive habitat, wetland areas, or other sensitive resources. Conclusion: Therefore, the Planning Commission finds that the project will not impose any significant environmental impacts which will not be reduced to a level below significance by the required mitigation measures established by the program EIR. C. If the property is located between the sea or other body of water and the nearest public road, approval shall include the specific finding that the proposed development is in confonnity with the public access and public recreation policies of Section 30200 (et seq.) of the Coastal Act. cdIcroIf:97 -oS8pc l.doc(S-8-97) IJWI: The property is not located between the sea or other body of water and the nearest public road. cdIcroIf:97 -OS8pc l.doc(5-8-97)