2000-067 Cafeteria Plan RESOLUTION NO. 2000-67 A PERSONNEL RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE AGREEMENT THAT ADJUSTS THE CAFETERIA PLAN CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT FOR 2001 FOR ELIGIBLE CITY OF ENCINITAS EMPLOYEES IN CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE BARGAINING UNIT REPRESENTED BY SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Encinitas that the cafeteria plan contribution amount for each qualifying full-time employee of the City of Encinitas represented by Local 2028 of the Service Employees International Union shall be $480 per month effective January 1, 2001. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Encinitas does hereby adopt the attached agreement with the Service Employees International Union. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Eneinitas, State of California, on the 13th day of September, 2000, by the following vote: AYES: Bond, Cameron, DuVivier, Guerin, HOlz. NAYES: None. /%. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. Chuck DuVivier, Mayor ATTEST: Deborah Cervone, City Clerk · TENTATIVE AL;l vtr. - Resolution Attachment A ]B,.r..ce-- 2001Reopener 2000-67 Employer Con~'ibutions to the Cafetefi~lexible Benefi~ PI~ ~e pmies to ~is AG~EMENT are the Semce Employees Ntemational Union, Local 2028 (Union) ~d the Ci~ of Encinim ~d S~ Die~ito Water Disffict (CiW). ~cle 15. C. of ~e Memomdm of Unde~md~g be~een ~e p~ pmvid~ ~t · e Union may el~t to reo~n negotiations a~ut employer conffibufio~ to Cafetefi~lexible Benefit PI~ should the average monthly cost of medical ~d dental ~s~ce incm~e above $425 for 2001. ~e Ciw ~ provided notice to ~e Union ~at · e average money cost of m~ical ~d dental ~ce for 2001 ~11 be $~5. -. Cons~uenflY, ~e Union h~ clued m r~pen negotiations over ~e Ci~'s con~bufions .~..~ fo~.200i to ~ Cafetefi~lexible Benefit PI~. NOW, ~FO~, ~ P~S ~TO AGUE AS FOLLOWS: resolution. U~n approv~ of Ci~ ~ci~ ~l~afion of ~e pm~sio~ of ~ a~m~t ~g~ wi~ ~ pay ~d~ ~at includ~ Ja~ 1, 2ffil. ' · c~t Mcmor~dm ofUnd~8 ~ l~g¢ for ~cle 15. A., ~cle ]5. C., md · ' ' ~}~}~ Memo~d~ of Unde~ · ~': 3~g~g jafiu.~ 1, 2001 ~e Ci~ of EncOre ~1 provide a '~cxible Benefit p~. wi~ a ~' v~uc crc~t for ~c p~h~c of q~lified bc~c~U ~ ~c ~o~t of $5,~60 ~ ~. .~ Jauua~ 1, 2002 ~c Ci~ of Enc~ shall provide a "Flexible B~cfit Fl~" wi~ · c~ value ~ 'for ~c p~h~e of qualified bcncfiU ~ ~e ~o~t of at I~I $~,820 ~r ~. ~cg~g Janua~ 1, ,i~ ~..~ ~:' 2003 ~ Ci~ of ~c~im shall pmvida a "Flaxible B~nefit PI~" wi~ a c~h valu~ c~dit for p~ch~e of q~lifl~ benefim ~ ~ ~o~t of at l~t $5,880 ~ y*~. :4. ~ h ~* ,v~t notic~ is ~ceiv~ d~g 2001 ~at ~e avemg~ mon~ly co~ of m*dical md den~l i~ce will incre~ abow $470 for ~e follow~g ye~ (2~2), ~e U~on elecl to r~open ~ me~t ~d confer process for ~ sol~ p~ose of detem~g ~e doll~ mo~t (if ~y) of additional cost ~ employ~ will con~bute to ~ach ~mploy~'s flexible ben,fit plm c~h valu~ c~dit for ~e p~ch~e of qualified benefit. ~ ~e event notice is received dmng 2~2 awrag* mon~ly cost of medical ~d den~l i~ce will ~c~ above $475 for ~ follow~g y~ (2~3), ~e Union may elect to ~n ~ meet ~d confer proCeSS for ~ sola p~os~ of ~, doll~ ~o~ (if ~y) of ad~6onal cost ~ ,mployer will con,bum to each ~mployee's flexibla ~n~fit plm c~h value c~dit for ~ p~ch~e of q~lified benefim. ~* Union m~t provide nofic~ to ~* Ci~ of ~t~mst ~ r~pening on ~is issu~ wi~ fo~e~n calen~ days of b,~g of ~ ml~ ~cre~e. ' CI~ OF SERVICE EMPLOYES : ENC~TAS ~TION~ ~ON